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Israel's Judges & Prime Ministers part 2

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I started part 1 almost 2 years ago and in light of recent events it needs a part 2 for a few reasons.

# 1 part 1 is long enough.

# 2 If everything goes as this article below states Israel will be swearing in it's 13th and possibly it's last Prime Minister of modern day Israel this coming Wednesday !

# 3 The person who discovered this similarity years ago just recently made a video about it in light of recent and upcoming events.

And in that video he says pack up your bags and get ready. He also mentions that  Joshua should be # 2 on the list of Ancient Israel's Judges that was provided in a link I put on part 1. I think I mentioned it myself in part 1 that I was surprised that Joshua wasn't on that list.

Anyway I strongly agree that we should be packing our bags and getting ready to leave soon.

Things look like they are about to speed up and explode starting this week !


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Love that man and his spirit!


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Naftali Bennet has been sworn in as Israel's 13th Prime Minister on the 13th of June 2021

Also I think he was sworn in by Israel's 36th (6+6+6+6+6+6) government that was also sworn in today

And lol I was listening to this song which has 9,995,999 views while I got the news

And then this song automatically played after it.


So now the end really begins ?!


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Yes, I agree … the end now begins …


And from “Now the End Begins” 😉

Anti-Semitic is on the rise in NYC (downtown Rockefeller Center) and in Philadelphia …  I never thought I would see this while still here …


Pro-Palestinian rioters descend on Manhattan shouting “Allahu Akbar!” Burn Israeli flags as Ilan Omar in congress says Jews are terrorists

The Daily Mail was first to report marchers tramping through midtown Manhattan in protest of the Museum of Modern Art’s links to Israel. Apparently the protesters are angry many Museum of Modern Art board members “invested in companies that supply the Israeli army with weapons, weeks after conflict flared between Israel and Palestine.” Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Friday that Omar’s comments did not warrant punishment. A reporter asked Pelosi during the event if “any further action should be taken against Rep. Omar for her comments.” “No,” Pelosi abruptly said, cutting off the reporter.

In America, antisemitism is rising very rapidly, fueled in part by members of Congress who themselves are stunningly antisemitic. Former New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind blamed “radical” Democrats for the recent surge in anti-Semitic attacks across the country, arguing that party leaders are “missing in action” and are not doing anything to stop it. Hikind argued on “Fox & Friends Weekend” on Sunday that those “radical” Democrats include Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Cori Bush, D-Mo.

“Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.” Psalm 129:5

Over in Israel, turmoil abounds as they swear-in a brand new government that ousts their longest-serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The Knesset began voting to confirm the new unity government led by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid on Sunday evening, confirming Bennett’s new role as prime minister of Israel and officially ending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12-year reign. Pray for the Jews and Israel, they don’t know it, but they’re getting ready to experience the time of Jacob’s trouble.

In Philadelphia, pro-Palestinian protesters chanted, “Palestine will be free,” accompanied by drum beats and flag waving. The latest events comes as a dozen Jewish Democrat House members called out Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her comparison of the United States and Israel to Hamas terrorists.


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This is a huge and exciting sign that things are speeding up and not slowing down or stopping like we've been seeing for a long time now.

And like Brandon Holthaus said in his last Q & A the longer we are down here the more we are going to see.

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Ok this chapter of Netanyahu and Trump has closed. Also curtains are coming down on the Age of Grace and we're going up, up and away! :flyup:


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I don't really care what day the Rapture happens on!  My only vested interest is that it be soon!

