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Patricia N.
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Japan Faces the Islamization Threat: Lessons from Sweden’s Decline (Video):

Japan stands at a crossroads: either defend its cultural integrity from the growing Islamic threat, or face the same societal disintegration, cultural erasure, and dominance by foreign ideologies that have plunged Sweden into chaos.

Japan, a nation renowned for its cultural homogeneity, deep-seated traditions, and historical harmony, now faces a rising existential threat. The growing Muslim population, fueled by immigration and intermarriage, signals the beginning of what could be a cultural undoing. The lessons from Sweden—once one of Europe’s most cohesive, successful, civilized, and secure societies—serve as a major warning. Islam’s rapid growth in Japan threatens to disrupt the delicate social fabric that has held this country together for centuries.

Over the last 20 years, Japan’s Muslim population has skyrocketed from a mere 10,000-20,000 in 2000 to over 200,000 today—a tenfold increase in just two decades. Once rare, mosques now litter the landscape of urban centers, with over 110 mosques currently operating across the country. This is not organic growth; this is an imported phenomenon driven by open immigration policies, foreign-funded religious establishments, and an increasing number of intermarriages. 

Sweden is a cautionary tale of what happens when Islamic migration is allowed to spiral out of control. Once renowned for its peaceful, cohesive society, Sweden is now a country grappling with skyrocketing crime rates, segregated no-go zones, and the rise of a parallel Islamic culture that actively rejects integration. What began as a seemingly compassionate immigration policy has metastasized into societal chaos—Sharia courts, the erosion of women’s rights and safety, and the steady suppression of Sweden’s indigenous cultural norms.  Meanwhile, the ethnic Swedes leaving their homeland are fleeing a country that increasingly feels alien to its own people.

For Japan, the lesson is clear: Sweden’s collapse was not inevitable; it was a choice. By ignoring the incompatibilities between Islamic practices and Western values, Sweden prioritized multiculturalism over the well-being of its own citizens. Japan must not make the same mistake. The unchecked influx of Islamic migrants risks eroding Japan’s cultural unity and societal stability, just as it has done in Sweden.

As seen in Europe, Islamic communities do not merely coexist; they reshape their host societies. In Sweden, Muslims have demanded halal-only menus in schools, the abolition of Christmas celebrations, and taxpayer-funded mosques.

Islamic migration, or hijrah, is not a passive phenomenon. It is a calculated strategy to spread Islam and establish dominance, as outlined in the Hadith: “I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with to assemble, to listen, to obey, to emigrate, and to wage jihad for the sake of Allah.” This is not interpretation; this is Islamic doctrine.

Japan stands at a pivotal moment. It can either preserve its unique cultural identity or succumb to the same fate as Sweden—a nation now unrecognizable due to its failure to confront the realities of Islamic migration. The stakes are high, and the time to act is now. Islam’s arrival in Japan is not just a religious phenomenon; it is a cultural and ideological challenge that the nation must face head-on. Without swift and decisive action, Japan’s harmonious society risks being dismantled, one mosque at a time.   

Patricia N.
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Erik Prince on Sunday Morning Futures: The US has “No Means” to Shoot Down Russia’s Mach 9 Hypersonic Ballistic Missiles that Were Just Fired on Ukraine:

Erik Prince joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Erik Prince is a former Navy SEAL officer and founder of Blackwater Private Military Company.

During their discussion, Prince pointed out how Russia changed the game this past week following the taunting of the US and NATO attacks inside the Russian borders.

According to Prince, the US has “no means” to shoot down Russia’s Mach 9 hypersonic missile like the one that was fired into Ukraine last week!

Americans better wake up!

Erik Prince:There’s no good outcome to this war. It needs to de-escalate and be done. There’s no chance that Ukraine is going to retake its land, the Donetsk, the Luhansk, the areas in the east, certainly not the Crimea.

It’s been a fool’s errand for the last year and a half, and all we’re doing is wiping out the next generations of Ukrainian men, and Russian men, for that matter.

Imagine if there was this border clash with Mexico, and there were Russian-provided weapons being fired inside the United States. There’s no way we would tolerate that. This needs to be wound down soon. I really hope President Trump can get on it literally from day one. I wish they could do pre-meetings, but even the way the Democrats pulled the whole Russiagate nonsense in 2016, I’m sure the Trump administration is hesitant to have that level of contact, but they need to because clearly Biden, is not ready to run for President again, not mentally up to the job. And clearly, Kamala Harris is not up to the job. This needs to be brought to an end by adults. Enough.

