It's the innocents ...
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It's the innocents through this that is heartbreaking ~

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Lara Logan gets it ~ ~    ! She is truthful, fearless and Knowledgeable! I wish they were all true journalists like her!

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The gal who cuts my hair emigrated to the USA with her husband 30 years ago. She is from Ukraine, born in Kyiv, her husband from Moscow. Her mother is from Kyiv and her father from Moscow. All the rest of their family are still in Russia and Ukraine and she has said pretty much the same thing that Lara Logan is saying here. And yet when I tell others this I get an earful about how wrong I am. They listen to the news and I got my information from people who are eyewitnesses. :unsure:

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The WHO elites are so corrupt,  so obviously evil, and worldly ~~ I've no doubt Biden is part of the 'chosen' selected by the WHO elites to 'lead' this nation . . ~ ~ It's astounding that Biden and his elk took over the WH and 'we, the people' couldn't stop it . .  ~~~

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wow!  she's pretty amazing! thanks for posting this, Donna...

this weekend i went back and watched a few things on u tube of Crimea 8 yrs ago and footage of things since then in Ukraine...i can't begin to really wrap my head around all this stuff and sadly i am awful at knowing, remembering &/or understanding history & do plan to watch/read more of way further back history, but i knew as soon as the big news people were all saying the exact same things about Pres. Z and Ukraine that i felt concerned- when they say their little catch phrases and tell you what to feel and think a red flag in my heart and mind goes this brave lady said, they've all been lying so much to us i know the opposite now of what they say is more true

it's all a messy confusing evil world and i think it's cuz God is letting people get a tiny taste of what it's like to try without Him and just follow the lusts of the flesh and when leaders collectively do that you get what we've got but thankfully with the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit within still a few as the Rapture hasn't happened yet...sure don't want to be here after....and yes, i hate the pain and suffering and can only hope and pray our good Lord is using the yuck to draw people to run to Him and bow before Him in their darkest moments and find all they ever needed and wanted in His loving arms

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another conspiracy 'theory' just bit the dust ~ ~
