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J. D. Farag Bible Prophecy Update – July 21st, 2019

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J. D. Farag Bible Prophecy Update – July 21st, 2019


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Posts: 3142
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Joined: 6 years ago

Good update.

Yep, I can vouch if you’re serious and desire to witness to someone and pray for the Lord to bring that person along your path, He certainly will.  This is what happened to me back in 2012 ... it was a Friday afternoon ... I was driving back to the office from lunch break.  Bought groceries so after work it would have been no need for me to stop anywhere.  I had the Christian radio station on and some preacher was talking about this very topic.  So I prayed out loud ... “Lord, please bring someone across my path this afternoon if you want me to witness to them ... but I ended with ... I know you won’t though”.   The reason I said that sarcastic ending part was because I was the only one in the office that afternoon and I wasn’t expecting any deliveries nor any conference calls nor any need to call up any vendors.  So I truly doubted anything would happen.  However, at 4:30 ... I was shock when I heard a knock on the suite door.  When I unlocked it ... low and behold it was the cleaning lady!  LOL.  She said I hope you don’t mind I’m here 45 minutes earlier.   I said no problem you can vacuum and it won’t disturb me at all.  Before you know it she is telling me about all the stressful drama in her life and I had a chance to witness to her and hand her a Bible tract before leaving.  Driving home I felt so ashamed and said  “oh Lord please forgive me for being sarcastic and doubting You in arranging that divine appointment.”  I learned a big lesson that afternoon and never forgot it ...

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lol — I have also learned three things:

1. Never say never to God Almighty, just as He did with Gideon, He will call our bluff.

2. God has a tremendous sense of humor, He says “ha, I think I know better, gotcha”

3. When we least expect it, God wants to bless us by being a blessing and bringing Glory to Him.

:yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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I agree.  The Lord does have a way of showing up when He is least expected.