Maria Bartiromo:Why was Biden doing what he did, authorizing these long-range missiles, while he’s almost out the door?

Erik Prince:To me, it’s like a drowning man grabbing at any rope that might be available to them thinking that it might somehow push the Russians to play nicer or something. There is really no practical reason.

...It was a reminder by the Russians, We can smack you anywhere with nukes, and maybe that’s what’s coming next. This is not a game that needs to be played any longer. It is grossly irresponsible.

Patricia N.
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'No uterus, no opinion' is a lie: Why pro-lifers win if they embrace men:

Feminists and pro-abortionists alike continue to stamp abortion as a women’s rights issue, justifying it by touting, “My body, my choice,” “Restore women’s reproductive rights,” and “No uterus, no opinion.”  But this messaging leaves out a crucial part of the conversation: Fathers.

We know post-abortive women are more susceptible to struggle with substance abuse, depression, and even suicide. But what about the men?

In an article titled, "'The Hollow Men': Male Grief & Trauma Following Abortion,” Dr. Vincent Rue found in a preliminary study that four in 10 men experience chronic post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, which occurred roughly 15 years after their partners had an abortion.

The sexual revolution in the 1960s and the 1970s birthed the idea that abortion would be “safe, legal, and rare.” But instead, abortion became common, easily accessible, and the biggest form of birth control. Men and women were then “liberated” to have sex whenever, wherever, and with whomever after Roe v. Wade became the status quo in 1973. Pregnant? No problem.

Medical News Today examined a five-year survey asking women why they sought an abortion. Approximately 40% of them said the reason was financial, while 36% said it was timing and 31% said it was based on their partner situation. In another study, Care Net found nearly four in 10 (38%) women indicated the father of the baby was the most influential factor on whether or not they would seek an abortion.

Another study found that nearly 74% of women who have had an abortion felt some kind of pressure to get one.

Abortion decisions primarily boil down to the father and whether or not he’ll support the mother and his child financially, emotionally, and physically (even if he never marries her). It doesn’t help that the majority of women (85.5%) who get abortions are unmarried, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

An ally in the pro-life movement told me recently that after visiting hundreds of pregnancy help centers across the country, he found the number-one reason women sought an abortion was because of the father’s lack of support and involvement.

Out of the over 63 million babies aborted since Roe v. Wade, imagine how many women would have chosen life if the father had stepped up and taken responsibility for his child.

It’s cowardly, unmanly, and selfish to abandon the mother of your baby as well as your own flesh and blood at the altar of sexual and childless “freedom.” Boys don’t take responsibility for their actions, but real men do.

Sexual “freedom” has been more costly to men, women, and, ultimately, children than our culture admits.   

Patricia N.
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Leftists ‘Went Ballistic’: Where in the Civilized West It’s Illegal to Say Abortion is a ‘Cause of Death:

In France, part of the so-called civilized West, human rights and freedom have been protected for generations, but that nation apparently has exited that group.

Because it now has censored speech to the point it is illegal to say that abortion, which causes the death of the unborn every single time the process fulfills its goal, is a “cause of death.”

He explained a presenter on CNEWS., which is owned by Catholic businessman Vincent Bolloré, recently broadcast a graphic on the causes of death that put abortion on top, with 73 million deaths worldwide each year.

Cancer was ranked second at 10 million and smoking followed at 6.2 million.

Turley pointed out Arcom, the French media regulators, immediately “imposed a fine of 100,000 euros and compelled CNEWS to apologize on the air. It was the full monty of censorship, combining a penalty with compelled speech. Arcom found that the network had failed its ‘obligation of honesty and rigor in the presentation and processing of information.’ It declared that ‘Abortion cannot be presented as a cause of death.'”

That, Turley noted, is in spite of the obvious, that “many people around the world view abortion as the death of a human being.”

But leftists “went ballistic,” and now in France “It is now a violation of law to call abortion a cause of death.”   

Patricia N.
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Walmart Announces Roll Back of Woke DEI Policies:

Following intense pressure from conservative activists and common-sense Americans, Walmart has announced it will “roll back” its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies.

Activist Robby Starbuck made the announcement on X, sharing,  “the biggest win yet for our movement to end wokeness in corporate America” and shares some of what Walmart has committed to:

• Surveys: Walmart will no longer participate in the HRC’s woke Corporate Equality Index.

• Products: Monitor the Walmart marketplace to identify and remove inappropriate sexual and / or transgender products marketed to children.

