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Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati's

MidEast Update | SEP 10, 2024

Patricia N.
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Biden admin pushes Israel to give land to Hezbollah:

The appeasement lobby only has one big idea when it comes to Islamic terrorists and any other enemies:

1. Give them land.

2. When the terrorists attack anyway, explain that it’s because they didn’t get enough land last time.

3. Give them more land.

4. When the terrorists attack anyway, explain that it’s because they didn’t get enough land last time.

Israel has been living through this particular “peace process” nightmare for a generation.

Now, faced with growing Hezbollah attacks, the Biden administration has one big bright idea.

“American officials recently proposed, in a virtual meeting with their Israeli counterparts, a land swap between Lebanon and Israel as part of a comprehensive agreement to end the border conflicts and resolve the land dispute between the two countries, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Sunday,” reported The Jerusalem Post.

But appeasing Islamic terrorists doesn’t work. Defeating them does.

Hezbollah will claim any territory it gets and attack anyway because that is what Islamic terrorists do. Hezbollah is backed by Iran. It’s going to attack when Tehran tells it to. As an Islamic terror group, attacking non-Muslims and dominating them is a fundamental religious obligation. So making deals with it won’t work.  Just like making deals with Hamas doesn’t work.

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Swiss parliamentarians vote to stop UNRWA funding:

Switzerland is UNRWA’s ninth-largest donor nation, contributing more than $21 million in funding in 2023.

The Swiss House of Representatives voted on Monday to immediately halt payments to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) over its ties to terrorism.

The decision, which still needs to be approved by the Swiss Senate, was the latest back and forth between the two governmental chambers over funding to the agency, and mirrors similar moves taken last year.

The 99-88 vote to suspend funding was adopted along with a separate motion calling on Switzerland to directly support aid efforts by other organizations in the Gaza Strip.

“This is a very powerful signal and a continuing vote of no-confidence in UNRWA,” Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch, told JNS on Tuesday.

An Israeli intelligence report released earlier this year showed that at least a dozen UNRWA employees actively participated Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre and that the agency has hundreds of “military operatives” belonging to Hamas and other terrorist groups on its payroll.

The revelations prompted 17 countries—led by the United States and Germany, UNRWA’s biggest donors—including Switzerland to suspend funding.

Nearly all have since resumed funding due to concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

The United States—UNRWA’s largest donor, accounting for some 30% of the agency’s budget—has frozen its donations until at least next year.


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Israel’s longest undercover operation exposes smuggling network at Ashdod Port:

One of the most extensive undercover investigations in Israel’s history culminated in the arrest of dozens of individuals involved in a wide-ranging smuggling, bribery, and money laundering network at the Port of Ashdod, the Israeli Police announced on Tuesday.

The agent, who had been working undercover for four and a half years, infiltrated a highly organized group of customs officials, importers, and criminals accused of systematically smuggling illicit goods, tax evasion, and money laundering.

Among the dozens of suspects arrested in the Tuesday morning raids was an employee of the Ministry of Transportation.

Authorities seized over a million shekels in cash, as well as luxury vehicles, documents, and electronic equipment, all suspected to be linked to the criminal operation.

Confiscation procedures have already begun for the seized assets, with investigators suspecting that much of the wealth was accumulated through illegal economic activities.

According to police, the operation uncovered a network that reached deep into Israel’s business community.

The suspects are expected to face charges of money laundering, bribing public officials, smuggling, and other related offenses.

Authorities believe that the network had ties to organized crime groups and that their activities resulted in the loss of hundreds of millions — if not billions — of shekels in evaded taxes.

The Ashdod Port plays a key role in Israeli commerce, handling about 60% of the country’s cargo. 

Due to its proximity to Gaza, the port also receives a significant amount of international humanitarian aid for the Strip.


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Amir Tsarfati, Sept 11:

[The Twin Towers fell] 23 years ago today.
A documentation of the truck ramming attack where a 58years old Palestinian driver decided to drive into a bus stop where Jews were.
Every morning I pray to God that I will be able to find a way in my heart to deal with the daily dose of evil.
Gladly, I can find comfort in the words of the Messiah:

