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Patricia N.
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Was last week’s aurora borealis a natural phenomenon?

Last week, the UK was treated to a spectacular display in the night sky.  On Thursday, 10 October, the aurora borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, could be seen as far south as Kent and East Anglia

For anyone who has seen the pictures and videos and despite corporate media reporting that it was a “natural phenomenon,” the first question that came to mind was: Was it a natural phenomenon?

Being sceptical that last week’s Northern Lights was natural is not unreasonable considering similar spectacular shows in our night skies, worldwide, happened five months ago on 10 May.  By coincidence, or not, HAARP’s aurora switch had been turned on the week before to create “artificial airglows.”

So, were they a natural phenomenon? Perhaps not and this time it could be related to Next Generation Weather Radar (“NEXRAD”) activity.

NEXRAD is a network of 159 high-resolution S-band Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service, the Federal Aviation Administration and the United States Air Force. 

As Jon Fleetwood writes, NEXRAD radar pulses appear to align with the recent aurora borealis sightings.  This raises the question of whether the powerful radar emissions from NEXRAD are influencing the reach and intensity of the Northern Lights.

Observers have noted synchronised radar pulses around recent hurricane paths, sparking theories that these signals could influence storm trajectories.

Now, with recent aurora borealis sightings visible far beyond usual latitudes and coinciding with this same NEXRAD pulse activity, it raises a new question: could the radar pulses somehow be linked to the unusual intensity and southern reach of these auroras?   

Patricia N.
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World Leaders Commit To An Agenda That Lays The Foundation For New ‘Global Governance’:

On September 22nd, world leaders met at the UN Headquarters in New York City. The result was the adoption of the “Pact for the Future,” which lays the final pieces for their “New World Order.”

The “Pact for the Future” is a 56-page document that our leaders just committed us to. The centerpiece of this agreement is designed to “steer humanity on a new course.” This is a global agenda that literally covers just about every aspect of daily life.

This game-changing “Pact for the Future” was overwhelmingly approved except for a small group of seven countries.  ...Russia responded by saying they would “distance themselves from this document.”

You would think an agreement of this magnitude would be the lead on every news broadcast and headline across the globe. However, this news was pretty much ignored by the Mainstream Media, especially here in the West. Most people I have asked have never heard of the “Pact for the Future,” which is interesting because, with this lack of knowledge, there was very little concern about whether or not we should commit to an agenda that lays the foundation for a “New World Order.”

Reading directly from the UN website, this Global Digital Compact (GDC) will:

  • Close all digital divides and deliver an inclusive digital economy
  • Connect all people, schools, and hospitals to the Internet
  • Make digital technologies more accessible and affordable to everyone, including in diverse languages and formats
  • Build an inclusive, open, safe, and secure digital space
  • Promote and facilitate access to independent, fact-based, and timely information to counter mis- and disinformation
  • Establish an international panel on AI and a global AI policy
  • The GDC calls for leveraging digital innovations to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Along with the “Pact for the Future,” the UN also sealed another agreement called “The Declaration on Future Generations.” This is designed to pave the way for a sustainable future. In layman’s terms, our kids and grandkids will not be able to reverse or get out of the agreements governments are putting in place today. 

All of this may sound good to some, but let’s not forget this is the same body of decision makers—the UN General Assembly—who just four days earlier, on September 18th, voted to hand the Old City of Jerusalem, home to Judaism’s holiest sites, to what it calls the “State of Palestine.” They voted to remove Jews from Jerusalem! 

According to Scripture, this decision will be their downfall and will end in their own demise. God has said:  “I will bless those who bless you [Israel], and him who dishonors you I will curse” (Genesis 12:3).   

Patricia N.
Posts: 4387
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Another War Threat? North Korea Destroys Key Roads and Rail Links Connecting to South Korea — Threaten Open War if More Drones Appear:

...tensions on the Korean Peninsula hit a new boiling point as North Korea aggressively dismantles critical roads and threatens open war.

South Korea released videos of the explosions on two major cross-border roads—the Gyeongui Line and Donghae Line—connecting the nation to North Korea.

The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) confirmed Tuesday that North Korean forces deployed explosives on these roadways, “presumably to block connection routes” into South Korea, AP reported.

The JCS noted that no direct damage occurred to South Korean forces, but its statement underscored Seoul’s readiness, warning that “North Korean activities are under reinforced surveillance and alert posture in cooperation with the United States, maintaining a state of full readiness.”

South Korea further issued a stark warning that any additional aggression would be met with retaliation, citing “our right to self-defense” if provoked.

The latest round of North Korean saber-rattling is reportedly in response to alleged drone activity from South Korea, which repeatedly dropped propaganda leaflets over its capital, a claim that Seoul has neither confirmed nor denied but firmly stated it would act “if the safety of its citizens is threatened.”     

Patricia N.
Posts: 4387
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Lab-Grown Meat Gets The Boot In Florida: Judge Upholds Ban:

A federal judge has dealt a blow to the burgeoning lab-grown meat industry in Florida. Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker denied a request by California-based UPSIDE Foods, Inc. to block a new state law that bans the sale and manufacturing of "cultivated" meat.

The law, championed by Governor Ron DeSantis and passed earlier this year, makes it a misdemeanor to sell or manufacture meat grown from animal cells in a laboratory setting. UPSIDE Foods, which produces cultivated chicken, argued that the ban is unconstitutional and conflicts with federal regulations on poultry products.

This decision represents a victory for state officials who have raised concerns about the safety and regulation of cultivated meat, despite approvals from the FDA and USDA for UPSIDE Foods' production methods.    

Patricia N.
Posts: 4387
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Drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by 'mother ship' UFO, claims top Pentagon official:

A retired, senior Pentagon official has confirmed that UFO 'mother ships' were spotted 'releasing swarms of smaller craft' — adding further mystery to the still-unexplained intrusions over multiple US military bases.

His statements come amid the release of 50 pages of Air Force records related to provocative 'drone' incursions, that one general calls 'Close Encounters at Langley.'

For at least 17 nights last December, swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at dusk 'moving at rapid speeds' and displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights' penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.

Senior ex-Pentagon security official Chris Mellon told that the episode was 'part of a much larger pattern affecting numerous national security installations.'

'Two of the notable aspects,' he said, 'are the fact our drone signal-jamming devices have proven ineffective and these craft are making no effort to remain concealed.'

'In fact, in some instances,' as Mellon took pains to emphasize, 'it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.'

'It is also a concern that these drones are using frequencies not used by traditional drones,' he [Hoffman] said. [Richard Hoffman, an information technology specialist at the Army's Redstone Arsenal who has worked on projects to counter drone incursions at US military bases noted that solving the mystery poses major technical and bureaucratic hurdles.]

'It rules out commercial drones from within the US, which are regulated.'   

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