My mother who lives on the phone said our Christian friends from birth said their son a local cop said Antifa is attacking Aurora Co over the weekend and next week. Inside info. Dear Jesus in case you dididnt see my last 200,000 prayers last week. I'm ready for you to come.
Heavenly Father, may You restrain these forces of wickedness. May they be thrown into chaos and disorganization. May they be confused and may their evil plans fail completely.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.
I feel like Dumb Dora trying to figure out what this “Antifa” group is. Still can’t make heads or tails what they are upset about because their roots goes back to 1930’s in Germany. Just wondering if Soros is secretly funding this group to? What is the Antifa trademark when they march into various towns? Do they destroy the businesses, loot the stores and harm people in their path?
While googling “Antifa” they mentioned a group called the “Boogaloo boys” :wacko: This group was created in 2012 but gained widespread attention in 2019. “Boogaloo - consists of pro-gun, anti-government groups. The specific ideology of each group varies, and views on topics such as race differ widely. Some are white supremacist or neo-Nazi groups who believe that the impending unrest will be a race war.” - Fair Use -
So do you think these rebellious hate groups are all encouraged to rise up so the NWO can justify taking our 2nd Amendment away? And perhaps the Holy Spirit is loosening the restraint as well since we are VERY close to going home?
Praying for the protection of those living in Aurora. Why do they have the bullseye on that area ... what is the city known for?
Confusion in the camp of the enemy, Abba!!
Geri - Antifa, at its core, is Communism - they are funded by Soros (Satan as well) and others. The goal of Antifa is destroy humanity, freedom, Jews, and Christians ... bottom line - followers of Satan!
Very well said Tammy.