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Israeli scientists: 'In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine'

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Once the vaccine is developed, it will take at least 90 days to complete the regulatory process and potentially more to enter the marketplace.

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From my timeline of Pentecost July 17 Tammuz 25 2020 Rapture-----2520 days-----June 11 Sivan 6 2027 Second Coming ---------49 days -----Pentecost July 30 Tammuz 25 2027 End of 1335 days Offering to God with Jesus being the High Priest, there is an extra 49 days on top of 2520 days. But what if there is no extra days? From Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy, we know there is only one week left which is 2520 days. From this one week, six objectives shall be accomplished by Jesus. If indeed there is no extra days, when we subtract 2520 days from Pentecost July 30 2027, we come to Sept 4 2020 for rapture and tribulation to begin.

Sept 4 Elul 15 2020 Rapture --------2471 days------ June 11 Sivan 6 2027 Second Coming ------- 49 days------ Pentecost July 30 Tammuz 25 2027 End of 1335 days, an offering held on this day, Jesus being the High Priest, with remnant of Israel and gentiles believers the two loaves of bread

Also, from Matthew 24, Jesus says two on the field, one will be taken, while the other left. Israelis are commanded not to work on a feast day. They are not allowed to work on the field. This rules out rapture timing on Pentecost. Here's my thought.

The Covid-19 shall go rampant for few more months. Vaccine comes out in summer. This vaccine proves to be 100% healing rate. The fear of virus is gone. People go back to eat, drink in public places. Their life go back to normal. Marriage also takes place in summer. Then on or around Sept 4, sudden destruction comes, God calls the church home!!! Hallelujah!!!

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Second coming - very interesting this break through lab is located in Galilee region. I find that humor from God. The scientist state they are lucky to have been working on a related “poultry” version —-naw, that’s all God! I can’t wait to see what the stran looks like under microscope- bet it does resemble a form of star - :mdrmdr: :flyup: :prayer-hands:

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Jesus also says he shall cut short those days. Does it mean he is coming back before 2520 days ends? On this new timeline, he is coming back at the end of 2471 days.

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Yeah, Galilee caught my attention too. Jesus is from Galilee. I agree with you. May be what they found is not pure luck. It comes from God. :yahoo:

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On this new timeline, Jesus is coming back at the end of 2471 days. Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy began on 445 BC. If 2027 is the end of 70 weeks prophecy, between 445 BC and 2027 AD, there are a total of 2471 years.

445 + 2026 (2027 - 1, because there is no 0 in AD ) = 2471 years

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I love the magic you do with math!  Math gives me a headache and then I go blind!  That's my story and I'm sticking with it!


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Anyway, my high watch date shall be July 17,18 and Sept 4,5. If we see the Covid-19 is contained, and people's life go back to normal, eating and drinking again, watch out, this may be the sign Jesus gives us prior to rapture.

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Spot on with the resumption of the eating and drinking reference!


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I’m not sure if we can use that phrase “eating and drinking” as “normal life” because the people are eating and drinking right now even in the midst of this calamity crisis.  My neighbor said they bought out the wine bottles and beer in the 2 grocery stores in town.   Not sure if the 1 liquor store in town has been invaded yet so he will try to get his beer there.

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