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Patricia N.
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England Will Stop Giving Puberty Blockers To Children:

In what’s being called a “landmark decision,” NHS England announced it will no longer prescribe puberty blockers to individuals under age 18 in England at gender identity clinics.

“Puberty blockers aka sterilization drugs will no longer be prescribed to children in Britain, due to potentially severe negative effects,” Elon Musk wrote.

The decision comes after a review found there was “not enough evidence” they are safe or effective.

“England’s National Health Service (NHS) has BANNED puberty blockers for kids because they lack evidence to support the safety and clinical effectiveness. This is a massive win for both child safety and sign that sanity may return,” Robby Starbuck said.

“England just banned puberty blockers in minors – because gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder. Affirming a kid’s confusion isn’t compassion. It’s cruelty. Truth & compassion aren’t in tension, they actually go together,” Vivek Ramaswamy commented.   

Patricia N.
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What Will Happen When They Give The Green Light To Millions Of Radicals To Cause Widespread Chaos All Over America?

Violence and crime are already completely out of control all over the United States.  In fact, you definitely wouldn’t want to be caught in the streets when hordes of our lawless young people are running wild.  If things are this bad already, what is going to happen if the election in November does not go the way that leaders on the left want and they give the green light to millions of radicals to cause widespread chaos all over America?  I think that we got a small preview of what this could look like during the riots of 2020.  Unfortunately, since that time the open border policies of the Biden administration have allowed millions of extremely desperate people to come pouring into this country.  The stage is being set for civil unrest on a scale that we have never seen before, and it certainly isn’t going to take much to push our society over the edge.

Just look at what is happening in New York City.  Crime in the subway system is so bad that Governor Kathy Hochul has decided to call in the National Guard…   Have things gotten so bad that we need to bring in soldiers with guns to keep order on the subways?  Apparently so.  Mass transit crime is also a major problem in Philadelphia, and it is being suggested that the National Guard should be deployed there too…

I thought that dealing with crime was what the police were supposed to do. Unfortunately, police departments in major cities all over the country are now severely underfunded and understaffed.  In Pittsburgh, the situation is so dire that police will no longer respond to calls involving “theft, harassment, criminal mischief, and burglary”

In Oakland, crime is so bad that four out of the five Taco Bell restaurants in the city have completely closed their dining rooms…  It may not be easy for a lot of people to admit, but we are rapidly becoming a third world country.

Theft is absolutely rampant in America today.  Organized retail crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States, and according to CNBC some of these groups actually have very sophisticated facilities that are “indistinguishable from other e-commerce distribution centers”…

Our migration crisis is fueling a growth explosion for criminal gangs all over the nation.

We are already experiencing a crime wave of epic proportions, but I am extremely concerned about what will happen if things go a certain way in November.  If they don’t win the election, leaders on the left may decide to make it very clear that it is time for “civil disobedience” on a massive scale.  I have been warning about civil unrest that would completely and utterly tear this country apart for many years, and I believe that we are now right on the brink of seeing that happen.

Many of our major cities have reached a point where they are literally on the verge of being ungovernable, and America is becoming a little bit more lawless with each passing day.   

Patricia N.
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Breaking Report: Haitian Invasion Threatens Florida Coastline as Gangs Seize Control:

The tranquil shores of Florida face an impending storm as reports emerge of a looming Haitian invasion, driven by the chaotic collapse of governance and the ruthless grip of violent gangs in the Caribbean nation. With thousands set free from prisons and lawlessness gripping the streets of Port-au-Prince, the specter of mass migration looms large, threatening to overwhelm border defenses and reshape the social fabric of southern Florida.

In the wake of a cataclysmic breakdown in Haiti’s government, the prospect of repatriating Haitians has been thrust into uncertainty, casting a dark shadow over efforts to contain the impending crisis. Amidst this turmoil, Miami border officials are bracing themselves for an influx of migrants, forced to confront the grim reality of a nation in the throes of chaos.

The Haitian Crisis Unfolds: As the sun sets on the once-vibrant streets of Port-au-Prince, the grim aftermath of a nation torn apart by violence comes into sharp focus. Reports from ground zero paint a harrowing picture of bodies strewn across the urban landscape, a grim testament to the unchecked power of criminal elements that now hold sway over the country.

The unraveling of Haiti’s social fabric has been swift and merciless, with gangs seizing control of neighborhoods and unleashing a reign of terror upon the populace. The recent release of thousands of inmates from the country’s prisons has only served to exacerbate the chaos, fueling a wave of lawlessness that shows no signs of abating.

Miami Braces for Impact: As the first rays of dawn break over the horizon, Miami finds itself on the frontline of a battle for survival. Border officials scramble to fortify defenses, as they prepare for the inevitable onslaught of Haitian migrants seeking refuge on American soil.    

