Puzzle pieces continue to appear on the horizon and dominoes are still being set, yet my spirit is quiet and still! Our waiting and watching continues against the backdrop of being still and knowing He is Lord! Though imminence prevails, time seems lost and halted! TR Indeed, the Lord is more than willing and able to accomplish His purposes for His glory! His ways are higher than ours and more glorious! I am sure He is just as anxious to fulfill His redemption plans and have us all with Him! Hopefully not much longer as His plans for Israel are also fulfilled! TR Anxious? The Almighty? I'm guessin' not so much... Does imminency have a shelf life?! TR Well, anxious can also mean wanting something very much. I think this would be the usage in TR's comment. I was a poster on another Rapture forum earlier this year. Apparently they had posted an amendment to their rules that they wanted posters to stop posting anything about COVID or getting the COVID shot. I didn't know this and posted something about getting the shot and they immediately suspended me from posting for 3 weeks. I wrote to them and gave them my permanent adios, and I told them that it was obvious that their site was being controlled by big tech. Phil
You may be right TR: that it's just a matter of time before they shut down our witness of salvation and the rapture. We know who is really behind all this: Satan.
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