• Funding of Grants: Review all funding of Pride, and other events, to avoid funding inappropriate sexualized content targeting kids.

• Equity: We will not extend the Racial Equity Center which was established in 2020 as a special five-year initiative.

• Supplier Diversity: We will evaluate supplier diversity programs and ensure they do not provide preferential treatment and benefits to suppliers based on diversity. We don’t have quotas and won’t going forward. Financing eligibility will no longer be predicated on providing certain demographic data.

• LatinX: Walmart will no longer use the term in official communications.

• Trainings: Walmart will discontinue racial equity training through the Racial Equity Institute.

• DEI: Walmart will discontinue the use of DEI as a term while ensuring a respectful and supportive environment. Our focus is on Belonging for ALL associates and customers.
Additionally, Walmart will no longer consider race and gender as a litmus test to improve diversity when it offers supplier contracts. The company said it didn’t have quotas and will not do so going forward. It won’t be gathering demographic data when determining financing eligibility for those grants.
Patricia N.
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‘Bunker Plan’: Germany to Rediscover How Many Bomb Shelters it Still Has in Case War Comes:

Germany is working on a ‘bunker plan’ including a smartphone app to direct citizens to the nearest shelter in case of an emergency, a report claims, after Russian President Putin said he reserved the right to bomb the allies of Ukraine.

The Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe — it really rolls off the tongue — better known as the BKK or the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance has embarked on a project to figure out where the country’s remaining bomb shelters are and how many are still fit for use. As well as now long-neglected facilities designed for the purpose officials will also be looking at the potential to convert subway stations, government buildings, and even private basements, a report in newspaper Bild asserts.

Chillingly, in a message to NATO states which have supplied Ukraine with long range precision strike weapons being used to hit military targets inside Russia itself, Putin said: “We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons against the military facilities of those countries that allow their weapons to be used against our facilities.”

The BKK is now, it is reported, discovering how many of the old shelters still exist in serviceable condition and which could be pressed back into service in a crisis, and how many other new spaces could be converted if need be. The work will doubtless have learnt much from the Ukrainian experience, where many shelters from the relentless Russian air raids that exist now have been established in converted spaces meant for other purposes.

The national survey will assess the structural condition of locations including their doors and ventilation systems. Private and public property including underground garages, subway stations, government buildings, and basements are to be surveyed in what has been called a “major project” that is expected to take a considerable period of time to complete.

Indeed, the lack of provision of bomb shelter places across Ukraine in the early months of the invasion became a major scandal in Ukraine as people were killed after being unable to reach a bunker in time, or because what was available locally when the war broke out wasn’t actually bomb-proof at all.
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@patrician that's scary!

Patricia N.
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Massive Fine for Town for ‘Violating Human Rights’ by NOT Celebrating LGBT ‘Pride Month’!

‘An Orwellian sounding group if there ever was one believes that LGBT people have the human right to a whole month celebrating their sex lives, and if a tiny town doesn’t agree they have to pay a fine to an LGBT rights group and extort their mayor to pay half.’

A town has been ordered by a “human rights” court to pay an LGBT activist group $10,000, including $5,000 from the mayor’s personal bank account, for not celebrating the alternative lifestyle choices being promoted.

A report at Not the Bee identified the town that offended the LGBT promoters as Emo, Ontario, Canada.

The report explained the LGBT members of Borderland Pride had told the city to proclaim June 2020 as “Pride Month” and fly a rainbow flag for a week.

The town council and mayor did not, however, take up the campaign.

So the organization complained to the Ontario Human Rights Council that members were injured by the town’s lack of cooperation.

“The tribunal, whose rulings are legally binding, has determined that the township must pay Borderland Pride $10,000 and Emo Mayor Harold McQuaker has to provide the group with $5,000 from his personal finances,” the report said.   

Patricia N.
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WATCH: Mass Arrests at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade After It Was Stopped by Anti-Israel Protesters:

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was halted by anti-Israel protesters on Thursday morning.

The protest did not last long, as the NYPD immediately jumped in and began dragging the protesters out of the street and making arrests.

Approximately 20 people were involved in the disruption, which stopped the Ronald McDonald balloon at W. 55th Street and Sixth Avenue.

Loud boos erupted from the crowd as the celebration was halted.

Last year, anti-Israel protesters doused themselves in fake blood and glued their hands to the road.

New York Mayor Eric Adams warned protesters, who he referred to as “Grinches,” against repeating 2023’s antics in a speech on Thanksgiving Eve.

