Just saying hello.....
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Just saying hello...

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ahhh.... we are the red-headed stepchild... :mdrmdr: Well, I did always want to be a redhead and I am part Irish...

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Lol.  Those of us who have been at this for decades have learned patience and hopefully have honed a discerning spirit.  Again, many deceiving spirits abound.  The mods have done a wonderful job keeping this site safe.  Though censorship is sometimes needed, long term members who have revealed their hearts and spirits as God glorifying should enjoy a modicum of latitude. IMHO

Again the freedom of agreeing to disagree is always helpful.  Punitive actions for parsing of word usage is over the top.  We can attempt to control deceiving spirits and teachings but not anticipated individual feelings of ruffled feathers for any given individual, or be harshly dogmatic about punctuation protocol.

This is where wisdom is needed.  Knowing when to employ the letter of the law and when to appreciate the direction of one's spirit!



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I was once mostly a redhead, ok, so not a carrot redhead, or a bright red, redhead, but very auburn with tons of red highlights as related to that Irish strain as referenced by my daughter. Now, I’m just full on wisdom. Proverbs 16:31 “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” although not gray but white, is that a higher form of wisdom, I wonder.... I so digress! Very squirrel moment...yes TR, discernment with decades of watching and waiting, discerning the  signs that are certainly exploding all around us. Per my earthquake app, the birth pains seem to revving up once again... :popcorn :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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Again, visiting Rapture websites is not about it being a contest.  Not about being right.  But rather it is a statement that reveals the longing of our heart!

I do so appreciate those who consecrate so much time and effort in their studies and are willing to share!  For me it's more about getting to know who I will share eternity with.

Because the Lord has called me into His grace, I will forever be grateful.  Having done nothing to achieve or deserve it!

A psalm here, a prayer there and to be able to offer insight or encouragement is all that I can offer.  As such I am grateful for this site that offers me that forum.  Sad that more don't avail themselves likewise!  Let the Lord be glorified in all!





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To my RITAN family, hanging on by a spiritual thread....

Galatians 6:9 “We must not get tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time. We must not give up.” (ERV)

Let us not fall by the way side as part of the great falling away, take heart, for our redemption is closer today than ever before, the signs are everywhere, and we are looking up, Our wicks are trimmed, our oil in full while remaining busy about the Father’s business of prayer, witnessing,  and faithfulness to Gods Word. We are to encourage one another to remain steadfast! It’s no longer a time to post when we may think the rapture will occur, as it is at the door, eminent— it is more of a matter of helping each other to remain strong in the Lord.
If you have not watched the Nov 10 sermon on JD’s site, you need too! It brought strong convictions that we cannot quit, we must put off ourselves and be about our Fathers business!

Hang-n-there! We so already got this, now let’s bring others along. :prayer-hands:

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Found the link

Worth the watch, hard stuff!

fair use

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Hi Mr Reed.

I still think something can happen at any time now.

I thought something would happen Nov 8 or 15.

September 23, 2017 + 777 days = November 8, 2017.

That would be seven days before the rain fell back in the days of Noah, Cheshvan 17.


Or maybe the Rabbi are off on their calendar and it'll be seven days latter in the wee hours of the 22nd. When the stars fall from the sky. Spooky.


Tammie cracked me up with that wacka-doodle weather business. Pasture Tim. Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!

It's fun to laugh. She is funny. And smart.

Circle the date November 21st on your calendar. I didn't find too much for November 21, but i'll probably wait up that night from about 11:30 p.m. on the 21st to 12:10 a.m. on the 22nd, if the sky is clear in my area. On one of those days or hours. I'm on a 4 day work week, so Friday is my day off.

And the stars fall from heaven.

Intense Meteor Outburst Expected from the Alpha Monocerotids

By: Bob King | November 13, 2019

Circle the date November 21st on your calendar, when a brief but potentially spectacular meteor storm might light up the night.

What's rarer than seeing a unicorn? How about a unicorn spitting meteors at the rate of 400 per hour? You'll have an opportunity to see it for yourself on Thursday night, November 21-22, when the obscure Alpha Monocerotid shower could produce upwards of 400 meteors per hour from a radiant near the star Procyon, a star near the constellation Monoceros, the unicorn.


Alpha Monocerotids outburst may produce a meteor storm next week

On the night of November 21-22, a meteor shower that you probably haven't heard of, which originates from a comet no one has apparently seen before, is predicted to put on a brief but spectacular show.

According to meteor scientists Peter Jenniskens and Esko Lyytinen, on the night of November 21, for between 15 to 40 minutes, centred around 11:50 p.m. EST, Earth is expected to pass through a narrow, dense cluster of meteoroids left behind by whatever comet produces the alpha Monocerotids.

From around 11:30 p.m. EST to 12:10 a.m. EST, the one or two meteors per hour we normally see from this meteor shower will suddenly bloom into an outburst which will produce the equivalent of at least 400 meteors per hour.

Where we would normally just see one meteor for that entire period, instead we could see around 7 meteors every minute.

As Lyytinen wrote on the Meteor News site, however, there's the possibilty that this event could produce the equivalent of up to 1,000 meteors per hour! That's around 16-17 meteors per minute!

So, in order to see it, at the very minimum, watch at the following times on the night of November 21-22:

NST: 1 a.m. to 1:40 a.m. on the 22nd

AST: 12:30 a.m. to 1:10 a.m. on the 22nd

EST: 11:30 p.m. on the 21st to 12:10 a.m. on the 22nd

CST: 10:30 p.m. to 11:10 p.m. on the 21st

MST: 9:30 p.m. to 10:10 p.m. on the 21st

PST: 8:30 p.m. to 9:10 p.m. on the 21st


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I agree brother!  I've never claimed having an inside track of God's timetable.  Though I am thoroughly convinced it will happen in my lifetime, I can't set any dates.  Also another reason why I look for a divine disclosure of some sort!

One of the reasons I also visit this site is to help insure that I am plugged into the greater assembly of believers, to hear what the Spirit is speaking to His Church.  That said, I also have maintained that we should all continue to hold on till the very end.  Thank you Tammie for supplying yet another confirmation that I am hearing from the Lord.

A site such as this does indeed offer a number of checks and balances against lying and deceiving  spirits.



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Truly this site will never be what it used to be nor garner the attention it once had.

I appreciate what you've said but I disagree with it. The very first Rita took time to grow into what it became. This site is no different. The time in between web sites has created a situation where this is basically a brand new forum. Yes, the facebook site has taken some of the membership from the old forum and they apparently like the speed at which it runs. I have seen the moderating difficulties of the fb site. The mods there will get super big crowns for what they have to deal with. But this site is still growing....slowly, and we have, in my opinion, a much more peaceful group of sibs here. I believe we all thought in the beginning that it would be just the same as the old and many, myself included are rather disappointed that it isn't. But like all good things, it takes time to grow. Hang in there, brothers and sisters. Keep to the course of loving and encouraging one another. I still think this is the best place on the web.

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I had the same problem yesterday with “awaiting moderation” ... I did attach 2 pictures so I wonder if that is a problem?  So I reposted my comment without the pictures and it went through fine.  Then later on I see the original post with pictures finally posted.

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