First and foremost kudo's for all men and women of God who have worked tirelessly for the kingdom of God! Long and honest work for years on end having in the end no net worth that any could boast about! God has seen and God will reward! Just as like many others have as well, simply providing for their family and loved ones! Next a railing against all those who have been self promoting and self serving chasing after riches! Both in the world at large and in particular within the church! Through multi media and technology claiming to reach souls for Christ while in fact making a name and a reputation for themselves! God has seen, God knows! Yes a railing against those in particular who have made luscious lifestyles for themselves off the stripes upon Christ's back! Woe to you! Thus sayeth the Lord, I come and my reward is with Me! Rewards of eternal life and treasures! Or the reward of reviling! Either well done, or get thee behind Me! Indeed every man's reward is soon forthcoming! TR