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Latest Article from Gary at Unsealed

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Brother Gary just put up an excellent article at Unsealed about 2020 potentially being the year of the harpazo.  Between the content itself and the links embedded, this has a large amount of meat that could be chewed on for days.  Bon appetit!

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Love it! :good:

Woe and this intriguing facto tidbit Gary pointed it out about the ages of Bibi and Rivlin ...

“For all things to be fulfilled within a maximum of 80 years from the rebirth of Israel, the Tribulation might indeed need to begin this Fall of necessity, with its conclusion in the Fall of 2027.

Side note: It just so happens that this past decade was the first time in thousands of years that worldwide life expectancy fell in the range of 70–80 years. Just think of it! To top it off, the fig tree of Israel is governed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin. Netanyahu is 70 years old and Rivlin is 80. This strange “coincidence” will only persist until this Fall.”

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Excellent read! Very encouraging!

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Indeed, 2020!  Pentecost or bust.  Again, I'm all in for this year!



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I’m trying not to be “Pessimistic Patty” here but I’m feeling it more that the rapture “might” occur in September.  They already announced schools in our area will not be reopening ... so if the rapture does happen this fall ... most will be safely in their homes and not traveling about.

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Great find, Watchman35.  Thanks!

How soon did you say you expect to hear about that PM job?  You have remained both a competent Project Manager and a staunch Pre-Millennial.  Hang in there.  Not much longer to wait.

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Hi Dan.  Hoping to hear something by the end of the week, but you know how these things can drag out, especially in the current Covid environment.  In a perfect world, at least in my little mind, I would get an offer with a start date sometime in August, and then be raptured before that start date begins.

In that scenario, the Lord would take care of two birds for me with one occupational stone.  He would help me, for my remaining days on earth, deal with the discouragement and struggle I am having about applying for so many jobs with no offer while the end of federal unemployment looms at the end of the month, and He would validate that I really did hear Him several years ago tell me the job I recently lost would be the last job I worked before reaching the shores of the promised land.

In my mind, I cannot seem to shake what I thought I heard a few years back and have told the Lord that I will only be prepared to surrender to the idea that I simply "missed it" when I sit down at my desk on my first day of paid employment for any new job.  115 applications later, no work yet?!

Edit: Just got the email after posting this.  They went with another candidate.  Crushed again.

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It all may be a moot point.  Peace for your mind and joy for your heart!


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Wow that is some serious job searching!

If we are still here in the fall, have you thought about going through a temp agency or doing consultant work?  Believe it or not here on the East Coast this is how you get into the Fortune 500 companies or its ... “who you know that already works there”.   All my favorite jobs came from the process of “temp to hire” and you’re only temping less than a month before they offer full time.  It works out good both ways ... they see how you work and if you will fit in and you see how the company operates and if you will be happy there.

I heard they are seriously thinking of handing out another round of stimulus checks.  Perhaps that extra money will tide you over until the rapture?

The Lord has a plan for your life and is working behind the scenes .... just keep your eyes on Him and trust Him.   Meanwhile your brothers and sisters here are praying for you.

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So many tie ins and types and shadows!

Seems as if the Lord is really trying to prepare us for the announcement!

Many threads are woven into the tapestry of our redemption!  As we see His tapestry from the bottom.  When in Heaven we shall see the tapestry of time in it's fullness and completeness!


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