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Yohanan,  I just heard someone talking about this and yes, it is satanic. 

Patricia N.
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Scientists take a step closer to resurrecting the woolly mammoth:

A biotech company that hopes to resurrect extinct species said Wednesday that it has reached an important milestone: the creation of a long-sought kind of stem cell for the closest living relative of the woolly mammoth.

"This is probably the most significant step in the early stages of this project," said George Church, a geneticist at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who co-founded Colossal Biosciences in Dallas.

The woolly mammoth was a big, shaggy species of elephant that roamed the tundra before going extinct thousands of years ago. Colossal has been working to bring the mammoth, the dodo bird and other extinct species back to life using the latest cloning and genetic engineering techniques.

But some scientists object to the whole idea of trying to revive extinct animals.

"What are you going to get out of this?" asked Karl Flessa, a professor of geosciences at the University of Arizona. "First of all, I think you're going to get a bit of a freak show in a zoo somewhere. And then if you're going to release a herd into the Arctic tundra, is that herd going to go marching off to its second extinction in the face of global warming?"

"I think it's irresponsible," Flessa added.

"There are so many species going extinct today. We're actually not going to be able to help any of them if we're thinking about the woolly mammoth. We need to focus on the species here today. Living animals versus fossils is really where our focus should be," said Gabriela Mastromonaco, senior director of wildlife science at the Toronto Zoo. "It's just a distraction."   

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Criminals with Ties to MS-13 Brazenly Sell Fake IDs and Green Cards to Illegals in NYC, Officials Warn of Looming Threat:

The flood of nearly 180,000 migrants to New York City since the spring of 2022 has created a cottage industry for criminals with ties to MS-13 and other violent gangs.

In a report from The New York Post, criminals were observed openly and brazenly selling fake green cards and social security cards to illegals on street corners.

Forged documents can open a bank account, secure employment,  and potentially obtain valid documents.  They can even be used to avoid a trail of criminal offenses.

"Once people have these fake cards, they can work, they can travel, they can access a lot of aspects and services in the United States,” he said. “There are people getting these cards that are not here just to get a job, that they have other intentions, and this helps them carry out criminal activity.”

He said the social security cards are fake, but the numbers are real, so U.S. citizens can be affected.

“If I’m using a social security number that’s of another person, and then I’m committing crimes, and I’m using [their] name, you potentially have warrants out there for innocent people’s arrest, because you don’t really know who this person was,” he said, citing a case he handled of a Denver woman whose ID was stolen.

[This is not just in New York, it's everywhere.]

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Haiti Is Collapsing: Interior Ministry Set on Fire, Presidential Palace Attacked – PM Henry Faces Mounting Internal and External Pressure To Resign:

The present situation in Haiti defies our capacity for hyperbole. After more than a week of widespread violence and chaos, the country is politically adrift as Prime Minster Ariel Henry can’t even return to the country, and faces both internal and international pressure to resign.

MSM headlines try to describe it by saying that Haiti ‘may fall at any time,’ is ‘on the brink,’ ‘spiraling into chaos,’ and further pointing out that ‘a major humanitarian crisis is unfolding.’

The heavily armed men who control the capital Port-au-Prince and are about to overthrow the government are still described as ‘gang members,’ but, by now, they have all but morphed into a rebel force posing as an alternative to the government.

Calls for some kind of foreign force to intervene in Haiti are multiplying, but by now, there is apparently no possibility of ‘peace-keeping’ – whoever goes in will have to wrestle control by force.

At this point, the seemingly inevitable outcome is for PM Henry to be deposed. But then what?
The Interior Ministry was set ablaze overnight, and multiple police stations and government offices were attacked in the capital.

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@patrician Wow.  Lawlessness.  Didn't I read about that somewhere?

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Lawlessness is spreading. Soon the NWO will have the unrest they desire. But first the Church needs to be removed. 

Patricia N.
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Culture of Death: After Inserting Abortion in the Constitution, France’s Macron Goes All in for Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in New Legislative Push:

Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron, has fully embraced the culture of death that is becoming so pervasive in many decadent Western societies.

