Hallelujah Arthur! Such great news! I am rejoicing with you and Aunt June!!! :yahoo: I am grieved to hear about the botched surgery and your health problems. May the Lord God bless you multiple times over more than you have suffered. In the grand scheme of things, with Eternity in mind, we are fractions of a millisecond away. Faster than the blink of an eye. Maranatha! :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: Amen! Ha! Ha! I couldn't help but chuckle at Aunt June's definitive response: “We have a deal now” Well done for witnessing to Aunt June, Arthur! That is AWESOME, Arthur!!! Praise Jesus! God did a thing to me a few years ago, an affliction, that brought me so low that I could only lean on Him. Then I started to grow in ways that were awfully overdue. That is such an amazing testimony, LEW!!! If we all understood that this life is not about our pleasures and plans but about growing in the Lord we would be able to rejoice in our difficulties. I pray the Lord blesses you immensely and leads you through tremendous growth in Him! It's all about Jesus, we're just along for the ride. Special blessings of fellowship for LEW today Lord! She is precious to You and us! Let her know how anxious You are to embrace her and be with her! TR Indeed the spirit is willing, and the flesh yet an anchor! I have often been surprised over the years to find so many Christians who simply have no joy in the idea of being with the Lord!!! SAD! It pricks my Spirit and boggles my mind! This is what I appreciate most in our fellowship here! TR I don’t get it either with certain believers not wanting the rapture to happen until they get old or come down with some deadly illness. Meanwhile they are living like this world is the best that life hast to offer when its nothing more than a garbage pit. Perhaps they haven’t gone thru the refining process and have no troubles? If that is the case ... you would think they would have some concern as they see other brothers and sisters being tested for their faith. The Bible clearly says “Those that live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” We are a bullseyes targets to satan and his demons with the constant fiery attacks. So are those who love this world just deceived in thinking their soul is right with God and those who are going thru trials and troubles must be disobedient and being judged/punished? Perhaps they are listening to the false prosperity “messages”? Defer, defer, defer! Commit to nothing with your whole heart, and entertain everything! Always looking for someone else to blame! What a tarnish some people's lives give against those those who suffer while glorifying Christ! TR
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