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I get angry whenever I see wheels set on fire (or other stuff) 

what are these idiots who do that accomplishing other than polluting the environment for everyone?

they obviously don't care about anyone, but they should know it is harming them too. 

Patricia N.
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Commission Agrees to Creation of Database to Trace All Guns in European Union:

A commission drawn from the European Parliament and Council has agreed on the creation of a database to track millions of guns believed to be in civilian hands across the European Union.

Politico reported the upwards of “35 million” firearms are believed to be privately held and tracking those guns is being presented as a way of fighting gang violence and terrorism.

The database follows a 2022 move to switch from paper records in gun stores to electronic records, the latter of which can now be rolled into a centralized list.   

Patricia N.
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A string of in-flight malfunctions raises global concern about air travel:

Although 2023 was declared the safest year in commercial air travel in history, a string of malfunctions over the past 10 days, including 4 incidents involving United Airlines' aircraft, has sparked major concerns regarding passenger safety.

...aviation safety seems to be garnering more attention, particularly after a near-catastrophic event earlier this year when a door of a state-of-the-art Boeing 737 Max unexpectedly detached in-flight due to missing screws.

On March 1, an incident involving a sophisticated Boeing 737-900 plane from Alaska Airlines only came to light days later. The plane, which had departed from Los Cabos in Mexico, landed in Portland with one of its cargo doors partially open. The airline explained that the pilots were unaware of the malfunction, since they did not receive any alerts from the computer system. It remains uncertain whether the door opened in-flight or during landing. As per news reports, the cargo hold not only contained the passengers' luggage, but also a substantial number of their pets, all of whom fortunately survived the ordeal.

On March 4, a Boeing aircraft, identical in model to one that had flown from Houston toward Fort Myers carrying 167 passengers, was forced to turn back during the flight due to an engine fire. The aircraft managed a safe landing.

...on March 7, featuring a United Airlines Boeing 777, which was transporting 123 passengers along with a 14-member crew. During its departure from San Francisco heading toward Osaka, Japan, the plane lost a wheel which plummeted to the ground. The dislodged wheel, weighing 120 kilograms, landed on a car, completely destroying it, and severely damaged another vehicle.

Fast-forward to March 8, and an Airbus A320 was forced to perform an emergency landing while en route from San Francisco to Mexico City due to an issue with its hydraulic system.

On Monday, reports from New Zealand indicated that a "technical glitch" leading to "significant turbulence" on an aircraft flying from Sydney, Australia to Auckland resulted in injuries or necessitated medical attention for 50 individuals.   

Patricia N.
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From 'Hungry Looters Looking For Bread' To 'Million Dollar Organized Retail Crime' In Record Time:

My, my quickly we go from a couple kids just looting to feed their families to "organized crime rings plaguing retailers." Seems like we made the transition in just a couple of years and no Soro-appointed DA even noticed!

But alas these crime rings were the topic of a new CNBC report which spent 8 months investigating organized retail crime rings. 

Organized retail theft has emerged as a significant concern for both large and small retailers, contributing to reduced profits, staffing challenges, and a diminished shopping experience. This issue has also garnered bipartisan public frustration over increased security measures, such as locking products behind glass, the report notes. 

According to the National Retail Federation, $40.5 billion was lost to external theft in 2022, accounting for 36% of inventory losses, a slight decrease from the previous year. Despite debates on its direct impact on profits, the perceived threat to employee and customer safety is clear.

Adam Parks, an assistant special agent in charge at HSI, which is the main federal agency investigating retail crime, told CNBC: “We’re talking about operations that have fleets of trucks, 18-wheelers that have palletized loads of stolen goods, that have cleaning crews that actually clean the goods to make them look brand new.”

Ulta CEO Dave Kimbell said: “The financial impact is real, but way more important is the human impact, the impact it has to our associates, the impact it has to our guests.”  “It also impacts the communities in which we live. If people don’t feel safe going in to shop in certain areas of a community, it really has an impact and can change neighborhoods and change communities over time,” he continued.    

Patricia N.
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San Francisco residents, hotels sue city over rampant crime, homelessness, open-air drug use:

Several San Francisco residents filed a lawsuit Thursday over the rampant crime, homelessness, and open-air drug use that they say city officials have failed to stop, the Associated Press reported. Operators of the Phoenix Hotel and the Best Western Road Coach also joined the lawsuit against the city.

The plaintiffs, including five anonymous residents and the hotels' operators, claim that the Tenderloin district has become a "containment zone" for illegal activities. They argued that city officials have prevented the homeless encampments and open-air illicit drug markets from spilling into nearby neighborhoods but have allowed it to continue in the Tenderloin.

