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Major Geopolitical Changes Ahead: The Peace Plan, Brexit, & Chexit

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Major Geopolitical Changes Ahead: The Peace Plan, Brexit, & Chexit
Gary  Tuesday, August 20, 2019

We all wait with bated breath for the other shoe to drop in terms of Bible prophecy, and it seems that a confluence of global triggers are set to be triggered this Fall.  Why this Fall and why all at the same time?  Perhaps these things have aligned this Fall for a big reason in God's grand plan.

Here are the "triggers":

1. On September 17th Israel will hold a redo election in the wake of Netanyahu's coalition partners' inability to form a government after the April 2019 elections.  This was the first time MKs ever failed to form a government, so the upcoming election is unprecedented.  On May 30th, the Knesset voted to dissolve itself, which was also unprecedented (in this circumstance).  The result was that Netanyahu has become the longest-serving Prime Minister in Israeli history.  The new elections are just a few days short of the two-year anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign.

2. On Sunday President Trump reportedly said that his administration would be unveiling the political piece of his Deal of the Century after Israeli elections.  This would probably be in the October to November range, barring any unforeseen circumstances, since it will take Israel's election winners up to six weeks to form a government.  What makes this announcement from the President significant is that it was made directly by him and not some unnamed "senior" source.  Unless this is some sort of a shell game, it would seem the present postponement has been based on the failed April elections more than anything else—and it would mean that once a coalition is formed in September or October, "The Ultimate Deal" will be rolled out.

3. The United Kingdom will finally withdraw from the European Union superstate on October 31st, which is All Saints' Eve (aka Halloween) and the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.  Despite the public complaining you may hear from Europhiles concerning Brexit, the truth is that the U.K. was always the greatest obstacle to a true federal Europe because it had so many one-off "outs" from E.U. laws and perpetually pushed against a federation.  Trust me when I say this: the globalist cabal in Brussels is fully aware of this.  Once the U.K. leaves, nothing will stop the E.U. from being formed into a true federation (like a United States of Europe).  Italy may protest, but they are part of all of the E.U.'s laws and have little sway against the military and political clout of France and Germany.

If you were to ask me what Brexit means in terms of Bible prophecy I'd say it's means that the E.U. will begin its final metamorphosis and this may be preceded by the formation of a true European Army under the auspices of Emmanuel Macron's 10-nation European Intervention Initiative (E2I).  The U.K. won't be around to stop it anymore.

So within a span of just two to three months we will witness Israeli elections, Brexit, and the public launch of the Trump-Kushner peace plan.  And it's all happening from the end of Summer 2019 through mid-Fall.  We are witnessing what could very well be triggers for both the Tribulation (peace plan; breaking God's everlasting covenant) and the rise of the 10-horned beast of Revelation 13, which will rise to world dominance once the Church is removed.  Be on the alert.

But there are several other significant events on the horizon: first, it looks like China is poised for a conflagration in Hong Kong in order to bring that semi-autonomous city-state fully under Chinese control.  Christian protesters have been worshiping in the streets, declaring that God is the true sovereign and not the communist politburo in Beijing.

Second, The Temple Institute, which is the Jerusalem-based organization determined to build the Third Temple, has just carried out a test run of a red heifer sacrifice and burnt-offering.  Once a real red heifer is sacrificed and burned, they can use the ash to ceremonially cleanse the Temple Mount and begin rebuilding the Temple (or at least that's how they'll justify the construction).

test run
Several thousand miles west of Hong Kong, Iran has been backed into a corner by crippling sanctions from the United States and its economy is on the verge of collapse.  A number of oil tankers have been attacked or commandeered and what was once sabre-rattling is now out in the open.  Something will push Iran to retaliate and they will.  This could be it.  In the words of the Prophet Isaiah:

A dire vision has been shown to me:
The traitor betrays, the looter takes loot.
Elam [southwestern Iran], attack!  Media [northwestern Iran], lay siege!
I will bring to an end all the groaning she caused.

At this my body is racked with pain,
pangs seize me, like those of a woman in labor;
I am staggered by what I hear,
I am bewildered by what I see.
My heart falters,
fear makes me tremble;
the twilight I longed for
has become a horror to me.
- Isaiah 21:2–4

- - -

As we wait to see how Brexit and all of these things play out this Fall, we await our own exit—Chexit—when the Church is removed from the earth by Divine will.  It will happen and soon.  The signs on the earth and signs in the heavens have all pointed to this nearing moment.  If you're awake and watching then you know what I mean.  If this is all new to you, I would encourage you to take a look at a few eye-opening articles:









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Chexit! Love it!!!

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It's like someone is playing bumper cars on a worldwide arena.  Exciting times ahead for sure.

We can only remain confident that the Lord is orchestrating His will among the nations.


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Thanks, NFJF.  It's genuinely hopeful to see all these triggers "confluing."  (Is there such a word?)  What a complex mosaic is in progress!  I have been on the edge of my prophetic seat for a couple years making assumptions about about the Deal of the Century, (a piece plan?)  Feels like it might never happen after all.  Oh me of little faith... :mail:

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Yep, we’ve been waiting a while for this peace unveiling ...

Gary (the writer of the article above) posted this on unsealed forum board

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the Great American Solar Eclipse, which was also the date the Trump-Kushner peace plan was kicked off (Kushner made his first trip to the Middle East to drum up support).

Lo and behold, a lot has happened today...

