Weasel? Kind of reminds me of a turtle, for some reason. A homicidal maniacal Malthusian turtle, mind you. weasel NOUN I get that. He acts like a weasel, certainly. However, he looks like a turtle without its shell. So, Teasle or Wurtle? How about a Llama ? Lol. Definite resemblance. :mdrmdr: Insult to the noble Llama, though. Llamas provide a great service to mankind. Billy boy, not so much. Wow, Tammie, I must admit I didn’t understand your first post. But that second on is scary. I was under the impressive Gates was wanting to include this only in wearable technology (like a smart watch) not much less scary than a microchip however you slice it, but still yikes! Pre-conditioning and planned further outbreaks! Creating a need for inoculations and chipping. They are just making it too easy for Satan. I can just hear the laments in Hell: what was I thinking! Like people who always start a conversation with the words, Idon't think...Bingo! TR :stinkerbell: I would agree the AC doesn’t need BG, maybe some of his billions, certainly he wants the technology....combined microbiology—-it is very typical in medical research that the item “discovered” or “created” is already a done deal when they start “leaking” the knowledge of it. That is why I feel strongly, that we are out of here sooner that later! In my limited knowledge and best guess scenario— they are just working out the small details on how to get this injected or placed biomatter tracking, in mass and done quickly. I tried to copy the molecular structure of this enzyme for you all, it is a LIVING enzyme, this basically means it will Either co-exist with the host or change the host to accept its functionality. I think the later is true. And as it’s connectivity contains single chains, it will take over to protect itself. I know that sounds so Stephen Kingish — but remember there is nothing new under the sun and even in our imagination there is a thread of truth. We are going home! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: Speaking of 666 does everyone know about the building that Jared Kushner owned that had the number 666 on it where they were developing Mark of the Beast Technology ? What else is Satanic about the building is I think it's 42 stories tall. Like 42 months of AC's reign during the second half of the Tribulation Kushner is Jewish, has always been a person of interest to me since he showed up with this great plan. The Jews will only accept and follow one of their own. In. Their terminology, Messiah means anointed one (so we may be looking at the one of many of him in the eye). Christ himself said there will be many AC’s.
weasel (noun) · weasels (plural noun)
a small, slender, carnivorous mammal related to, but generally smaller than, the stoat.
a deceitful or treacherous person.
"he was a double-crossing weasel"
scoundrel · wretch · rogue · swine · bastard · creep · louse · rat · toad · [more]New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection
snake · snake in the grass · serpent · viper · skunk · dog · cur · scumbag · heel · bad lot · nasty piece of work · rat fink · sleeveen · dingo · rotter · hound · bounder · cad · blackguard · dastard · knave · varlet
weasel (verb) · weasels (third person present) · weaselled (past tense) · weaselled (past participle) · weaselling (present participle) · weaseled (past tense) · weaseled (past participle) · weaseling (present participle)
achieve something by use of cunning or deceit.
"she suspects me of trying to weasel my way into his affections"
behave or talk evasively.
"we needed him to take a firm stand, but he weaseled"
we certainly don’t want to miss anyone!!! :wacko:
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