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Kamala Harris goes viral for her choice of earrings at the Presidential Debate with many speculating the earrings are identical to the wireless NOVA H1 Audio Earrings which are designed to look like earrings and play audio.
Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested in heavy clashes tonight in Melbourne, Australia. More than 20 police officers needed medical treatment, and about 40 protesters were arrested.
The US Embassy in Iraq confirmed that a diplomatic compound in Baghdad was attacked by rockets tonight, with no casualties.
During the night, the IDF believed that Major E., the veteran Blackhawk pilot, was a third person killed in the crash on the Philadelphi axis.
But the fighters of Division 162, whose seriously wounded comrade she came to rescue from enemy territory, did not give up.
They sawed off the cockpit and rescued her in critical condition during CPR. Now the doctors are fighting for her life.
Hamas has profited by at least a half billion dollars from humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip.
Approximately 200 aid trucks enter the Palestinian enclave daily. “It’s actually become the main oxygen pipeline for the terrorist organization."
Hamas steals the humanitarian aid and sells it to the population. It then uses the money to finance recruitment, Boker said, noting that 3,000 terrorists have been added to Hamas’s payroll in northern Gaza.
Israelis on both right and left have condemned the ongoing aid theft by Hamas, their anger rekindled by last week’s murder of six Israeli hostages in captivity.
(Almog Boker)
Erdogan: We support the territorial integrity of Ukraine. According to international law, the Crimean peninsula belongs to Ukraine.
About 60 rockets were launched into northern Israel in the last hour.
Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Jordanian border: "We will work here to establish a stronger obstacle against smuggling attempts, in coordination with the neighbors. It is important for us to ensure that this border remains a border of peace - and security."
Israel is still the only country outside of America to have a memorial that includes all victims names to remember 9/11. Israelis always remember with Americans.
Switzerland’s National Council has voted in favor of ending all Swiss funding of UNRWA due to its “incitement to terror and glorification of violence.”
The motion will now have to pass the confederation’s upper house for the law to enter into force.
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant revealed today a letter from a senior Hamas commander to the terrorist group's leaders Yahya and Mohammed Sinwar in which he reported heavy losses among its ranks.
In the letter, Rafa Salama, the khan Yunis Brigade commander killed in an Israeli air strike in July reported that 70% of Hamas’ weapons had been destroyed, along with 95% of its rockets. He also disclosed that 50% of the group's operatives had been either killed or wounded, while many others had fled, leaving the group with only 20% of its initial strength.
“Our people, who are either physically or mentally broken, can no longer stand us. We pray to Allah for guidance. Your brother, Abu Mohammed," Salama wrote, pleading for help from the Sinwar brothers, though Gallant emphasized that Hamas’ leadership was also vulnerable, saying, "We will reach them too."
Heavy blow to Iran Air: France, Germany and the UK will ban the Iranian airline from flying to their countries.
Reports in the Syrian opposition media that Thursday evening, special forces from the IDF carried out a special operation against a military facility belonging to the IRGC, six kilometers southwest of the Syrian city of Masyaf.
The targeted facility is directly affiliated with the IRGC and is responsible for developing ballistic missiles and drones and provides logistical support to the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon. The facility has been operating for more than ten years and was subjected to Israeli air strikes last year.


Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati, Sept 12:

Palestinian terrorists had their kids jubilantly pose against a backdrop with 9/11 terror attack imagery.
Palestinian protesters go around burning the American flag and calling for jihad using the word “intifada.”
In a letter to Sinwar from a Hamas leader. Hamas have admitted the IDF has killed 50% of their numbers, approximately 17k terrorists.
So even if the Hamas’ casualty figure of 40,000 is to be believed, you know, the one that doesn’t differentiate between civilian, militant or natural causes.
That’s a 1.3 : 1 civilian to combatant ratio.
The UN states that the average ratio in wars are 9:1
As we all knew.
This confirms that there is no “genocide”
This is one of the most 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙨𝙚 wars in world history.
(Kosher on X)
Satellite images reveal the ship suspected of transporting 220 ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia. It was photographed at Iran's Amirabad Port on August 29 and later at Port Olya in southern Russia's Astrakhan region on September 4.
(Open Source Intel on X)
The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reports this morning that Egypt and Qatar informed the United States in the last two days that there is a possibility of softening the position of Hamas in the context of the organization's new conditions, but they demanded that the Americans soften the position of Israel and especially the position of the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, regarding the Philadelphi corridor.
9 states and DC allow abortions at term for no reason at all.
So much for fact checking ABC News…
Top 5 lies that the ABC News moderators refused to fact-check or falsely fact-checked during the debate:

1. Mandatory Firearm Buybacks:  
Kamala Harris told Trump to "stop lying" about her wanting to confiscate firearms. Harris has previously stated multiple times that she wants to launch a mandatory buyback program.
The ABC moderators said nothing.

2. "Fine People" Hoax: Kamala Harris claimed Trump called neo-N*zi's "very fine people." This hoax was debunked by Snopes but the ABC moderators let it slide. The ABC moderators said nothing.

3. Post-Birth Abortion: Trump claimed babies were 'k*lled' outside the womb in failed abortions. Under Tim Walz, babies born alive in botched abortions are allowed to be left to d*e.
Eight babies who survived abortions in Minnesota were abandoned and sadly perished under Walz.  The ABC moderators simply said Trump was lying and moved on without adding context.

4. Defund the Police: Kamala Harris laughed when Trump said she wanted to defund the police. During a previous interview, Harris said having more cops on the street is "wrong."  
She also supported taking police officers out of schools.  The ABC moderators said nothing.

