At this point I am more than anxious to be done with this life! Hopefully, our expectations will not be frustrated! TR I am with you TR, so ready to be with our precious Savior and all our loved ones! Aside from the anxious wait, staying motivated to work in any capacity is becoming a major chore! Anyone else struggling with this?! TR I am totally struggling with staying motivated. I love what I do, but lately am having difficulties wanting to do it! Spring has been so beautiful this year. I've visited the nursery and bought a few things; hung up the hummingbird feeders (I had a dream two nights ago that the hummingbirds were flying around my house looking for the feeders and they weren't up yet ). I go out for walks sometimes in the early evening purposely to listen to the neighborhood birds while they're chirping and saying goodnight to each other. It's all joy, but finding joy in my work right now is just a drag. Eternal life starts the moment we are reconciled to God. So, I am not anxious to be done with life as our life will never end. I have just shared mine with my aunt June in the hospital waiting room . She is getting some x-rays done. Her mind is going a bit so please pray for her to have a clear mind and for the Holy Spirit to open her heart and mind. Would really appreciate it! I am frustrated because I feel this chasm between us and God and I want it closed. I want to hide behind His robes. I want to be a child. I want to be surrounded by family, meaning YOU ALL. God did a thing to me a few years ago, an affliction, that brought me so low that I could only lean on Him. Then I started to grow in ways that were awfully overdue. Interestingly, it occurred the week of the Rev 12 sign. I had a botched surgery and a botched recovery and a botched life since 9/2017. So yes, I want it so bad. I'm living in a world that is so different from that of those around me. They talk COVID and politics and wars and tomorrows. But all I think of is Heaven and God and how COVID would get me there quicker, LOL. :prayer-hands: For Arthur's aunt, I pray for a clear mind, heart and spirit! May the gospel light shine and reveal the darkness! May it be the most attractive thing in her grasp! As a lightening flash may He expose his love for her! In Jesus's all powerful name to overcome all the lies she has believed! TR Thank you TR, Geri9 and to all that prayed for my aunt June. :rose: For years, myself and my mother have talked to June and she always said, “When we die, that is it. We just go into the ground.” WeLol, today was very different. She has been greatly humbled since her stroke. She is 86 years old now. She had always been very healthy and wasn’t at all interested in spiritual matters. She said that she admired our great faith but she could never have that. Today, she remarked that she would like to see her late husband again. (My uncle John) I told her John was in heaven as was my father and that there was going to be a great reunion up there. I told her that I dearly wanted her to go there too. She was about to accept the free gift of salvation when the nurse came to do the ultrasound tests. Terrible timing, I thought. 🙁 However, on the car ride home, I talked once again about the free gift of salvation and how Jesus is the bridge that bridges the gap between imperfect man and Perfect God. I said, “All you have to do is accept the free gift. God isn’t a trickster to try to get us on a technicality.” So, right there in the parking lot of her residence, June humbly said, “ Jesus, I accept your free gift.” She then remarked, “ We have a deal now.” (She’s Scottish and very practical. Lol.) So in her own simple way, from her heart, she accepted the free gift of salvation. I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Please pray for my aunt June that she may grow in faith. Thank you. :rose: Blessings to you and her! Angels dancing with glee and relatives await! Indeed grow in her faith, which will make her more comfortable with residing in Heaven! And grow in her love and gratefulness to Christ! TR
Yes, I long for the eternal state but I know that God's timing is perfect. I believe we all have one more person that we have to share our faith with.
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