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Patricia N.
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From Amir Tsarfati:

Russia's new demand from Israel: transfer to our ownership three churches on the Mount of Olives.

While he awaits a decision regarding the ownership of Alexander's court in Jerusalem, Putin is pressing for additional sites in the city: the Mary Magdalene Monastery where the grandmother of the current King of England is buried, as well as the Ascension Monastery and the Galilean Church of Viri, which serves as the summer residence of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch.

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Rules are already changing for the Jews on the Temple Mount :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Per Sean Osborne Eschatology Today - December 26, 2022

Non-existent laws and other police illegalities regarding Temple Mount visitation by Jews such as in the link below are about to be swept away into oblivion.


Donuts for everyone on Temple Mount :whistle: 


Per Israel National News

December 25, 2022

Court:  Man who brought donuts to Temple Mount won’t be banned from site


The Jerusalem Magistrate Court ruled that a Jewish man who sought to bring jelly donuts onto the Temple Mount should not be barred from the site, the holiest in Judaism.

In a ruling published before the start of Shabbat, Judge Zion Saharan state that an argument with the police does not justify arrest on the grounds of danger, as claimed by the police, who even sought to keep Nisani away from the Temple Mount for 15 days.

During the hearing, the police representative, Sergeant Major Anan Zaida, claimed that “the respondent (Nisani) arrived at the Temple Mount with doughnuts.  There is a rule that prohibits bringing donuts into the Temple Mount in order to prevent provocations … the respondent arrived and took pictures and continued to insist, disturbing the policemen.”  At this point Judge Saharan asked where the rule forbidding the introduction of donuts was found and published, but Sergeant Major Zaida replied that he did not know where the rule was nor who set it.

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Patricia N.
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Biblical Siloam Pool next to Temple Mount to be fully excavated:

"The other events of Hezekiah's reign, and all his exploits, and how he made the pool and the conduit and brought the water into the city, are recorded in the Annals of the Kings of Yehuda."  II Kings 20:20 (The Israel Bible)

The ancient pool of Siloam, first mentioned in the biblical book of Kings II, will be fully excavated and opened to the public, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Tuesday.

“The Pool of Siloam in the City of David National Park in Jerusalem is a site of historic, national and international significance,” said Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion. “After many years of anticipation, we will soon merit being able to uncover this important site and make it accessible to the millions of visitors visiting Jerusalem each year.”

During the Second Temple period, millions of pilgrims coming from outside of Jerusalem probably used the pool as a ritual bath (mikveh) before ascending to the Temple Mount, through what archaeologists have dubbed as the “Pilgrimage Road,” the city’s main street that led directly to the sanctuary.

According to the Bible, the structure was first built under King Hezekiah, some 2,700 years ago.

The structure is located just outside the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City to the southeast.

The pool is also mentioned in the Gospel of John as the site where Jesus heals a blind man.

Visitors will now be able to observe the excavations and eventually visit the pool as part of a route starting at the southernmost point of the City of David and ending at the footsteps of the Western Wall. The same route that Jewish pilgrims walked 2,000 years ago.

Patricia N.
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Creating handmade wooden flutes for the Third Temple:

Praise Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with lute and pipe.  Psalms 150:4 (the Israel Bible)

Ariel Louis, a multi-talented artist driven by his passion to create and to serve God, is making Baroque flutes which his late father believed would be the missing element required for the music of the Third Temple.

“Making Baroque flutes is a lost art,” Ariel explained. “It is deceptively simple with only six holes  but it can produce the entire chromatic scale in three octets which is insane for a primitive instrument.”

Seven years ago, Ariel traveled to Duseldorf, Germany to study with Fridtjof Aurin, one of the very few craftsmen alive today making Baroque flutes.

“The flutes have to be accurate to a perfect level to produce the right sound. The inner channel is not uniform like a tube, but in the shape of a cone – every tenth of a millimeter the thickness changes. I had to study the plans to understand it, because you have to reach amazing accuracy. For example, there is a hole that should be 85.85 millimeters in diameter. I use cobalt drills that are accurate up to a thousandth of a millimeter.”

Ariel uses rare woods aged at least 80 years and hand tools which he claims produces a sound that cannot be duplicated on flutes made with power tools.

“The sound of my flutes made from this wood is intense, trenchant, powerful, and rich,” he said. “They are surprisingly responsive to delicate nuances of style and embouchure.”

Ariel noted that so many aspects of bringing the Third Temple require reviving lost arts, such as the crimson and techelet dyes, the special breads, and even the music, recreating sounds that haven’t been heard for 2,000 years.

“I also see myself in some way as the one responsible for returning something that was taken from Judaism,” Ariel said.


Patricia N.
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Netanyahu to freeze annexation for Saudi peace deal:

“This is a very important goal, because if we have peace with Saudi Arabia, we are effectively going to bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict,” says Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu.

Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu is aiming to secure a peace deal with Saudi Arabia, which would see the Gulf kingdom formally normalize relations with Israel, in exchange for sidelining an annexation plan for Judea and Samaria, according to a new report.

The Hebrew language outlet said that U.S.-brokered talks to secure a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia are currently underway in Germany, and Netanyahu has expressed willingness to suspend annexation as a condition for signing a deal with Riyadh.

