There are folks who are still holding on to the things of this world….. :prayer-hands: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: So true! :yes: And here are the King James Only dogs 😂🤣 Hey in the next life I’m sure our fur babies will be talking and perhaps they will copy cat our accents and language so … I think this is possible to teach them Shakespearean lango. B-) - Fair Use - No bitingeth!...want to go for a walketh?...lay downeth!...got geteth it!...come hereth!!... :rose: Yohanan, How many times have we heard “I just want a bite.”? It’s definitely an XX thing. I’m a slow learner, but I have finally caught on. Regarding Yohanan’s post further up: As far as being in trouble and not having a clue why, I’m the poster guy for that. I can sure step in it. Ladies, we guys can be pretty clueless at times. No mind games on our part are involved. So that look of surprise on our faces isn’t feigned. 😳 :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Kent, we are allowed to live just long enough to figure it out!