Trump called himself "The Chosen One" and Trump retweeted someone calling him "the King of Israel" and "the second coming of God" (hopefully all in satire)

Rockets were fired at Israel

Venus (Christ's star), Mars (Michael and or war), the Sun, and Regulus (King Star) are all in conjunction in the same place the solar eclipse occurred

...Also, news broke that the sky unexpectedly turned to darkness over Sao Paulo, Brazil on Monday ("Saint Paul")

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I don’t normally get into people saying if you add this to this and subtract this and thus and the whole gematria thing but this was at least interesting :popcorn


American Pie (The Day The Music Died), 9/11, & The Writing on the Wall
Featured by serayah

While pursuing research in preparation for another, longer “companion” article to this one, it came to my attention through a simple day count calculation that the 2520 week anniversary of the classic song American Pie is rapidly approaching.

I have published quite extensively on the prophetic nature of this majestic song, and in fact it will be featured as its own chapter within my forthcoming book.  I believe American Pie to be a prophecy about the end of America.

Furthermore, I have published a number of articles on The Writing on the Wall in Daniel Chapter 5.  To summarize, the words written by the disembodied hand on the interior wall of Belshazzar’s palace feast room in 539 BC represent-

Mene                      Numbered              1000 gerahs

Mene                      Numbered              1000 gerahs

Tekel                       Weighed                  20 gerahs

Upharsin/Peres     Divided                    500 gerahs

Total gerahs (a unit of coinage/weight) = 2520.  This prophecy will have yet another fulfillment in modern Babylon, America, as it did in ancient Babylon.  By the way, 2520 gerahs is also 216 (6 x 6 x 6) shekels.  In the interpretation of Prophet Daniel; Daniel 5-

25And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.

26This is the interpretation of the thing: Mene; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.

27Tekel; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.

28Peres; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

The number 2520 is 7 prophetic years; 25,200 therefore ties into the Babylon prophecy also as America is allowed to exist 70 years as a Superpower after the fig tree (Israel) leaved and blossomed in 1949 or 1950, only one to two years after being planted in the Spring of 1948.  The word “Babylon” occurs in the King James Bible in precisely 252 verses, in 17 books and 76 chapters (1776).  Stunningly, the Hebrew gematria of all words in the complete Babylon prophecies found in the 104 verses of Jeremiah 50:1-51:58 inclusive totals 253,776 which is-

252,000 + 1776 = 253,776

In English gematria, we get this result courtesy of–

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin Peres in English Gematria equals: 1776

Check also the gematria of Genesis 1:4-

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.


The first word of the Holy Bible, re’shiyth, which translates to “in the beginning” has the following gematria-


It is apparent that spiritually-fallen America will be divided and given to the Medes and Persians.  The Persians are clearly the Iranians.  There is some indication that the ancient Medes migrated to the northwest and are the Russians of today, although this is debatable.  However, even today, at the nearest point the two nations are separated by a mere 92 nautical miles.  A full reading of the Babylon prophecies throughout the Old Testament also shows that additional countries (besides these two main actors) actually contribute to the attack on America.

American Pie, the song, was recorded on May 26, 1971; courtesy of–

From:  Wednesday, May 26, 1971                   American Pie recorded
Added:  2520 weeks                                         The Writing on the Wall
Result: Wednesday, September 11, 2019      666 anniversary Day of Infamy

This is a stunning calculation.  Weeks being such an important prophetic indicator, used especially extensively in the Book of Daniel, should give us cause for pause.  Of course, I’m not suggesting that the prophecy contained in the lyrics of American Pie rises anywhere close to a Biblical level, but Yahweh certainly uses mere men to prophesy today as He has throughout history.  Astute observers will notice immediately that 9/11 happens to be American football season, and a football game was featured prominently in the song, so the time of year is spot-on.  The date 9/11/2019 is precisely 18 years after the infamous 9/11 of 2001 and 18 is of course another Babylon indicator-

6  + 6 + 6 = 18

In addition to being one of the most famous songs of the twentieth century, American Pie is also the name of an album, an album that begins with the title song and ends with the song-


Was there any event, Biblically, which occurred precisely 2520 weeks after another event of some type?  According to, there was; in fact, it was the Writing on the Wall event featuring Belshazzar!  Quoting the author in part (italics mine)-

Belshazzar was mocking the God of Israel that night by partying with the implements from the Temple in Jerusalem. God had been keeping a very precise measurement of time since Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed and robbed the Temple 2520 weeks ago . . .

I am certainly not expecting an “event” on 9/11 of this year, but nor would I be surprised.  This is yet another indication that we are in the time window for judgment, and with the 70 years coming to an end in either 2019 or 2020 we are very close to the surprise nuclear attack [also keep in mind that 70 prophetic years = 69 calendar (Gregorian) years, so 2019 might possibly be identified even if the fig tree blossomed and leaved in 1950].

As opposed to 9/11, I’m actually looking at 9/19 as a potential “marker date”, one which will be discussed in the next article due up within days, Yahweh willing.  This should be enough to prayerfully consider for now.  In the interim, I’d encourage you all to prayerfully consider acknowledging the upcoming month of Elul, the month of repentance, which begins at sundown on 31 August.



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I read this same article yesterday as well! :good:   Then I was curious of the American Pie lyrics and googled it and then listened to Don McLean sing it.  Extremely catchy song ... I played it 4 times in a row.
