There is a thought in Rabbinic Judaism that if Shabbat were to be kept properly two Shabbats in a row that messiah would come. Of course, Messiah has indeed come and sadly Rabbinic Judaism has rejected Him but there seems to be this growing expectation. As we know, Antichrist will come to this earth first and then at the Second Coming, the real Messiah Jesus Christ, will come to judge and rule and reign So, with almost all of Israel on lockdown, people will basically be forced to keep Shabbat. Today has been the second Shabbat. Perhaps the Rabbinic Judaism’s messiah (aka the Antichrist) will come after this? If the Antichrist shows up then before that, we go up. Anyway, one more thing to watch in this most interesting season. Again we find that the Jews are awaiting Messiah, the Muslims their Madi (AC), and the Church is awaiting the Rapture! Again I am reminded that at Christ's first coming there was a growing anticipation just prior to His first coming. God seemingly prepares hearts to look for His arrival! No specific day given, but certainly L'air du Temps! TR