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Passover 2023 = April 6 depending on the calendar used.  Nisan 10 when perhaps we leave, is April 1, again depending on the calendar yet only a few days at the most.  I don't want to wait past this month, but I'm blurting our my next most expected date again anyway. :yes:

Maybe with six more months through this world's worsening evil and persecution will convince even  reticent-to-believe Christian fence-sitters, :unsure:  that "Yup! It's way past time!  Let's go!!"  :wacko: :good:

We'd go out with an even bigger bang! :yahoo:

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These heifers were 5 mos old when the rabbis inspected them in Texas last year, now they are 1 year+5 mos and that equals 17 mos. They will be at the right age (2 years) in April 2023!!!

This is enpugh to blow my little brain :wacko: :yahoo:

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I saw a youtube where they said the heifers came from 2 separate Texas farms and they are down playing the correct age of the heifers because Israel doesn’t want their enemies to be “in the know” cause it could trigger a war.  So … they actual “might” already be 2 yrs of age and could be ready as early as next week and if so … they will perform a secret ritual to obtain the ashes.   Its all a wait and see … :popcorn

Patricia N.
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New Palestinian Problem: Kids Confused by Israeli Kindness:

As is well-known, the city of Hebron is often the center of clashes between Israelis and Palestinians. Now a Palestinian kindergarten teacher has shed light on the nature of one of the “difficulties” faced by Palestinians in the city.

During an interview about Palestinian children in Hebron, a kindergarten teacher noted that one “difficulty” for the children is that “the settlers or Israelis sometimes call to them and give them a carton of chocolate milk or milk.”

Why is Israeli kindness a problem?

Apparently, because the kindergarten teacher and other adults want to maintain the PA libel that all Israelis are evil and only seek to harm Palestinian children. The kindergarten teacher clarified that they can’t take these gifts away from the kids “or throw them on the ground,” because the kids wouldn’t understand.

. . . in Hebron it is unfortunate that actions that might foster friendly relations between Jews and Arabs – like offering a kid a carton of chocolate milk – is unwanted and discouraged by Palestinian educators.

Patricia N.
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From Five Doves---Canadian Military Personnel – at the Scene of the Conflict in South Hebron Hills:

Following the violent events last week in the South Hebron Hills region, in which an Israeli shepherd was critically wounded, this afternoon members of the Canadian military visited an area under full IDF military closure orders. The Canadian officers, accompanied by Palestinian Police, Arabs and a group of anarchists, demanded entry to the Maon Farm.

Last month, another Canadian military delegation was spotted in Judea and Samaria, where they met with Palestinian activists at a number of confrontation sites and illegal structures, in Har Hebron and eastern Gush Etzion.

The Regavim Movement provided background: “These officers are part of a delegation of military personnel to the Proteus Project, created during the Clinton Administration’s efforts to promote the ‘Road Map to Peace.’ Eight NATO member-states send military representatives to Project Proteus, whose mandate is ‘capacity building’ for the Palestinian Police; in other words, to train and empower law enforcement forces that are supposed to keep the peace in Areas A and B. The members of the Proteus Project have absolutely no mandate in Area C; nonetheless, recently they have been spotted all over the areas under Israeli jurisdiction – visits not coordinated with the IDF that constitute a gross violation of Israeli and international law.

“The free-for-all in Area C is out of control,” says Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim. “High-ranking officers of the Canadian Armed Forces roaming around the territory, meeting with criminals and agitators, is not only a serious diplomatic problem, it is unprecedented, unacceptable – and outright dangerous.

Patricia N.
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From Five Doves--Israeli Rabbi Says He’s Already Holding Meetings With Messiah:
A snapshot of Israel’s spiritual hunger as the biggest rabbis are afraid to leave the country lest they miss Messiah’s coming.

Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz told religious broadcaster Radio 2000 that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky recently told him that he (Kanievsky) is already in direct contact with the Messiah.  To understand why religious Jews are taking this seriously, it’s important to know that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky is considered one of the two or three top rabbis of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Israel.

