L.A. on the Nephili...
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L.A. on the Nephilim

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I love listening to L.A. Marzulli regarding his finds on the Nephilim - so insightful how Satan distorted the human race…


The deception will be complete and they will think nothing of us leaving…..

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I heard someone say these demons have the ability to shape-shift into the appearance of men … and this is what they did when they had relations with the women in Genesis to create the giants.  They took on the form of their husbands or boyfriend and they were tricked which makes it even more creepier to think about.  So you wonder if the same thing is going to happen and if its happening right now since we are in the end of the end of days? :unsure:

A few years ago I was approached in the Walmart parking lot by this old man who was very angry with me.  He spoke a language I didn’t understand and I didn’t know who he was which made it more bizarre.  I was puzzled with why is he angry with me?  To shut him up I said  “in the name of Jesus Christ get out of my presence” and he showed fear and fled … I never saw someone run so fast … this was an old man and he was running like a 20 year old in Olympic track and field race in the opposite direction … down the crowded parking lot. :mdrmdr:  He made a left turn and I quickly look in the next aisle of cars and he just disappeared into thin air.  So my guess was he was a demon that took on human flesh.  The only thing I could think of that he was angry at me for  … I was sitting down on the bench by entrance/exit door inside Walmart and I got a chance to talk to a lady about Jesus and she was happy to hear the Good News because she said she woke up paralyzed one morning from a stroke (she was in her late 30’s) and she said she almost died while in the hospital recovering from all the tests. So God spared her life to hear the Good News because she was in a wheelchair the day I was talking to her and she was waiting for her husband to finish up buying the groceries.  So she was thrilled to hear about the hope of heaven and having a brand new body.  She gladly took the Bible tract to read.  So my thoughts were she probably got saved after I spoke to her because I left before her husband was finished or she was going to get saved later that day and this demon was very angry about it.


Hebrews 13:2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

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Awesome testimony!


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It actually was fun days back then to meet people and witness to them while shopping or eating out or on vacation at Myrtle beach and sitting by the poolside or inside the pool itself while enjoying a non alcoholic pina colada. :mdrmdr:   So many were interested in the Bible and eternal life back then.  There were hardy ever a reject or mock out.  I met the nicest people and many were hurting and concerned about their future.  I even over heard part of a conversation between 2 gentlemen … one was talking about watching Jack Van Impee the night prior and discussing the future battles, Damascus destruction, the collapse of society, the great famine and high rise of food prices, etc.  this was back in spring 2009 and I was about to get out of the pool but felt led to bud in and I said hi :bye: I’m a believer too and apparently this one believer was trying to lead the other man to Christ.  So the unsaved man started asking me what I knew about the future events so I shared my knowledge and he was amazed because both of us were insync  saying the same thing and we are both pre-tribbers. :yahoo: :mdrmdr: So I thought it was cool that the Lord put me across their path because obviously the man needed 2 witnesses to confirm for him to believe it.  We had a conversation for about 30 minutes … then I had to leave to get ready for dinner.   I hoped to see them the next day but they must have decided to play golf.  All I know is those days were fun to share the Word with others and to give them a hope.   Now … its very hard to do so … with people being standoffish and mean spirited … most are not concerned about their souls and the afterlife.  I’ve seen this trend now even before COVID … for the past 3 years … its far and few encounters.  Comparing and gauging how it was years ago vs now … I feel like my work down here is done.  I just want to move on and be in heaven!   When I hear preachers say now is the time to be active and share the hope that is in you … people are asking questions yada yada yada … well, I’m not seeing it … certainly not in the northeast … just the opposite.  So that tells me … time is about up and we are flying out of here soon! :yahoo:

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  1. Indeed!  We are seeing a great falling away and a separation of the sheep and goats!  A different spirit seems more prevalent!

Yet self proclaimed prophets and teachers are again promising worldwide revivals based on revelation knowledge rather than increasing darkness as most of scripture has promised!

Many are deceived by dominion theology and prosperity teachings, instead of rather preparing the church and the world for an imminent rapture!  Again,  obvious and selfish motivation agenda's seem most prevalent!

I and many characterize the days remaing as the Lord gathering in the "last" that would before His soon return!
Agreeing with JD and others that worldwide revival as the age of grace ends as incorrectly espousing the number of days left remaing!
A dubious, deceiving and contrary message than what the spirit speaketh to the church!

A revival of that nature, has been prophesied for the Tribulation period!

Look up, for our redemption surely draweth nigh!


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D. James Kennedy, pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderale, Florida, he believed “the world is getting better” and would often say this on his program.  I would shout back at the TV  “are you kidding me!!”   He passed on in Sept 2007 … I often wonder what he would think now with the condition the world is in … would he still be saying that same itching ear slogan to his congregation?

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Being in positions of authority and esteemed, as well as propagating the nature of insured finance works in every political , religious and spiritual realm!

Again, dominion theology is so busy focusing and glorifying up this entity called church, Christ often takes second hand!


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In the same way that Marion theology makes her a co redempter with Christ, so too an exaggerated sense of the Church's importance does the same!

Mary was indeed chosen by God, as we in the church refer to ourselves in the same light!

The church does'nt exist to be glorfied!!!


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Rewarded yes, glorified no!


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Check out Romans 8:30 though...  Just wait.

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