“We have things in place. The Saudi government’s decision to open up Saudi airspace to Israel occurred before the Abraham Accords, that gives you a pretty good clue that they didn’t look askance at the Abraham Accords,” Netanyahu told Jewish Insider on Thursday.

“Now I hope to bring about a full, formal peace as we’ve done with the other Gulf states like Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates,” he added. “It’s up to the Saudi leadership to decide that. I hope they will. And I intend to explore that alongside my other main goals. This is a very important goal, because if we have peace with Saudi Arabia, we are effectively going to bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict.”

It’s unclear how the Religious Zionism party, which campaigned heavily on a pro-settlement and pro-annexation platform, would react should Netanyahu break his promises to them in favor of peace with Saudi Arabia.

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Sean Osborne - Eschatology Today - December 28, 2022 at 2:40 PM

Outgoing DM Gantz warns that Israel could strike Iran nukes by air after Iran threatened to raze Tel Aviv.

The timing is impeccable


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Patricia N.
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Esoteric Sources: Widening Siloam Pool Will Usher in Messiah:

Ancient esoteric Jewish sources may have predicted that the recently announced plans to excavate the Siloam Pool in Jerusalem have a major role to play in the Final Redemption.

Rabbi Anava went on to cite Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (1789-1866), known as the Tzemach Tzedek who was the third leader of the Chabad branch of Hassidut. In his book, Sefer Halikkutim, the Tzemach Tzedek wrote that Adam made teshuva (repentance) while submerged up to his neck in the waters of the Gihon. The Tzemach Tzedek explained that the Gihon was one of the four rivers that flowed out of Eden (Gen. 2:13).

He commented another name for a snake (nachash) is gahon which literally means ‘stomach’. This is because a snake crawls on its belly. But the word gihon has an additional letter yud which is the first letter of God’s name. The snake draws holiness from the waters of the Gihon. The snake coming from holiness (i.e. the Gihon River) represents the tikkun (fixing) of the sin of Adam and Even that caused Man to be ejected from Eden. For this reason, the gematria (numerical value) of nachash (snake) is 358, equal to the gematria of Moshiach (Messiah).

“The root of Moshiach comes from the snake of the holy realm,” Rabbi Anava explained. “It is the same level of the copper snake,” he wrote, referring to the totem called the Nechushtan that was used to heal the Jews in the desert (Numbers 21:8). “This was a holy entity that had the power to heal and cure the people.”

“Therefore, we can conclude that Messiah is coming from the source of the Gihon,” Rabbi Anava wrote. “If it is widened, then this initiates the redemption.”

Rabbi Anava then noted that King Solomon was anointed by the waters of Gihon, hinting that revealing the Gihon would be necessary to anoint the Messiah king from the Davidic dynasty.

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Sean Osborne - Eschatology Today


January 3rd

Itamar Ben-Gvir's Temple Mount statement:

"Our government will not surrender to the threats of Hamas. The Temple Mount is the most important place for the people of Israel, and we maintain the freedom of movement for Muslims and Christians, but Jews will also visit the site. Those who make threats must be dealt with with an iron hand."


Ben-Gvir's wife also ascended to the mount a short time ago.


Gaza terrorists attempted to strike Israel with a rocket tonight, but it failed and the rocket crashed in Gaza. Iron Dome units are on alert.


January 4th

UN Security Council is planning to meet because Ben-Gvir ascended the Temple Mount.


Sean posted
Just so ridiculous. Israel's sovereignty over Temple Mount will have to be won anew through battle.


Someone replied

Yep. Psalm 83 is coming up very soon. I think we all can feel it.


January 5th

Sean posted
That's a very good news to hear, I think we can all feel it too.

I also believe the Holy Spirit is comforting us with knowledge that Jesus coming for us very soon.

This world is falling ever deeper into dark, depravation, such demonic sin as I never thought I'd see with my own eyes. Thank God for the Restrainer.

This nearness has led me into retiring from my military work of the past 44 years, my last day is 13JAN23. The Lord's work will be my daily routine 24/7/365 from then on. It'll get busier here. Smile
BTW... The violence in Judea and Samaria is pretty much daily of late; armed clashes between IDF and jihadists are near constant throughout the region. Jenin, Shechem especially.


Likud MK Danny Danon:

Everyone has a right to go to the Temple Mount, whether he is a Muslim or a Christian - or a Jew. The fact that we allowed this visit shows that this government is not afraid of the Hamas terrorist organization. We believe in our sovereignty in Jerusalem and we will ensure that every Jew who wants to come and practice his religion in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, will be able to do so.


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Patricia N.
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After Ben-Gvir’s Temple Mount visit, activist group requests permission to bring Passover sacrifice:

The visit, Ben-Gvir’s first since he took office last Thursday, sparked criticism from the U.S. State Department, the British consulate in Jerusalem and across the Arab world, with the United Nations planning a Security Council meeting to discuss the visit.

However, the Return to the Mount organization, which advocates in favor of expanded Jewish access to the Temple Mount, said it was encouraged by Ben-Gvir’s visit and now hopes the newly minted minister will agree to their request to bring a Passover sacrifice at the holy site this coming spring.

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Starts @ 5:02

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