I was just this morning thinking, "I wonder if this is a prophetic subtlety." Sharp as I was feeling at the time, I noted the word "Corona" refers to crown-like. It occurred to me that Revelation 6:2 prophesies, "...and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer." Looks to me like we're being conquered all right. :yes: I had fun with this idea for a few minutes imagining that this virus was named quite recently by conniving globalists, until I found this paragraph, an excerpt from a 2005 article found in https://journals.lww.com/pidj/fulltext/2005/11001/history_and_recent_advances_in_coronavirus.12.aspx QUOTE In the late 1960s, Tyrrell was leading a group of virologists working with the human strains and a number of animal viruses. These included infectious bronchitis virus, mouse hepatitis virus and transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine, all of which had been demonstrated to be morphologically the same as seen through electron microscopy. This new group of viruses was named coronavirus (corona denoting the crown-like appearance of the surface projections) and was later officially accepted as a new genus of viruses. UNQUOTE Okay, Uncle! Yet it still does not absolutely prove that the rider is not being handed this particular "corona" for his conquest. Well, it could be. :whistle: :scratch: :unsure: 😉 It probably looks like Dan needs something better to do with his time than dream up prophetic subtleties. :yes: :yes: However, for something different to do besides poke at my computer for fourteen hours a day, maybe I could go sit out in front of my house with a pump spray disinfectant, a chair, and a table, and sporting a large banner, offer to squirt my neighbors' and drive-bys' pocket change and paper money for free. Then I'd tell them about Revelation 6:1-2 and its subtle relation to today's problems, and see if I get any agreeing. But alas, the streets are so deserted... Ho hum... Never mind. Lemonade anybody? Just as like a child before birth, it realigns itself and positions it's head or the crown of his head towards the exit. This is called the Corona position. So as we await our new birth, everything is turned upside down. Hope the wait isn't too long, I get sea sick pretty quickly! TR Yes, coincidence is not a kosher word. The coronavirus could very well usher in the anti-messiah who will be crowned by all who hate God. Lemonade sounds good. Yum! JD Farad's latest prophecy updates suggests that it could well be what ushers in the one world gov't and the AC. Time will tell. It was one of the most interesting updates I think he's ever given in all of the time I've been a viewer of his.