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Living Totally Off Of Prayer and God's Grace

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(@Anonymous 161)
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Friends of RITA "Can I get a Maranatha Jesus" Smile Come Quickly

Last year has been such a blessing but really tough.

I survived cancer and I'm doing great. I'm cancer free I lost 40 pounds.

But I'm on a really strict diet and my kidney has to be monitored often.

I'm not complaining Smile just explaining the adjustment.

God has supplied my every need at every corner.

However my spouse of 16 years left me right after the surgery which has been really tough.

Its hard to be alone and I know many of you face loneliness as well which is just tough.

On the positive side during my cancer recovery I started the real estate study program to keep me busy.

I passed last week. Smile Thank you Jesus Smile
I would appreciate any prayers. I am extremely lonely, a little depressed and I need a job. I sent out about 15 resumes today.  I'm hoping for something close to home. Smile
God has always delivered in his time and I am so blessed. My bills are small and they always seem to get covered. Smile Thank Jesus

Please pray that anything related to a new spouse or friend is based upon his will and not mine. Smile
I'm horrible at choosing my own will Smile
Also my sons relationship is like a yoyo. I'm either great or he hates me. I'm currently in the hate me stage again. And I was only trying to help him find a job.

I'm also struggling with seeing my good friend Danny go through end stage cancer. It started off as prostate cancer and spread. Danny is schizophrenic, and he was physically abused as a youth. He was diagnosed with cancer 1 month prior to me. So I have been wondering why God spared me.

Danny is a strong christian. He said he is going to pray that God watches over me when he's gone. What an amazing person he is.

So prayers for Grace, Friendship, a Job, and Danny's passing in comfort Please Smile

Thank you soo much Smile





11 Replies
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:prayer-hands: All your needs get met … so sorry to hear your wife left you and she didn’t honor her vow “in sickness and in health”.  Hang in there ... Jesus promises to supply all our needs. He is faithful.  Keep your eyes on Him  and keep looking up to …He is coming again … any day now … to rescue us from this evil world.   Saudi Arabia is getting ready to sign the peace accords and wants Israel to divide their land :wacko:

Posts: 347
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(@Anonymous 161)
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Joined: 6 years ago



Me and Sheena with JD 🙂


After Surgery 40 pounds less 🙂

Paul R
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Praying for you brother... your faith and perseverance is an inspiration!

Perhaps Today
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Prayers sent up Boulder95. May God Bless and keep you.

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Prayers going up for you!!!! :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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Prayers for you, Boulder!

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Keep looking up Boulder — we are soon for departure via flight 777 and that loneliness will be gone as Jesus is our all in all. This outer shell is wasting away but our inner self is being renewed day by day ….

2 Corinthians 4:16 “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”


Posts: 347
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(@Anonymous 161)
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Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you


Todd Tomlinson
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Brother I can relate to your situation (including the 40 pounds lost) and I'm here to tell you that God is an awesome God and will replace your loss with something greater.  I am 13 years beyond where you are on your timeline and I'm here to celebrate and share that the last 10 years have been the best years yet.  Keep your head and heart focused on Jesus and He'll do the rest.

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