NAVIGATING VALIANTLY AGAINST THE WIND The winds and gales are whipping around, Contemporary signs are colliding with Prophetic Lore, Events are unraveling just as the Good Book says, And we’re seeing things we’ve never seen before. The enemy is fuming in blustery rage, Exerting such ferocity in this final barrage, The unrelenting onslaught will soon conclude, Its vestiges relegated to an ephemeral mirage. Although our sails are tattered, they are still on the mast, We’re not giving up and we’re not giving in, We won’t be moved nor ever dissuaded, We’re NAVIGATING VALIANTLY AGAINST THE WIND. This voyage has encountered merciless storms, Multitudinous tides have been steadfastly braved, Our adversary has unleashed punishing torrents, But our expedition has survived each infernal wave. The penetrating rain has been incessantly severe, And our faith has been painstakingly tested, We know our Hope is upon the horizon, Still, there are seas to endure before we are rested. Although our sails are tattered, they are still on the mast, We’re not giving up and we’re not giving in, We won’t be moved nor ever dissuaded, We’re NAVIGATING VALIANTLY AGAINST THE WIND. The Season is now fully-upon us, Trying to engulf us within its tumultuous grasp, Yet we are totally safeguarded from Neptune’s wrath, Sheltered impenetrably within our Captain’s grasp. While treading water awaiting Safe Harbor, Conviction protects every believer from loss, Capsizing never even crosses our minds, Our Destiny was secured at the foot of the Cross. Although our sails are tattered, they are still on the mast, We’re not giving up and we’re not giving in, We won’t be moved nor ever dissuaded, We’re NAVIGATING VALIANTLY AGAINST THE WIND. Keep your head up, your feet dry, and your mind upon Jesus! Amen! Humbly Continue to sing forth His praises and giving Him thanks with your writings brother. Thank you for laying your heart bare before us, and the Lord. TR Thank you for the continued encouragement tenderreed! Your pal, Humbly even now on earth there are good gifts sent from above ~ ~ ~ ~ Much of the loveliness of truly embracing Christ's peace, I believe, is realizing He is CREATOR GOD, Infinitely wise as the Great Majesty He is .. ever PERFECT in all He is and does. . ~~ . . . He chose to make (in His image) His children with a gift of imagination; ~ ~ expressing a reality pleasing to the Lord, believers are gifted to 'see' a beauty of goodness on earth; i.e., children at play, meadows, mountains, oceans, little lady bugs, the stars, too above, and the truth about eternity and Heaven and angels . . , . . ~ the Spirit abiding, presents to believers, the mind of Christ Who is never stifled or mechanical . blessed assurance~ includes 'seeing' by His Spirit, the glory of the Creator in song and music, and instruments too, ~ ~ . . for the joy set before Him . ~ ~ ~~ Well said Sis! Just a matter of hearing the trumpet and hearing the voice of Christ calling out His Bride! Can't ya just hear Jesus also saying: You are mine forever for I have chosen you. And I Am yours! TR
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