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My perspective on time, times and half time, and their relationship to 1290 days

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Here's the list of 1335 days, 1290 days, and 2300 days. I have mentioned these timeline before.

Dec 3 Kislev 20 2023 AOD begins --------- 1335 days-------- Pentecost Sundown July 30 Tammuz 25 2027 An offering takes place in this evening, blessed is he who comes to this day.

Dec 3 Kislev 20 2023 AOD begins --------1290 days of abomination ------- June 15 Sivan 10 2027 End of AOD

Jesus comes back on June 11 Sivan 6 2027. Few days later, on June 15 Sivan 10, he captures the beast and the false prophet, and throws them into the lake of fire, hence ending the 1290 days of abomination.

Feb 26 Purim 2021 Daily sacrifice is re-instituted and restored ------ 2300 evening and morning of sacrifice--------- June 15 Sivan 10 2027 Sanctuary is cleansed, Holy is restored by Jesus, AC and false prophet both are thrown into the lake of fire.

This timeline goes in line with winter abomination foretold by Jesus in Matthew 24, and his return is close to summer, in Matthew 24 again.

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Here's a re-post of "Which feast shall God remember?", just in case some members have missed it.

The feast God shall remember

I have written in 2009 concerning the Hebrew names of twelve minor prophets which hides a secret from God. Here it goes.

Hebrew meaning of twelve minor prophets' name

Hosea Salvation is the Lord

Joel A worshiper of Yahweh

Amos Borne by God

Obadiah Servant of God

Jonas Dove

Micah Who is like God

Nahum Comforter

Habakkuk Embrace

Zephaniah Concealed is the Lord

Haggai My feast

Zechariah Yahweh remembers

Malachi Messenger

Combine all these, we have the following;

"Salvation is the Lord !", said by a worshiper, borne by God, a servant of God, a dove.

"Who is like God?" For he is a Comforter, and he embraces us.

Concealed is the Lord. " My Feast !" Yahweh remembers. A messenger he shall send.

Which feast God shall remember? It can't be Passover, Unleavened Bread, first fruit, or Rosh Hashanna, Yom Kippur and Tabernacle. Reason is simple. The Jews are still observing these feasts up to now. God sees them doing it every year. These feasts cannot be the feast God shall remember.

To have a feast God shall remember, it has to be a feast who has been lost, long gone, forgotten by Israelis, and not practicing every year. ,

The feast I am talking about is the real Shavuot/Pentecost which falls on Tammuz 26, instead of traditional view of Sivan 6. God told them to count 50 days beginning from Sivan 6. The early church disciples were still observing Pentecost on Tammuz 26. But since 70 AD, and the exile, they have lost this tradition and picked on the wrong date when they came back in 1948. But God has the twelve minor prophets name to reveal one day He shall remember this feast again, and sends a messenger for it.

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Indeed the only thing the Lord forgets to remember is our sins!


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