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J. D. Farag's Bible Prophecy Update – February 23rd, 2020

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J. D. Farag's Bible Prophecy Update – February 23rd, 2020


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A refractive mirage that created a false horizon, thereby obscuring the iceberg that the Titanic collided with.  And the rest, as they say, is history.  What a powerful  analogy of what is taking place in the spiritual realm today, where the masses of humanity cannot see the iceberg of Daniel's 70th week because the refractive mirage of a deluding spirit is creating a false horizon that is blocking their view of reality.  And the life boat of Jesus' salvation that people refuse to get into because they would rather stay on the "unsinkable" Titanic of planet earth.  It's a remarkable analogy that reflects the Truth of God's Word.  Powerful picture.

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Great analogy!  I'm given to understand that as the Titanic was going down, band members stood on the deck of the ship and kept playing music.  They also went down with the ship!


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I thought the Titanic was warned about the iceberg but the telegrapher operator either didn’t do his job of warning the captain or the captain didn’t take it seriously.  But then, that was Hollywood’s version. B-)   Also I think the ship was traveling faster than normal to get to their destination sooner.  They claim if they were going normal speed there might not have been as much damage done upon impact.

I found it interesting that a Scottish Baptist Preacher by the name of John Harper was on board.  His daughter and sister were put on a lifeboat and survived, but Harper stayed behind and jumped into the water as the ship began to sink. Some who survived told that Harper preached the Gospel to the end (especially Acts 16:31), first aboard the sinking ship and then afterward to those in the freezing water before dying in it himself.

So even in the last moments of a horrifying event, the Lord allow this bold preacher to be there to win the lost that fateful day or night.