And Rabbi Zisholtz says that Kanievsky and others of the mystical “concealed” rabbis have now tasked him with informing the public of the Messiah’s imminent arrival.  Rabbi Zisholtz began his explosive three-hour interview with a warning:

“…the process of redemption is about to start happening very quickly and at a fast pace. It is important that people remain calm and steady to act properly in the right time.

“Getting the word out now that the Messiah is closer than ever is a matter of life and death. Haven’t you heard of Gog and Magog? That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now, the situation is explosive more than you can possibly imagine. Everyone needs to know whether they are on the inside or if they are going to be left out.”

He went on to reiterate a number of signs of which prominent rabbis have taken note and that they firmly believe to be evidence of the coming of Messiah.

“Rabbi Dov Kook, as everyone knows, is a very righteous man. He is one of the greatest men of our generation…[and] ten years ago, when Israel was suffering from a horrible drought, someone asked Rabbi Kook when the Sea of Galilee will again be full,” recounted Rabbi Zisholtz. “Rabbi Kook responded that when the Messiah arrives, the Sea of Galilee will be full. In a few weeks, the Sea of Galilee will be full for the first time since Rabbi Kook made this statement.”

“Another righteous rabbi said that according to the current situation in heaven, there will not be Israeli elections – rather, there will be a war,” cautioned Zisholtz. “If the elections do take place, it’s pointless since it will end like the other elections; no government will come out of it. No one will take the government away from Netanyahu.”

Decades ago, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, one of modern Israel’s most revered sages, as well as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, both predicted that Benjamin Netanyahu would be the State of Israel’s last prime minister prior to the Messianic Age. A great many, if not most of the ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel continue to believe that to be true.


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Something Pastor JD spoke about in his update yesterday. A train will be ready to transport people from Ben Gurion international airport to THE TEMPLE. That is, The Third Temple. Get this, it will be ready in April

So it is understood the Temple will be built first.

My poor brain is still spinning :wacko:

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I can't imagine one more day in this crazy world but then...I have 5 grown children who are yet to be saved. And I'm just one person, so another day, another 6 months, whatever it takes if the Lord tarries for His purpose, to see the lost saved, I can continue to hang on with and in His strength. I just ask daily for Him to help me be a light to the lost in this darkness, I pray for the courage, the determination and the right words at the right time and for the Holy Spirit to do His perfect work and open the eyes and hearts of anyone He puts in my path. It never feels like I get anywhere but then's His job to water the seeds right :yahoo:

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I am sure we're all right there with you Angie. All having lost loved one's still needing to be saved. All of us having shared wherever, whenever we are led, even over and over again. It's a painful and heartbreaking thing to think family and friends might experience the Tribulation.

I would say that's why the Lord gave the last chance for choice for those going through the Trib, in a final choice for Life or Death. God has given every opportunity to every person, and where they can procrastinate here before the Trib, they will not be able to any longer in the Trib. They will choose Christ or the anti-Christ.

The excitement that Watchers have are in seeing the signs come together of the ever growing  nearness of the Rapture. We have that joy, but also that sorrow for those who continue to reject Jesus; for those who will put themselves in to the Tribulation really. This is not our choice for them. Every person making their choice whether to hear or not, in spite of our best efforts in prayer and witnessing.

The Lord gives the lost so so many chances during our lifetimes to accept Christ. One day He will say, time to Come up Here, to all those who chose to believe. Wouldn't we all love it if the Lord could wait for every loved one! But it comes down to their choice in the end as the End comes nearer.

We're all grateful that in His mercy, God has given that last 7 years for our loved one's to finally hear, finally see, finally believe, and finally choose who they will serve. :heart:


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Well said Kolleen!  Better in the Lord's hands than in ours!  Again, God seems to eliminate all those that might later rebel against Him as like the Angels!  TR

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