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Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Losing a war you had no business starting doesn’t make you a victim of war crimes.
Winning a war someone else started isn’t genocide.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

An Arab blogger, Hoda Jannat, writes:

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people... has 36 hospitals
There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel.
Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone
And $120 million a month from UNRWA
And $50 million a month from the European Union
And 30 million dollars a month from America.
There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with one million dollars.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged, and all goods were entering it, as were foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were traveling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and Fafo is the biggest example.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries...and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.

🔴 Suddenly...we discovered that our minds were besieged by a programmed the (Muslim) Brotherhood media. <  

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I am sure there was so much more going on then we realize.

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"Ottawa’s generosity to the Palestinian arrivals comes as none of the Arab countries that claim to love them as brothers are willing to accept them as refugees, as Breitbart News reported."


None of the Arab countries want to take the Palestinians because they know what they are like. They will destroy their countries and when their numbers get really big, they will try to take over the country. 

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Starts 2:34  Lisa WW65 believes the church has got to be going very soon … Israel is currently at war with 6 fronts and now this week it became 7 fronts .. they are totally surrounded 
Israel is preparing for war across 7 fronts.  Russia threatens to take U.S. bases in NATO areas
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Patricia N.
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2024 Will Be A Year Of Catastrophic War In The Middle East:

The war in the Middle East that began in 2023 is going to go to an entirely new level in 2024.  As you will see below, fighting along Israel’s northern border has escalated significantly in recent days, and this is causing a great deal of concern.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated that he plans to finish the conflict in the south before dealing with Hezbollah, but he may not have a choice in the matter.  Hezbollah forces continue to fire at targets in northern Israel and the IDF continues to carry out strikes in response.  In fact, it is being reported that the IDF just attacked “a Hezbollah military headquarters in Lebanon”

Meanwhile, we are being told that an IDF airstrike on Damascus has killed a senior Iranian military commander…  The Iranians are absolutely furious about this.

We are much closer to a point of no return than most people realize.  Even before this military commander was killed, the Iranians had become a lot more active.  On Saturday, the U.S. blamed the Iranians for “a drone attack on a chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean”… 

Subsequently, the Iranians actually threatened to shut down the entire Mediterranean Sea. . . 

But even if Hamas and Hezbollah could be completely wiped out, the truth is that the threat of radical Islam would not go away.

Thanks to our very foolish politicians, millions of Muslims have been brought into the U.S. in recent years, and some of them are extremely radical.  In fact, radical Muslims have essentially taken over significant portions of the state of Michigan at this point.

According to Google, there are currently 1.8 billion Muslims in the world.  That is almost a quarter of the entire global population.  Needless to say, they are going to play a major role in the period of unprecedented chaos that is coming to our planet.

So this war in the Middle East will not be the end of the story.  Instead, it will be just the beginning…   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Yesterday 140 Christians were killed in 20 villages in Nigeria.
In one village only two toddlers were left alive.
Anyone cares about the massacre? Any protests in European cities? Any UN condemnation? Nobody cares.
The pro-Hamas mob are standing on the highway preventing people from getting to JFK airport.
Because they are totally, for sure, absolutely positive that preventing people from getting home or going away will Free Palestine.

Perhaps Today
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I am sure much, much more is going unreported.

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Amir talks about more that is going unreported:

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Perhaps Today
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@blue Thank you Blue.

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