Israel goes off daylight savings time today at 2am - 75 min from now,,,,,, tic tock..... What do you mean "getting" squirrelly! Had one make a pass at me! TR Oh boy! Unity of the species is common in the animal kingdom :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Good point, Regina. Perhaps 38 years is not such a problem. Still, there seems to be historical accounts of earthquakes and of abnormal darkness that don’t fit 32 AD. Plus, the account about 46 years to build the Temple may indicate a 30 AD crucifixion. ——————- Herod began his actual reign in BCE 37 upon the death of Antigonus II that ended the Hasmonean Dynasty. Josephus makes it clear that Herod's temple had been started in Herod's 18th year, counting inclusively from the year beginning his reign. BCE 37; Herod starts reign BCE 20; Herod begins temple 27 CE; Jesus' first Passover during His ministry, being 30 1/2 years old See Antiquities XV 11 From BCE 20 to 27 CE is 46 years, counting from year 20 to 19 as 1 and ignoring the 0 year that didn't exist. John 2:20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? Christ of course was referring to His Body at its death, burial, and resurrection as thetemple that will be raised. I know my Brother I'm grrrrr every day I have to spend in this wicked, evil and sin soaked fallen world. Today would be good for me, but I feel that I need to glean whatever evidence that the Lord has left us and join the dots. Maranatha David I have to let you all know how encouraging it is to fellowship and discuss the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all here. With regard to Arthurs comment on signs at the time of the crucifixion I find it interesting that there was a lunar eclipse (blood moon) on 14th April 32AD (resurrection). David Here is a snap shot of Leo at the start of the feast of Tabernacles in 2028. Venus (the bright morning star) is directly aligned with Regulus (the King star) in the constellation Leo (The Lion of the Tribe of Judah) David, I haven’t look at the solar system alignment in a few months ... is the dragon still near Mars, with the church going up and Israel coming down per the fish symbols? And Mars was in retrograde? :prayer-hands:
So, Christ was 30 1/2 years old and Herod's temple was 46 years old at the time when this exchange took place in Jerusalem at the Passover.