Again, let no man steal the treasure of the blessed hope which the Lord has placed upon our hearts! Let us hold fast to that which we have been given by his Spirit! Regardless the exactness of that day it shall soon be upon us! Whereby comfort one another with the promise of His return feasting not on fear, but rather faith! As we monitor the plans of men and demons it is for the purpose of knowing that hour of testing is approaching! And the knowledge of that points our hearts and sharpens our faith in His promises! I personally am now looking upon the 17th day of the 4th month! While every day inquiring of the Lord! Look up, for our redemption will shout it's day! TR Funny how many claim having visions and dreams from the Lord! I think some are actually flashbacks from the sixties! One woman claims the Rapture is yet decades away! Another popular pastor/teacher instructs people to avoid prophecy teachers! Some dreams and visions are so involved and detailed you need a degree in theorhetical physics and quantum math! While others yet are so open ended as to accommodate the doctrines of men and demons! Every ilk of teaching is advanced when gilded in a dream or vision! Great discernment and wisdom must therefore be applied! TR Please explain. What is your date, which calendar, why? I am excited to go anytime! Wondering too when is 17th day of 4th month T.R., are you referring to this Saturday July 17th? If so … from sunset Saturday, July 17th is the 9 of AV thru sunset Sunday July 18th. Looks to be very high watched day for the rapture :mail: because …. So many tragedies for Israel on that day - The spies returned on the 9th of Av to give their accounts of the giants in the promise land and the Jewish people feared and rather go back to Egypt and die at the hands of the Egyptians than to trust God for victory over the giants … so those who didn’t believe wandered around for 40 years in the desert until that generation died off. Both 1st and 2nd Temples got destroy on the 9th of AV The expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 occurred on the 9th of AV The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1490 occurred on the 9th of AV WW1 started on the 9th of AV Treblinka death camp begins operating and start of deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto on the 9th of AV Will the rapture happen on 9th of AV? :unsure: or will a Middle East war? :unsure: I believe Ii read it is on the 28th of Jul? TR
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