J. D. Farag’s Octob...
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J. D. Farag’s October 24th, 2021 Bible Prophecy Update.

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J. D. Farag’s October 24th, 2021 Bible Prophecy Update – Livestream:
After livestream go to https://www.jdfarag.org/bible-prophecy

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J. D. Farag’s October 24th, 2021 Bible Prophecy Update – Full:

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I have listened to JD for several years now — there is a turn in his “prophecy updates” they are no longer prophecy related. I thank him for continuing to preach the Word, but it is now only about the Vax and not much else….. :unsure:

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I know Tammie, I feel the same. They have not been prophecy updates anymore.

I am also tired of seeing needles. There is no need to have them everywhere.

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When I first started watching and listening to J.D. probably over 10 years ago I quickly got turned off and bored by him and stopped watching and listening to him for years because every prophecy update was basically the same. Every update was like Isaiah 17 is about to happen, Psalm 83 is about to happen, and Ezekiel 38 - 39 is about to happen hence therefore the Rapture is about to happen.

Now every update is like they are coming at us and about to force their immediate precursor to the motb upon us any day now hence therefore our Red Sea moment is upon us and the Rapture is about to happen any second now.

Well I actually agree with him on that lol and have watched every single update going back to sometime last year and really look forward to his prophecy updates more than anything else I read, watch, and listen to online.


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I also have lost interest!
And the CG report is no better!  It serves only as a personal platform for his views while he teaches his teaching expertise he also instructs others to avoid prophecy teaching and teachers!


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I still like and listen to JD and Charlie. Sure is a heck of a lot better than network tv.

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I wish J.D. would do both … prophecy and covid  in the same update.  I can understand when prophecy is slow and he switched over to the hot topic of the plandemic.  But lately … things have been happening prophecy wise so I’m kind of surprise he hasn’t at least mention them in his updates … even if its for 10 minutes or so.

Todd Tomlinson
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Whew -- I thought I was the only one.  Thank y'all for confirming the same feelings I have.

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I would agree that listening to “our” favorite prophecy folks is much better than listening to the media-nights, who lie because they belong to the father of lies, the prince of the air (air-waves that is) ….

Also, very tired of all the jab and Vax stuff, it is only a distraction as the real evil is being played out. We are way beyond changing this path of destruction. The blind leading the blind — this is much like what we call in medicine - symptom management — we can only treat what we see (avoid as you can, use body building supplements to increase your ability to fight the poison, hide from the evil, or go to FEMA camps) - :unsure:

But I have been finding my taste for prophecy is turning more to Jan, Amir, Billy Crone, and Marzula … I have listened to others on occasion (Barry and Robert), but truly we are actually seeing and living it all unfold as we know it per God’s word and not sure anyone has a “new” revelation for those who have watched for decades :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:  just my two cents — remember keep looking up as the Bride is calling the Bridegroom home — imminently (any minute) :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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