Here's a little bigger one, but it will take longer to arrive. I have both. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08D34LG16?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 Just put your cell phones for a while into an old coffee pot, a saucepan with a metal lid on it, or even a tin can with foil wrapped snugly over the top. Hmm. I read things can't touch the metal, put them in plastic (zip lock), then in a cardboard box, then either wrap the box with foil or put it in a metal trash can or whatever will fit. I also read just put small things like phones in the microwave and unplug it. Hopefully it will all be a no big deal anyway, but these days you can't assume that, and it wouldn't hurt to take a few easy precautions. The microwave oven makes the most sense. Terry, or to insulate the the phone just wrap it in paper or a paper towel. By the way, this certainly qualifies as "non-rapture" news. :yes: :yes: Yeah, I was hoping to be gone before they pull that stunt. Remember they used to do this on the old tv sets …. With the weird noise and the rainbow colored screen with “this is a test of the emergency broadcast system” … I guess times have changed and they think it’s easier to reach people by cell phone than tv with the gazillion satellite/cable channels to send the alert to? Are they preparing for the rapture event? And getting ready to provide the answers to the left behind? Good Grief … this is why they are doing it :wacko: …. I posted it in the rapture chat thread but thought it should go here too since we are talking about the alerts coming … What's Behind the Oct 4th Emergency - Fair Use - Ok, I'll repeat myself too. Oh that’s terrifying. We’re all going to be promptly arrested? I certainly hope he’s mistaken. Bob doesn’t think it will get that far …until after the rapture because a survey (from Dave Hodges program) shows 90% of the American’s don’t trust the government 😂 so they surely can’t remove us all. But he does recommend to do this … turn ALL our devices off (cell phone, iPad, computer, etc) on Wednesday for a couple of hours that afternoon (noon - 4:00 pm) Unplug the router, etc. basically do what you would do if a thunderstorm was rolling in … so the AI can’t do our social credit score or add things to our devices and we stay under the radar and make it difficult for them to put us in their system. B-) Thanks. I scanned the transcript rather than watching the video. I do like the idea of them practicing to broadcast something like No no, that wasn't the rapture! By the way, martial law is now in effect.
Broadcast? How to Prepare! Rapture Resurrection Warning!