“I really want to take the moment to tell those grinches that believe they are going to disrupt the parade that it is not going to happen,” Adams said. “Just like how we responded last year, we are going to be on top of those who attempt to interrupt the parade in any way possible.”    

Patricia N.
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Evidence of oldest known alphabetic writing unearthed in ancient Syrian city:

What appears to be evidence of some of the oldest alphabetic writing in human history is etched onto finger-length, clay cylinders excavated from a tomb in Syria by a team of Johns Hopkins University researchers.

The writing, which is dated to around 2400 BCE, precedes other known alphabetic scripts by roughly 500 years, upending what archaeologists know about where alphabets came from, how they are shared across societies, and what that could mean for early urban civilizations, according to the researchers.

"Alphabets revolutionized writing by making it accessible to people beyond royalty and the socially elite. Alphabetic writing changed the way people lived, how they thought, how they communicated," said Glenn Schwartz, a professor of archaeology at Johns Hopkins University who discovered the clay cylinders. "And this new discovery shows that people were experimenting with new communication technologies much earlier and in a different location than we had imagined before now."

A Near Eastern archaeologist, Schwartz studies how early urban areas developed throughout Syria and how smaller cities emerged in the region. With colleagues from the University of Amsterdam, he co-directed a 16-year-long archaeological dig at Tell Umm-el Marra, one of the first medium-size urban centers that popped up in western Syria.

At Umm-el Marra, the archaeologists uncovered tombs dating back to the Early Bronze Age. One of the best-preserved tombs contained six skeletons, gold and silver jewelry, cookware, a spearhead, and intact pottery vessels. Next to the pottery, the researchers found four lightly baked clay cylinders with what seems to be alphabetic writing on them.

"The cylinders were perforated, so I'm imagining a string tethering them to another object to act as a label. Maybe they detail the contents of a vessel, or maybe where the vessel came from, or who it belonged to," Schwartz said. "Without a means to translate the writing, we can only speculate."

Using carbon-14 dating techniques, researchers confirmed the ages of the tombs, the artifacts, and the writing.

"Previously, scholars thought the alphabet was invented in or around Egypt sometime after 1900 BCE," Schwartz said. "But our artifacts are older and from a different area on the map, suggesting the alphabet may have an entirely different origin story than we thought."

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Hal Lindsey, author of ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’, dies at 95:

Hal Lindsey, who popularized end times theology by connecting biblical prophecy to current and near-future events, died on November 25 at the age of 95. 

Known for his best-selling book 'The Late Great Planet Earth', Lindsey became a household name in America in the 1970s. His works sparked a fervent interest in prophecy and apocalyptic speculations, making him one of the most influential evangelical writers of the 20th century.

Lindsey’s breakthrough came with 'The Late Great Planet Earth', which he co-authored with journalist Carole C. Carlson. The book, which sold an estimated 35 million copies by the end of the century, linked contemporary events to biblical prophecy, asserting that the Apocalypse, including the Rapture, was imminent. It captivated a generation deeply concerned about the Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, and social upheaval.

Born Harold Lee Lindsey in 1929 in Houston, Texas, he was not always focused on religious matters. After serving in the US Coast Guard during the Korean War, Lindsey had a near-death experience while working as a tugboat captain on the Mississippi River. This event led him to seek a deeper spiritual life, culminating in a born-again experience in 1955 after meeting with pastor Robert Thieme of Berachah Church in Houston. Thieme ...introduced Lindsey to the idea that biblical prophecy was unfolding in the present day.

He studied this theology at Dallas Theological Seminary....  Afterward, he joined Campus Crusade for Christ.  In 1970, Zondervan published 'The Late Great Planet Earth', initially as a small Christian release. Within a few years, the book sold over 500,000 copies, attracting mainstream attention.... By the end of the 1970s, 'The Late Great Planet Earth' had sold over 10 million copies, becoming the best-selling nonfiction book of the decade.  ...his lasting legacy remains in the way he reshaped the conversation about prophecy, faith, and the end times for millions of Americans.    

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@patrician   I had always hoped he would not die before, and would get to go in the rapture.

Patricia N.
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I agree.  I hope all those who watch for Christ's return will go in the rapture.  Because it will be the ultimate fulfillment of our hopes and dreams and we want to experience it.
But, either way, we go to heaven.

Paul R
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@terry Yes, me too. Well, now he can be part of our welcoming committee... see you soon Hal!

Perhaps Today
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@terry He just took cuts............

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