Davis told KABC, "Every day, at all hours, people are dealing drugs and using drugs in front of [the plaintiffs'] apartment building. There are encampments. People are lighting bonfires. Their sidewalks are filthy with all kinds of problems from used syringes to human waste."

One of the anonymous plaintiffs, referred to as Jane Roe, explained that drug dealers often loiter outside the building where she lives with her two young children. Roe claimed that she has seen "users openly injecting or smoking narcotics" and individuals "who appear unconscious or dead."

Susan Roe, an elderly woman and a plaintiff in the case, stated in the complaint that she has a difficult time navigating the neighborhood's sidewalks with her walker because they are blocked by shopping carts and broken bicycles. Instead, she is forced to walk in the street, where she navigates around "excrement, used syringes, vomit, and garbage."   

Patricia N.
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Leave your car keys at your front door so car thieves don't hurt you, Toronto Police tell residents. Backlash is brutal: 

Toronto Police told residents to leave their car keys at their front doors for thieves to take in order to lessen the risk of getting physically attacked in their homes for them, City News Toronto reported — and the backlash to the jaw-dropping suggestion has been brutal.

“To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at the front door because they are breaking into your home to steal your car; they don’t want anything else," Ricciardi said, according to City News Toronto. "A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them, and they are not toy guns. They are real guns. They’re loaded.”

The outlet said Toronto Police were trending Thursday on X with "thousands of tweets on the topic, most of them expressing anger."

“This is bizarre,” one commenter wrote, according to the outlet. “Toronto Police advising the public to leave your fobs near the door. They suggest this because invaders are primarily entering homes to steal your cars. Why not hang your keys outside the door? Or better yet, just leave them in the car.”

City News Toronto said another user added, “This is failed state-level insanity. Hey guys do you mind making it easier for people to steal your cars so that they won’t break into your house instead? Thanks.”    

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City News Toronto said another user added, “This is failed state-level insanity. Hey guys do you mind making it easier for people to steal your cars so that they won’t break into your house instead? Thanks.”


Good question. 

I can't stand the Toronto Police. Too many bullies, including the officer who arrived when I had my car accident in July 

When he was by my window, he didn't even ask me if I was hurt, just started preaching about me blocking the road.............


let alone the other ways he made me feel like garbage. I was too shaken to talk back to him and what if had done? these people can be crazy with their guns on them and can abuse their authority. 

I never trusted the police. mostly a bunch of bullies. never felt safe when they were around, preferred actually not to see them wherever I went. 

Shame on the majority!

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I’m in agreement with you, Heidi.  I don’t trust the police near me either.  99% of them are masons and corrupt.  I’ve seen the shenanigans .. one young cop tried to skip paying for his groceries … kept flirting with the young blond cashier and left the store and then she finally looked at her computer screen and said he didn’t pay!  And ran out the store to track him down in the parking lot.  He never apologized either.  When I needed help, they weren’t there for me.  They gave me the cold shoulder instead.  Then 2 of the officers that did that … I later saw their names in the newspaper … they got arrested for fraud!  And my dad had a brand new expensive Stihl chainsaw stolen from the back end of his pickup truck. He had the gate up but not the cover on. He was trying to help out the pastor’s son who had a few tree limbs down on his front lawn … so my parents were driving to his home and along the way there was this massive barn fire near the country 1 lane highway and they blocked road.  The fire dept and/or the police told him he needed to back up so as someone was informing them and distracting them with the instructions … someone else with sticky fingers quickly removed that chain saw from their back bed.  My parents didn’t stop anywhere and there is no way it could of bounced out.  So when they got to their destination and found it gone, he knew both the fire and police were in cohorts.  And I worked for the police dept back in my home town in 1981-1982 … they were corrupt … any locked up drug evidence was ALWAYS gone before the court trials. And my boss said don’t leave anything overnight because it might not be here in the morning.

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Oooh … and a few years later … a young cop stopped me and tried to say I ran thru a red light.  I said no I didn’t … the light was still green and just … turned yellow when I passed completely thru the intersection. But he insisted I went thru a red light.🙄 They need their quota of tickets per month so they will lie.  He didn’t know I worked for the dept prior nor that the Sargent that is a big loudmouth and everybody fears, I worked closely with and that Sargent had a son whom he wanted me to marry. 😂   So … I said to this young patrolman .. do you know Sargent ______?  He said yes, then I said … well … I used to work closely with him and rattled off the other names in the dept and watched his eyes get big with worry and then I said Sargent ______ said if I ever need help, to let him know AND … he also wanted me to marry his son, Rodney. 🤣    That young cop was scared and quickly said NEVER MIND just go just go and please don’t tell him what just happend. 😂

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