After he proudly inserted abortion in the French constitution, Macron has run to the other extremity of life to now defend what he terms an ‘end of life’ bill.  Today (10th), Macron, for the first time, came out of the closet and declared that he backed new ‘end-of-life’ legislation.

He said the new legislation would allow what he called ‘help to die’ and determined that his government is to put forward a draft bill to parliament as early as May.

France will join equally deranged policies by neighbors Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands, who have all adopted laws that allow medically assisted dying ‘in some cases.’     

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@patrician These policies are so disturbing; they come straight from the Devil himself. Normalization of this culture of death is ominous indeed.

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Mike Lee calls for abolishing the TSA:

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah advocated the idea of abolishing the Transportation Security Administration, suggesting that airlines would do a better job of conducting security screenings.

"Air-travel security need not depend on TSA. Airlines have many compelling reasons to keep weapons out of planes. They'd do so if a federal agency didn't do it for them—probably better than TSA, without implicating the Constitution, and in a manner more respectful to passengers," Lee tweeted.

"It's time to abolish the TSA. Airlines can and will secure their own planes if a federal agency doesn't do it for them. They'll do it better than TSA, without undermining the Constitution and with less groping—showing more respect for passengers," Lee wrote.

The agency was established in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. "The Aviation and Transportation Security Act, passed by the 107th Congress and signed on November 19, 2001, established TSA," according to, which indicates that the agency's mission is to "protect the nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce."

In response to Lee's post advocating for abolishing the TSA, Clay Travis tweeted, "Love this idea."

"Senator Lee, I have cerebral palsy and a fairly sizable YouTube channel. I am going to do a video describing the unconscionably invasive practices handicapped people must regularly endure when going through TSA - even those like myself who have TSA Precheck," tweeted Justin Peters, who indicates on his X profile that he is an evangelist, teacher, and author.

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@patrician And in the meantime, our borders are wide open. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

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Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead amid Lawsuit Against Company:

A former Boeing employee who became a whistleblower against the company has been found dead amidst a lawsuit he had been aiding.

John Barnett died on March 9 at the age of 62 from what police have described as a “self-inflicted wound. Prior to his death, he had “been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company,” per the BBC. Barnett had retired from the company in 2017 for health reasons after working with Boeing for 32 years. The BBC writes:    

In 2019, Mr. Barnett told the BBC that under-pressure workers had been deliberately fitting sub-standard parts to aircraft on the production line.

He also said he had uncovered serious problems with oxygen systems, which could mean one in four breathing masks would not work in an emergency.

Barnett further said that emergency oxygen systems for the Boeing 787 had a failure rate of 25 percent in a real-life emergency, adding that he alerted upper management to the problems. After he began working in a South Carolina facility, he observed workers failing to follow procedures to track components through the factory, and in some cases, workers used sub-standard parts to prevent production delays. While Boeing denied all of his claims, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed in 2017 that some of his arguments had merit, determining that the location of at least 53 “non-conforming” parts in the factory were considered lost, demanding that Boeing take “remedial action.”

Barnett had been in Charleston at the time of his death and even gave a formal deposition last week. On March 9, he was found dead in his truck...   

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@patrician The liberals in charge have switched from equal opportunity to equal outcome. We are seeing the results of this everywhere. I saw it a lot in education. The results are never desirable.

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‘Soldiers From NATO Countries are Already in Ukraine’ Says Poland’s Foreign Minister:

Poland’s Foreign Minister, returned after a ten-year spell in opposition, has said NATO soldiers are already in Ukraine, thanking alliance member states so deployed for taking “this risk”, the latest comments in a growing European conversation on boots on the ground for Kyiv.

Radosław Sikorski, speaking in the Polish Parliament on Saturday during an event marking the 25th anniversary of Poland signing the NATO treaty, declared with certainty there are already troops from the alliance stationed in neighbouring Ukraine. Referring to the bullish remarks of French President Emmanuel Macron on the need to keep all options open on fighting Russia, and the apparent slip-ups of the German Chancellor and Military on the direct involvement of the United Kingdom and France, Sikorski stopped short of saying from which states he believed are involved.   

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@patrician They keep poking the bear. Keep looking up and listening!

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Maranatha Lord Jesus.

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