Lift me Lord and open the eyes of my heart, my spirit, my being! That I may experience Your glory! For your glory is perfectly reflected in all that you are and in all that you do! Your measure of glory experienced in this life is brief, fleeting and veiled! Then lift me Lord into your presence and heavenly realms that I may experience your full and unveiled glories! That I might know love, peace, joy, goodness, understanding, as like never before! With first a spiritual body, soul and Spirit to withstand and appreciate Your glories unveiled and unabaited! Let me see you, as you are! Let me know you as you are! Let me be taken by you as you are! Hide not nor diminish Your glory any longer, but grant me access that I may fully partake! I want to know You Lord! As a friend, as the lover of my soul, and as the God of my creation! As one who worships and adores You! Selah, Amen TR Please we are so close — think on these things Amen, that was so beautiful! You are my everything Lord, you are the love of my heart, mind and soul! I love harmony vocals! Still love hearing Barbershop. I wonder what it's like to hear "them" argue? :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Beautiful! Thank you Tammie. Oh Lord come gather Your jewels! True that and they do a marvelous job with the gift our Father gave to them. The worship you feel in the depth of your soul is amazing….. Yohanan — they take turns of “chorus” and you are not right brother, not right at all :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: But Tammie, that's one man doing all four parts so I simply took it a step further and added the essential element of "siblings" to it. So, I'm not too far off into left field. My siblings may agree with you, though :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: EDIT: Now that I think about it, PLEASE don't talk to any of them! :mdrmdr: You have to remember that some of my patients have multiple personality disorders, so this is not an unusual event for me to see — :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: We will forego the sibling interrogation - for now B-) :wacko: eternity is plenty of time to fine tune it :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Oh, I can only imagine the people you have to deal with! God blessed you and all health care workers with a special temperament! Temperament and patience for the arrogant Alfreds, the battling Brian’s, the complaining Connies, the diva and denial David’s, the escalating Evan’s, the flouting Florences, the grumpy Guss’, the hilarious Hannah’s, the irrational Irenes, the Jack junkies, the kaleidoscope Kelly, the lamenting Larry, the manipulative Marj, the Needy Nellies, the oblivious Oliver, the postulated Pete, the queeny Quinta, the radical Ryan, the slothful Sonny, the trans dominant Tad, the ulcerative Ursula, the vector Victor, the Wernicke warrior, the xeroderma Xavier, the yeasty Yetti, and the Zealous Zietas all make for an interesting day in medicine. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. :prayer-hands:
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