J. D. Farag’s June 9th, 2024 Bible Prophecy Update – Livestream: Welcome back JD. J. D. Farag’s June 9th, 2024 Bible Prophecy Update – Full: I made a copy of the list in case you would like it. Teaching on June 9, 2024 JD Farag's instead of list #1. Instead of getting Jesus to people and people to Jesus,
After livestream go to https://www.jdfarag.org/bible-prophecy
Romans 13:8 Fulfilling the Law Through Love
professing Christians are getting people to vote in this political theater
#2. Instead of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
professing Christians have diverted time and energy to arguing with each other
#3. Instead of having time to pursue righteousness,
professing Christians seemingly have plenty of time to pursue unrighteousness
#4. Instead of possessing energy to wake up from sleepy Christianity,
professing Christians possess the energy for anything but
#5. Instead of desiring to sit under the teaching of God’s Word for 1-hour,
professing Christians will sit for hours to be entertained
#6. Instead of knowing and understanding that now is the time,
professing Christians somehow think there’s no hurry and no worry
#7. Instead of discerning and understanding the hour in which we’re living,
professing Christians buy the lie of the world’s narrative