Twilight time is upon us, marking the end of days! The darkness of night approacheth as the day is done! An old song called Twilight Time by the Platters comes to mind! We are children of the Day, being about the Father's business while it is still yet day! The dark days of Tribulation are fast approaching. and will soon envelope the whole Earth! Let continue to discern the prophetic hours before us ! Let us also rejoice in the new day that awaits all those hidden in Christ! The time for types and shadows will soon lead us into the dawn of a new day! A bright and glorious morn! TR If someone could post this song they would find it could easily be sung with the Lord in mind! TR Their song My Prayer also is even more poignant! TR ~ ~ "out of the mist, Your Voice is calling, it's Twilight Time ~~ swaying with the music and lyrics, T.R. with you, looking upward in praise of adoration to our God . . ~~ oh, what a mist of Heavenly Light appearing brighter than anything, making the sunshine seem dull ~ in the Light of Jesus we're all soooooooooooooooooo ready to hear our Lord's Voice ~ ~ oh, King of kings, and very Bridegroom WE"RE readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :heart: :yes: :prayer-hands: ~ ~ What a day that will be, when our Jesus we shall see; when as His Bride look upon His face, ~~ running to His embrace, to the One who saved us by His grace Keep swaying Sis, into His arms you will one day be! Although many love songs are secular they speak of intimacy, desire, longing and love! All which can easily translate to our relationship with the Lord! My Prayer speaks of a rapture in blue and of always being together! It's these sentiments that I want to focus on! TR T.R. . . Sooooooooooo in agreement how some secular songs 'sing' forth outstanding words with music ~ ~ lyrics that can be turned into praise, ~~ there are words to music that can reflect our worship to our Lord moving great joy in praise to our God Who made music in the first place ~ ~ Those gifted with a musical voice I know appreciate the joy and loveliness realizing music was God's idea ~~ surely in Heaven such is heard perfectly without any darkness to interfere . . oh, how the soul and spirit can move through song and lyrics and music in joyous deep adulation unto our Glorious God ~~ At my age, I am an old 'timer' . . A song by Andy Williams, for instance so moves me when I listen to it, entitled: "I'll weave a lei of stars for you" . . I picture our Jesus flinging out beautiful new stars as though they were just stardust sparkling in His Heavenly 'galaxy'' just made for His children ~ gorgeous song and lyrics and tune ~ ~ Our God weaves His lei of stars for us, and we call Him 'the Fairest One' ~~ This was released as a secular song....but I sang it many times in church with the direction being towards praising the Lord....because "I'm everything I am because You loved me" Another Platter's song is called Heaven on Earth! Sing that one to Jesus! We are all called, oldies but goodies! TR Again, evening twilight speaks of fading light and ensuing darkness! An appropriate metaphor for the days we live in! TR