We who gather together on sites such as this are consumed with Bride of Christ. As well we should be! But then again the the thought struck me that God has plans for every group of people in time. His heart certainly extends far beyond the Bride, though for now that is His primary focus! Just saying. TR It’s a beautiful thought. Jesus has sheep in another fold. Yet, we shall all be one. :yahoo: John 10:16 New King James Version (NKJV) Point is that we will spend eternity speaking of His multiplied goodness! Again, even after an eternity with Him, it's my opinion that God will still remain unfathomable. I guess this is what happens when mortality mixes with immortality. Indeed we can glory and revel in His heart towards us, but who can know the full mind and existence of God?! What else had He accomplished prior to making Man and the angels? Shall we ever be told? Whatever future endeavors shall He assume to accomplish? What new worlds and beings might He create and that we might be a part of?! Or will this divine romance be the sum of His creation and epitome of all that He might accomplish?! Can a God that is this creative be content without future creations?! Hmmm Curious what the future lies in store after mortality puts on immortality! Any thoughts? :feedback TR Since God is outside of time, when we are with a Him for eternity, we will have an ever increasing realization of how wonderful He is. An ever increasing joy. We will be learning more and more about the character of God and His Word for eternity. There will always be something new to learn. We’ll explore the universe and find planets with emerald green skies and aquamarine plants or planets made completely out of gold, perhaps. All this will speak to the breathtaking creativity of God. I can’t wait! It will be amazing beyond our comprehension and anything but boring! Maranatha!
16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.
If you ever read the comics in the newspapers, you’ll from time to time see cartoons depicting how boring heaven will be. Like a guy with wings and a halo looking glum and saying, “I wish I had brought a magazine.” Nothing could be further from the truth!