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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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I follow a lot of news items online and a lot of threads on this forum, and I have been waiting for someone to ask this question for two years now but haven't seen anything along the lines that concern me.  I apologize if somebody has asked this specific question and I missed it.  But since I am sincerely asking this out of naivety, can somebody please enlighten me?

In my humbly irrelevant mind, if the election was stolen two years ago, WHY would anybody think that it won't be stolen again.  If TPTB achieved their goal in 2020, why would they ever relinquish that control again? The party in power now is following their elitist strategy to establish a world government and drive the United States into the ground as prophesied in The Word (as the U.S. is not mentioned in eschatology). They won, no matter how much of a farce it was, and will never back down again.

Again, in my naivety, even if the electorate of the party that lost the last election voted 330 million to zero, the current administration would still somehow rig the election in their favor -- AGAIN!

Maybe I'm a Debbie Downer, but I don't think that there will ever be a fair election again whereby the popular candidate voted in by the majority of the common people will achieve victory.

I am looking for Jesus every day because I don't believe there is any hope anymore in any man or woman to bring back a truthful republic or media.

Normalcy is never coming back; however, Jesus is!!! :good:




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I can only speak for myself but I’ve made the same assumption as you. If we are still here in November I will still vote even though I don’t truly believe it matters but because that privilege came at a significant cost I will continue to exercise it on Election Day even though, as I said,  I  truly don’t think it matters. And I also agree with you that “normal” will never return. The time of the Church is just about over. The world is being readied for the final act. I think we’ve witnessed more of that than we expected but in the depths of my heart I really don’t believe we’ll be around to vote this year. I could be wrong. I was wrong in 2015, 1999, 1988 and several other times in the past and yet we are still here. But that’s what I think.

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I threw in the towel in January 2021.  The people in power will continue top proceed unimpeded by our historic conservatives' nostalgic memories of hope for what "government" ought to be doing, simply because they can.   Our normal political fiasco prevents us in part from venting frustration with violence, imagining something might throttle the left for a time.  It seemed to in 2016.  Yet either sadly or gratefully, this all ordained.  Wars don't serve honorable interests.  So, "Thy Kingdom come!"

And all the people said, ... :amen: :yahoo:

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I agree Humbly that they will try - again - and it might be possible once again to overthrow the true vote outcome. But from recall, I have heard of many political victories happening, and through Judges who are judging righteously, and for school children and for the Country in that the nation has woken up. Whether too late or not, they are taking stands in so many area's all over, where before it was just - let the other people vote, let someone else run things, who cares what kind of teachers are influencing the children...!

Enough has happened to the negative everywhere that it can no longer be ignored. People are counting the cost of having not been involved in caring that we've been losing freedom. Well, enough freedom has been lost now with more threatening, that the people are rushing to try to right the wrong and restore what is being stolen.

There are voting laws that various States are creating to protect against another stolen election, but is it enough, I don't know. Many good people are stepping up in to the politics of things all over, in an effort to boot out the riff raff who have infiltrated.

As much as I love to see people stand up to evil, to have victories, to seeing what has been wrong now being righted on many levels - I agree - we are in the end days and there is no turning back from that. The Rapture will suddenly happen and the Tribulation will begin.

I don't believe any changes for the good that we may see or hear of, will change the end times course. I believe this - that all Life is about anymore, is the people of the world realizing there is nothing left here. There is nothing more important than having been awakened to real evil vs. God's good, and the crucial choice between eternal Life and Death.

I believe with Obama, we/the world, was awakened to darkness. With Trump the nation and world was awakened to good. With Biden, people are once again awakened to how deeply evil, evil can be. People are thronging to Trump once again because in their hearts, they are ultimately actively choosing good over evil, spiritually speaking. Who they really need and want is Jesus and for that we continue to Pray for souls. I believe this is part of Gods plan in drawing as many people to His goodness, His Word, His Truth, His love and to His Son Who is the Only Way!

This earth has nothing left for anyone any longer. Only the hope to choose Life over spiritual death, and to then be forever with the Lord.


