Meghan Markle Wants...
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Meghan Markle Wants a U.S. Political Career

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I'd like to add Geri's list.

Synagogue of satan. ("s" is intentional)

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Hmm. So are Trump and Biden on the same side too, and we were just played?  That's what it feels like.

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Well, that’s just what I call them. These wicked people are going to have a fake civil war, IMHO.

Since they are both serving the devil actively, I just refer to them as the satanists and the luciferians. Two factions vying for power. One of them will come out on top.

Apparently, there is a difference between the two groups but ultimately, they both serve the devil. I could try to find some links but most of them seem to be from the occult point of view and therefore are unsuitable to be put in here. I honestly find it disturbing to read up on them. Thankfully, Almighty God is going to obliterate them. :good:


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Either that or both political parties were set up to make the other look so evil that the ac will sweep in to look like he is exposing evil on both sides and be the big hero.  I am the only Republican on my side of the family.  All the others are unsaved Democrats. I voted for Trump and loved most of what he did and felt so cheated when there was nothing done about the voter fraud. To me the Democrats have only evil policies.  My Democrat mom and siblings thought Trump was very evil.

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Thanks a lot for taking your stand.

One of the very successful men said that "perception is reality."

I thought, when I heard that, that made a lot of sense.

Our enemy is working very hard day and night to control our perception.

2 biggest tools are, you guessed it, TV and social media.

With discernment and wisdom form Jesus we still are struggling. The lost without them, they don't have a chance.

Please, get rid of TV for you family.......


So Ready

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Well, I did like most of what Trump did.  I don't like it that he is in on the jab.  That is why I am suspicious. My family members I mentioned don't live with me.  They totally trust the TV and they can't believe I would get my news from the internet. They can't believe I don't have the jab yet. I don't really know what is going on, I am just suspicious of everything. When I said maybe Trump and Biden are on the same side, I was just relating it to what Arthur said about the Royal Family.

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Maybe Trump had good intensions with the jab and he has been fooled.

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Yes, sadly, there is a very real possibility that Trump is on the same side as Biden.

I am praying that God intervened and Trump got saved by “accident.”

My heart obviously says, “Trump please be saved.” but my head says, “Trump is merely an actor playing a role.”

Hope to have a very welcome surprise at the Rapture.


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Seems a go fund account was started for Meghan and Harry after the interview. in a week they got 110.00 dollars and account was closed. LOL. Don't think we need to worry about her becoming president of anything but her own fan club.

GoFundMe to pay off Meghan Markle and Harry's mortgage goes bust (        

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As much as the results of the last election still sting we must remember one thing:

Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons; deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.

God is totally in control here. No matter how much we fuss and complain, it is God Who has allowed this result to complete His purposes. When we are on the other side of eternity I believe we will look back on this and think "why did we resist for so long" versus how we see it today; a huge disappointment.

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

I see the times we live in as a clearing away of the chaff. A cleansing of His church. I also see it as a time of testing our faith. I have never believed that the Bride of Christ would have to be subjected to the Wrath of God during the Tribulation but I have always held to the idea that we would not get out of here easily. Our faith, the most important thing to God, is being put to the test. I think there are too many Christians who have put their faith in Donald Trump to "save" us from the evils of this world (myself included). I also believe this to be quite irritating to God and He is cleansing our hearts. Always remember, we are simply sojourners here. We are aliens, exiles, strangers, refugees. Our home is NOT here! I believe God is ripping this world from our hearts and showing us that we need to set our hearts on Jesus instead.

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