Not E511 Again, Dan...
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Not E511 Again, Dan!! The Return 9/18-9/26 !?! It's great event, no?

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Yeah.  I had to send Geri some virtual Tylenol last week, 'cause I made her brain hurt trying to figure out what E511 was saying about the New Age.  Sincerely sorry again, sister Geri.  Neither you nor any other RITAN is going to be looked down on because you don't want to watch this new E511 (Ephesians 5:11) video.  The only thing is, our first quiz up there in a couple weeks might be writing a short essay characterizing the New Age deception before you get dessert. :unsure:   So brush up here. :yes:

To cut the time in half watching this, turn on captioning / auto-generated, and set the playback speed to 2x.  It's still quite easy to follow.  By the way, those playback settings really help JD Farag.


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A pretty good video that explains the New Age/Dominionist plan. E511 Ministries is definitely on to something.

However, he errs at about the 1:16:00 mark when he says that when the Rapture doesn’t happen, there is going to be a great falling away. For all this guy gets right, he subscribes to a mid trib/pre wrath/post trib mindset.

He also is adamant that revival is not going to happen. Contrary to his beliefs, revival is happening right now. 6 million Africans are leaving Islam and coming to faith in Jesus Christ every year. Indonesia will be 50% Christian by 2030 at current growth rates. Even under harsh persecution, the church in China is thriving. The church in Iran and Afghanistan are flourishing and are the fastest growing churches in the world.

I think he is too Amerocentric. Just because the church in America is going down the tubes (30% of Christians supposedly don’t even believe Jesus is God) doesn’t mean God isn’t working powerfully in other parts of the earth.

My 2 cents, anyway.

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LOL ... what a way to entice me to watch because if I fail the test in heaven ... I can’t have desserts?!!! :mdrmdr:    Ok, Dan, I’m viewing the youtube for another torture session. :wacko:   Got half way thru ... those two 3-D cyber Advil pills didn’t work so I’m taking a mini break to eat breakfast.  Then will go back to view the rest.

Some of the stuff he mentions were in the DVD’s I used to watch.  “Eye of the Phoenix”

which has Alice Bailey, Manly Hall, etc. quoting their dogma of Age of Enlightenment, Age of Aquarius and bringing in their antichrist.  They didn’t mention the Q in this old DVD ... either that group wasn’t formed yet or they still wanted to keep it a secret? :unsure:

Not shocked about Kenneth Copeland being part of this movement.  He always creeped me out with his satanic eyes time in the store I turned over one of his books to glance at the back cover and it had the Bible with the compass and protractor in the pic.   Seriously do you need math tools to study the Bible?  RED flag alert he is a mason.

I’m shocked though about Jonathan Cahn being involved in this “enlightenment Q group”.  My aunt sometimes would visit his church when he wrote the Harbinger book - she thought he seemed sound at the time.  Even went on tour trip to Israel ... I think it was with his church ... she used to hook up with a few churches that were going on tours to the Holy Land.  One time she got stuck in a group with Benni Hinn. That guy had such a big mouth - kept interrupting the bus driver and people got so annoyed they finally told him to shut up since we didn’t pay money to hear him.  Not a peep from him on the rest of that trip. :mdrmdr:

When he talks about tyranny and making America great again, I immediately thought of  D. James Kennedy ... pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale ... his later sermons were focused  on this subject week after week - making the world a better place, and claimed the world is getting better and would even have guest speakers like David Barton.  David Barton message morphed into a history channel show while he elevated our founding fathers and claimed they were believers “In God we Trust”.  But having studied masonry I knew better and certainly the world is NOT getting better.  One of my cousins would soak up the lies on that program and we would have arguments about the founding fathers ... I was trying to get him to study masonry and see the deception and that we were lied to but he didn’t want to hear the truth.  We know at least Washington, Franklin, Madison, Monroe were into Masonic junk and many of those who drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were not Christians but Deists. And we have Thomas Jefferson who created his own “Bible” so he could removed Jesus and His blood from it. :negative: I heard Bill Clinton used the Jefferson Bible when he was sworn into office.  The only person I know off hand that was a genuine Christian was Patrick Henry.  I hope there were more.  But lets face it ... down thru the centuries it was always just a small remnant of believers.  Jesus said “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Yes, America was founded on Christian principles ... but it wasn’t just the Pilgrims and Puritans that came over on the boat for religious freedom.  Everything under the sun came over too.  It’s a melting pot.  Yes, the Lord blessed America because of the Christians who prayed and were involved in mission work and sending the Gospel out and second we are friends with Israel and housed them after WW2.  But once the rapture happens and the Jews flee and go back to Israel ... America will be burnt toast and will be judged like the rest of the world. The shining light during the tribulation will be Jerusalem as the 2 witnesses and 144,000 preach the Gospel to this lost and dying world.

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As far as Cahn goes,  I think E511 sometimes attacks the wrong people.  I don't always agree with Cahn but I don't think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Copeland?  That guy is definitely bad,  bad news.


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This video induces me to challenge my own commitment since my youth to "...truth, justice, and the American way."   (Superman)   Patriotism feels good and right to me, and always will.

It's interesting to consider from the beginning of time that vengeance was / is God's domain.  And in Matthew 5:5 we read,  “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."  and Matthew 5:28-38 about non-retaliation and love for our enemies starkly contrasts my own strong even current desire to kick back at the tyranny being perpetrated worldwide.  Oy vey!  To be duped, or not to be duped.  That is the question.

Patriotism, I conclude, is not New Age deception.  I have my head screwed on right, I'm pretty sure.  So although I am happy to again consider the E511 proposals about the nature, validity, history, and evolution of the New Age deception, even with some gratitude for many of the viewpoints, I'm pretty sure I can see a sinker on the line, so I'm not biting hard on this hook.  Just a little nibble.  The truth shall set me free.  Jesus is the Truth.

Maybe in a few weeks up there I'll understand more of the fine points about what, how, when, where, and how many times I was duped in my lifetime.  And I'll be glad Jesus saved me every time and forgave me for not always loving my enemies.

Oh, I just solved my quandary about being meek.  We are all going to become meek!  And lowly in heart!  Yeaaa!


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Yeah, there's definitely a baby / bathwater dilemma here.  I guess we always need to remember how to spell DISCERNment.  Snake oil re Copeland -- I agree...

And in my opinion there are points made in this video, with doubtful conclusions drawn or implied, by snippets taken out of context.  Dana Coverstone, for example.

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I used to love to watch the old 1950’s Superman episodes back in the 1970’s and 1980’s on Saturday afternoons. Not so much the remake 1990’s version with Dean Cain ... they couldn’t match the original Classic ones - not by a long shot.

I hear ya about patriotism ... after studying masonry my eyes were open and I no longer enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July - wearing red/white/blue t-shirt, going to parades, cook-outs, shopping and later fireworks.  My perception all changed.  Don’t get me wrong I’m still thankful to have been born in America and live in this free country but my hope isn’t in any politician or president.  The entire planet is under the devil’s world system ... Adam lost his leadership role when he sinned and satan gained control at that point. He tried to offer all the kingdoms to Jesus to get Him to sin and worship him. Thankfully Jesus rebuke satan and satan’s rulering days are soon over.

Luke 4:5-8

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

By having the mindset this isn’t our home we are just pilgrims passing thru and have a shiny home on a hill waiting for us makes this life right now less appealing.

Hebrew 11:16

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