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Ultimately, through this, as horridly rigged the 2020 election was,  I try to keep in mind that God has said it is He who lifts up leaders and brings them down.

I think Kolleen has some good thoughts, that through this last electoral farce, God has moved His Hand showing  an obvious division.   Seems our Lord has purposed in this nation  a great divide that brings us a reminder how God hates lukewarmness . . .  . . will our God lift up a Christian leader in this nation in 2024?  will He grant a 'temporary' reprieve?   . .  It's comforting to know that God's timing is perfect whether near or far  . . .

Surely, the greatest shock in the world just before the Tribulation  is the rapture . . talk about global chaos,  the world ripe for such sheer confusion,  which will greatly shatter America into its 'last stand'

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Humbly, I agree with your perspective and pretty much all of the comments given by others above, however here is another perspective to consider and it is not my own but Steve Deace’s and it is slightly more optimistic.

Steve Deace has a radio show that I listen to via podcast and he is very edgy and I would highly recommend it.  He is a strong Christian and combines his faith into his political commentary and fully recognizes on his show very often that the things we see going on are demonic or directly induced by Satan whom he frequently refers to as the “spirit of the age”.  The only thing I am not a fan of is that he is not firmly pre-tribulation, but he is not sure.  He is not against the pre-tribulation view, he hopes its true, but isn’t fully convinced - nevertheless his show is still very much worth the listen I think for its very unique analysis of current events from a political and Christian perspective.  I forgot to mention, Steve Deace ran Ted Cruz’s campaign and was invited at one point to work for Trump, so he has a great deal of street cred.

Anyway, so Deace’s opinion is a little more optimistic that they will NOT steal this election for 2 primary reasons.

First - he claims that because they are local and state elections rather than a big federal election they will be harder to individually steal.

But second - he claims that they do not have the “narrative” to steal this one.  On the last election there were enough  people that hated Trump that they had a narrative that they could somewhat convince the sleeping majority that Biden could win with a slim majority, but with the current state of the nation, gas prices, inflation, there is no way they could come up with a lying, believable narrative that does not come out with the democrats taking a shellacking as the outcome.

Now for Derrick’s analysis which is not so optimistic.

Everything Steve Deace says is true and reasonable in this regard so why is the democratic leadership BEHAVING as if they will not lose or as if there will be no election?  One would think if you were a democrat and see the way this election is trending you would put the brakes on the crazy train long enough to shift the narrative that would allow you to at least cheat the election again as to make it believable that they could squeak out enough victories to stay in power.

My personal opinion is that there is some turmoil planned that would cancel, postpone, or make special conditions for the election that would allow them to stay in control.  And I am in the camp with Yohanan, I really think these are the signs we should look to to realize that our time is indeed limited and we won’t be here that much longer and we probably won’t make it to November to see the election.  We can hope so anyway.

If we are here and there is no candidate I can put my name behind, I always will write in JESUS CHIRST - I know that that vote still counts to Him anyway and He will make good on it soon.

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I already voted since I don’t expect to be here in Nov.  I wasn’t going to do so but after reading our RINO governor urging parents to vaxx their young kids or they are not considered “caring parents” 🙄  So its on a wing and a prayer to try to vote him out and found another republican that is not pushing the vaxx and picked that one.  Would have loved to vote Bernie S.  out but he’s untouchable. 🥴

The ship is sinking-looking forward to being on heaven’s shoreline by this fall? :whistle:

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If they sign over national and individual liberties and sovereignty elections could also become a thing of the past as well!  TR

Patricia N.
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I agree with all of you.  I hope we can get a decent government back in office in a true and fair election.

But I have heard that when Jesus comes to rule, we will realize that all governments of man are desperately flawed.  Yes, even democracy, or a republic such as we have.  Why?  Because people are corrupt or can be bribed, threatened, or compromised.  They enjoy power or love money.  Or they are not smart enough to see the big picture or they are too weak to do what is necessary.

Our world was meant for Christ to rule and reign.  His is the only government that will work in the long term.  And it is coming soon!


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