J. D. Farag’s January 26th, 2025 Bible Prophecy Update – Livestream: I've only watched the Youtube part so far. I usually watch everything at 2x speed. It is hard to get through the rest at regular speed. Does anyone know how to speed up the video on his site? From what I have heard so far sounds like we have to be out of here soon. Like he said, buckle up because we are going up. Do you think a new pandemic will have us on lockdown when we are raptured? If there is a repeat, the 2020 lockdown began in March, a perfect time to leave. Some folks are pointing to March 21 Shabbat Parah, Shabbat of the red heifer, for the red heifer ceremony. I wonder if we will be here to see that. You can download the video from JD's site and play it with whatever media player you have. The media player that comes with Windows will play back at 2X.
After livestream go to https://www.jdfarag.org/bible-prophecy