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Carry on!

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Patricia N.
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Call it the 'End Times Truth': God doesn't play favorites:

Has there ever been a more lawless time than this? Well, when the Flood came it was probably worse. But these times were compared to the days of Noah, when only one righteous family survived the deluge.

The world is raging today. People are choosing darkness over light. The adversary and his "children" are about to experience hell on earth.

Can I speak frankly to you? I've made an avocation of talking about this subject, writing about it and musing about it for more than 45 years. I've written books, made movies, penned newsletters and lectured frequently on it. But it has never been more real to me than now.

Think of how much lawlessness reigns supreme in every corner of the world. From Baltimore to Chicago to L.A. to Portland and Seattle, violence rules our cities. It's the same thing throughout Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and there's a new war taking place in Ukraine with Russia acting bellicose – possibly causing World War III.

How would you characterize the planet? One word describes it best – LAWLESSNESS!

Paul prophesied about this in the first century, about 2,000 years ago, in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12:
. . . "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

It's finally coming. The dam is about to break. God has seen enough.  Turn to the light, away from the darkness.  Be in prayer. Be aware. Follow all God's Commandments – all of them.

Patricia N.
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From Perry Stone Ministries on Facebook:

THE VISION PAPERS - We receive many letters and packets of information at V.O.E. each week, from men and women who have had experiences of spiritual dreams and visions. Recently, an older minister, who knew my dad and many of his family members are connected with dad's family, sent me several pages of visions the Lord gave him, beginning in 1989. They were very detailed and three of them were inline with the visions reported in my book called, The Visions.

First was a detailed attack in which Russia released nuclear missiles from submarines, using a weapon which was not invented in 1989, but according to a military insider does exist today. The nuclear fallout impacted many areas. The second was a central U.S. earthquake, that was felt all the way to Cleveland, Tennessee, opening gaps so wide in the Midwest, that some areas could not build bridges to connect areas. The U.S. was literally divided. This was because the hedge was lifted over the nation as our national leader's actions were mocking God, passing laws legalizing abominations and destroying His covenants.

I believe the culture war in America is more of a war against God and the Bible, than anything else. The decisions made and laws passed in the days and months ahead, will either restrain or delay what is coming, or speed up the possibilities.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Soon, in a moment and twinkling of an eye, we will “put on immortal incorruptibility” and forever be with the Lord. While we do not know exactly “how soon”, and we should not be dogmatic about the length of a generation, what we do know for sure is that the Jews are back in the land, the times are perilous, sound doctrine is not endured, Jerusalem is a burdensome stone to all nations, and the moral climate of the world is as it was in the days of Noah.

That means the tribulation is not far off, the salvation of Israel is at hand, and the rapture of the church could happen at any moment!

Patricia N.
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WHAT CLIMATE CHANGE? Coal Plants In France Are Coming Back Online As A European Energy Shortage From Russian War In Ukraine Looms Large:

Well, well, what an interesting turn of events that we have developing right now in Climate Change obsessed France, coals plants coming back online. Will wonders never cease? Nope. As the war in Ukraine continues to grind on, and the possibility of not having enough power to make it through this upcoming winter season, France is turning back to coal as a backup power source.

Environmentally obsessed Germany has also announced that it will be revving up its own coal-burning capabilities in order to better deal with the ongoing energy crisis, with the country’s economic and climate Tsar, Robert Habeck, saying that the measures are necessary to conserve much-needed gas.

“To reduce gas consumption, less gas must be used to generate electricity. Coal-fired power plants will have to be used more instead,” he previously said, though admitted that he found it “bitter” that his green agenda-driven government had to rely on such a high emission fuel.

Austria is set to reopen its Mellach coal power plant two years after it was shut down to ensure the country can meet its energy demands amid fears of a shortage of gas from Russia. A host of other European countries, including Germany and the Netherlands, are also considering using coal to make up for shortfalls in Russian gas, moving back to an energy source much of the continent has sought to phase out in recent years in order to meet carbon reduction targets.

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President Joe Biden supports a deal that will allow Finland and Sweden to join NATO and played a behind-the-scenes role in the Nordic countries' negotiations with Turkey, a senior US official said on Tuesday.

Turkey dropped its opposition to Finland and Sweden joining NATO in time for the alliance's annual summit in Madrid. The official, speaking to reporters on condition of anonymity, said Biden spoke to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about NATO earlier on Tuesday at the request of the two nations.

The official said the agreement will allow for an expansion of the 30-member alliance and mark "a significant sea change in the security posture."

Turkey did not insist that its demands for advanced American warplanes be included in the negotiations, the official said.

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I hope he is saved, his information helped so many.  I will pray for his healing and recovery or else I pray for a last minute Gospel intervention if he is not saved that we may see him on the other side with us!

Patricia N.
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Dr. Zev Zelenko Who Saved Thousands of Lives During the COVID Pandemic – Passes Away After Long Battle with Cancer:

Dr. Zev Zelenko, a board-certified Family Physician who saved thousands of lives during the COVID pandemic, passed away on Thursday after a long battle with cancer.  He was 48.

Up to the time of his death, Zev had overseen the treatment of approximately 7,500 patients using his protocol and experienced only three patient deaths. The use of the Zelenko protocol has spread worldwide.

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