5. Bl**dbath Hoax: Kamala Harris claimed Trump said there would be a bl**dbath if he is not elected, insinuating that his supporters would start k*lling people. This is completely false. The comment was made during a rally where Trump said there would be a "bl**dbath" for the American auto industry if he is not elected.  The ABC moderators said nothing.
(Collin Rugg on X)

Since the seven seals of Revelation begins with the arrival of the Antichrist riding on a white horse - it goes without saying that no seal has already been opened! Happy to help!


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BREAKING NEWS with Amir Tsarfati:

[Nine minutes long.]

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Snippets from Amir's e-mail newsletter:

...Just as the memory of 9/11 still haunts so many over twenty years later, I know the specter of 10/7 will plague the minds of Israelis for decades to come.

A major reason that Hamas was able to hit Israel so hard was that we didn’t take their cunning and their ruthlessness seriously enough. We didn’t know the details about the miles of tunnels under Gaza nor the immense size of the weapons cache smuggled in from Egypt through the Philadelphi Corridor. We learned our lesson on the military side. We are also learning our lesson on the political side.

This past Friday, the German newspaper BILD published a document that appears to have come from the computer of Yahya Sinwar. In it, we find a ceasefire strategy that shows the manipulative and disingenuous of Hamas’s claims to want to return hostages and end the war. The article detailed six key points:

1)    Blame Israel: Hamas is committed to blaming Israel for every failed hostage negotiation. This is going according to plan.

2)    Preserve Military Power: Hamas is not thinking about giving up. They are ready to fight to the death of the last of their human shields.  ...Defense Minister Yoav Gallant revealed a letter yesterday from the recently exterminated Khan Yunis brigade commander Rafa Salama to Yahya and Mohammed Sinwar in which he reported that 70% of Hamas’s weapons had been destroyed, 95% of its rockets were ruined, and 50% of his operatives had been killed or wounded. Worse yet, 60% of his terrorists who were still of able body had fled, leaving him at only 20% strength. In summary, Hamas is not negotiating from a position of strength.

3)    Use Hostages for Pressure: This is where Hamas is finding its most success, both in Israel and abroad.  ...I understand the pain of the families of the hostages. But we cannot just cut and run out of Gaza. Hamas must be broken, or there will soon come a day when the butchers will pour over the border again, slaughtering more people and kidnapping more hostages.

4)    Prolong the Negotiations: Hamas does not want a deal. They thwart every attempt. That is because the greatest weapon they have is public opinion. 

5)    Use Arab Forces as a Buffer: This is a strategy in which they envision placing Arab troops along the border between Israel and Gaza. Doing this will allow Hamas to buy time and regroup, as they prepare for a future confrontation.

6)    Keep Raising the Price for Hostages: Like going to a retailer who ups the price every time to reach for your wallet, Hamas continues to raise their demands with each negotiation. Again, this is because they have no interest in returning the hostages.  ...To Hamas, Israeli hostages are no different than their own civilians – they are just cannon fodder to be used then disposed of when their usefulness is at an end.

This is what Israel is dealing with. Anyone who believes that Netanyahu or his government can just negotiate their way out of this conflict has absolutely no understanding of the true situation.

Israel’s Focus Shifting North
Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant clearly indicated the changing attention of the Israeli Defense Forces from south to north when he told troops, “The center of gravity is moving northward, we are near to completing our tasks in the south, but our mission here is not yet done.”  ...Israel will not be safe as long as the terrorist group Hezbollah has thousands upon thousands of rockets pointed toward the border.

New Eastern Front in Israel
Even as the IDF gears up for the north, a new front is rearing its ugly head. Citing Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei’s statement that the West Bank will be armed like Gaza, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz wrote on X, “The Iranian terror octopus is working to establish an eastern terror front against Israel and moderate states in the region.” Many don’t realize that 50-60% of those living in Jordan are Palestinian.

The United States Election
Tuesday saw the first post-convention debate between the presidential candidates. On one side was former president Donald Trump. On the other side were current vice president Kamala Harris and the two moderators from ABC. I will not give my opinion as to who I thought won the verbal contest, because I’ve got no business declaring winners. I am an Israeli. I have no vote.

I will tell you, though, that the world is closely watching the United States. I know that all of Israel is monitoring it, because we know that our future will be affected by the outcome. Harris claimed in the debate that she has always been a big supporter of Israel, then immediately followed by saying that too many innocent Palestinians are being killed and we need a two-state solution. Oy! 

My prayer is that the church pours out in droves, prays on their way to the election booth, then votes the way the Holy Spirit is leading. If that is done, then good cannot lose.

The world is in upheaval. But those of us who belong to the Messiah can have blessed peace. No matter what happens, He will carry out His plan to perfection. 

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Amir Tsarfati, Sept 13:

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati, Sept 14:

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