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My perspective on time, times and half time, and their relationship to 1290 days

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That Shavuot when the HolySpirit came upon the believers was like getting an engagement gift from a bridegroom

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My track record stinks!

me too

He is coming though. He has an important wedding to attend on time

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So far I have Pentecost 2020 to Pentecost 2027 timeline. Here is the illustration.

Pentecost/Shavuot Sundown Tammuz 25 2020 Rapture -------------- 2520 days--------------Sivan 6 2027 Second Coming of Jesus ------------ 50 days----------- Pentecost/Shavuot Tammuz 26 2027 End of 1335 days

I have been wrong before. Hope this time I got this timeline right. Rapture on Pentecost 2020, and the 7 years tribulation also ends on Pentecost 2027. This also places Marriage Supper of the Lamb on Sivan 5 2027, one day before Jesus comes back on Sivan 6. And God's last trump shall sound on Pentecost this year ( Sundown Tammuz 25). God's first trump was sounded on Sivan 6 in 1446 BC. As we can see, all these important dates are written in Leviticus 23:15-16.

And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath (morrow after the sabbath is Nisan 16) , from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete ( Sivan 5) : 16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath (Sivan 6 ) shall ye number fifty days ( Tammuz 26) ; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD

Rapture on the eve of Tammuz 26, Marriage Supper of the Lamb on Sivan 5, Jesus comes back on Sivan 6. God's first trump  on Sivan 6, God's last trump on the eve of Tammuz 26.  7 years tribulation ends on Tammuz 26, the last day of 1335 days.

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Again, thanks for your study.  For the benefit of myself and others, I would find it helpful to have dates always translated into the Gregorian calendar.  As I don't cross reference from the Hebrew calendar.  Especially in light of any statement with regards to the Rapture in particular.  I would guess this would be the case for many watchers.

I don't usually concern myself with calendar events so much if it is post Rapture!  At that point, who is right or wrong with the rest of God's calendar will be for those left behind.  That said, it is then more helpful to me to better align current events in real time.  Much appreciated.


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TR, I just added the Gregorian date for you.

Pentecost/Shavuot July 17 Sundown Tammuz 25 2020 Rapture-------- 2520 days------- Sivan 6 June 11 2027 Second coming of Jesus ------- 50 days----------- Pentecost/Shavuot Tammuz 26 July 31 2027 End of 1335 days

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Blessings to you brother.  Much appreciated.  Especially in lengthy threads, dates seem to get easily lost in my mind.  Aside from May, July will also be a high watch date for me to keep track of.  May, June and July being mid summer are automatically good watch dates.

It is indeed my hope that as time draws near, we will have more info and possible confirmations in order to focus our watch upon!

May the Lord enrich each of our hearts with His peace and assurances of His near return of calling us to be home with Him forevermore.  Indeed rightly dividing God's prophetic word is quite daunting to say the least.

Given that He has gone to all the trouble of giving us prophetic utterances it is only fitting that we try to understand them as best as possible.  Even after His word is fulfilled, we can only struggle with extent and degrees of fulfillment.

But to look into the future with understanding is even better.  There is indeed a need for the study of end times even if this is all that we can leave for those left behind!

May He continue to lead and guide your spirit into His divine mysteries.



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I’m puzzled ... I thought Pentecost lands on May 31, 2020?  How come you have July 17th?

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You have missed the thread Tammie posted last year regarding the real date of Pentecost which is  50 days after Sivan 6. I have joined the discussion and came to conclude that Pentecost falls on Tammuz 26, not traditional view of Sivan 6.

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As we can see from this illustration, Jesus fulfills the Pentecost by calling his church home on Pentecost July 17 this year. He returns 50 days before the Pentecost in 2027, to prepare for the Pentecost offering on July 31.  During these 50 days, he captures the beast, false prophet, throws them into the lake of fire. He also gathers nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat, to plead with them for his people Israel. He also gathers remnant of Israel back to the promised land. By July 31 Pentecost, an offering will take place. Jesus is the High Priest, with remnant of Israel and gentiles believers being the two loaves of bread. Blessed is he who comes to this day. This is the end of 1335 days. My speculation is God the Father shall descend from heaven on that day, to partake this offering.

A note here. Many Christians believe Pentecost has been fulfilled because Holy Spirit descent on disciples on that day. My view is it is partially fulfilled. To be 100% fulfilled, Jesus has to personally get involved with this feast. My illustration does point out how Jesus shall get involved with this feast.

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I agree that Pentecost was only partially fulfilled.  Being the middle candle/feast on the Menorah it seems to me that Pentecost needed to be fulfilled in both Old and New Testament era's.  And lastly, the prophetic significance of the fulfillment of Pentecost to help close out the old order and herald in a new one!


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