J. D. Farag’s May 16th, 2021 Bible Prophecy Update – Livestream: J. D. Farag’s May 16th, 2021 Bible Prophecy Update – Full: i really enjoyed this one! that's how i was feeling, thinking, and saying to hubby...i get frustrated with Christians who haven't taken time and effort to at least have enough of an understanding of God's Word to know that God isn't finished with Israel and that, yes, we do want to be on their side! Also, exactly what JD was saying about removing the immanency the coming of our Bridegroom when people do not know or acknowledge the pre trib rapture or add to what God says in His Word with conditions and events we should be causing or expecting prior to us getting to be with Him- which is exactly because they do not believe the doctrine of Pre-Trib Rapture...i get frustrated that Christian leaders are too scared of being wrong or of upsetting anyone or i don't know what and just act like it doesn't matter since we know God is going to do what He's going to do and we don't really need to know when or what or why...but isn't getting to know Him in an intimate relationship something that also involves knowing what He's up to right now...watching...caring about the Father's work- aren't we more motivated when we know He is coming "in a minute" as JD would say...instead of thinking we can't know anything...wouldn't we all be needing to pool together and train and prepare for the Trib if we were gonna have to go through it??...or if we think He's gonna provide and protect supernaturally, wouldn't we get kinda lazy w/ our growth as Christians since we can see by reading Revelation that we are not in the Tribulation and if we thought we had to then we'd realize we have at least 7 years and the immanency does not then exist and until the Trib starts there would be no anticipation at all really for His coming...sorry...ranting...just some questions and answers i heard at church got me a little riled up yesterday and thought i'd vent/share...thanks for being here, y'all...encouraging just knowing yall are out there waiting for the blessed hope of a very soon pre-trib rapture...love jd's hope and encouragement while also being brutally honest at times Having always wanted meat, I always gravitated towards whatever pastor I had, wanting to submit myself! Too man pastors would opt out of teaching the sheep while finding unbelief and confusion in small groups! Sadly, procuring spiritual meat seemingly was an individual endeavor! While many professing the teaching of meat, instead taught the doctrines of men and demons! While only those teaching a prosperity gospel would prosper! All of the church's shortcomings aside, the greater fault would be found in the ambivilance and blind ignorance of the laity at large! TR
After livestream go to https://www.jdfarag.org/bible-prophecy
And after years of being directed towards small group discussions and fellowship groups I was always left wanting!
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May 16, 2021 10:38 am
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May 16, 2021 3:23 pm
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May 17, 2021 11:28 am