so on telegram, Amir seems to be joking about Iran sending drones to attack Israel. He said Amazon orders arrive faster than this. the Iranians can't be that stupid. They sent drones that take hours to reach Israel. Of course they are going to find out about it way in advance and stop it. can anybody explain why they chose to send these drones? A bit sickening to watch. People in Chicago cheering the attacks on Israel Iran sent 170 drones, 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles - carrying a combined 60 tonnes of explosive material - into Israel Iran violated Iraqi and Jordanian airpsace Israel and its allies - including the US - shot down 99% of the Iranian munitions The attack caused minor damage to Nevatim air base, in southern Israel, and one young girl from a Bedouin town in the south was hospitalized for severe shrapnel injuries "We intercepted. We thwarted. Together we will win," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on X. Israel and its allies reportedly viewed the event as a "win." The G7 condemned Iran's "direct and unprecedented attack against Israel" and warning of an "uncontrollable regional escalation." Iran threatened attacks on US bases in the MidEast if Washgton joins in any counter-offensive. De-escalation - The Israeli war cabinet voted to "exact a price from Iran in a manner and at a time that is right," but not immediately, according to US officials. "We don't want to see this escalate," US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said, adding that "we're not looking for a wider war with Iran." Meanwhile, earlier, the US declared it would not participate in any counterattack against Iran. And if there was any retaliation strike against Iran by Israel, the US would not be joining. Crucially, the Biden White House appears to be strongly signaling to the Netanyahu government that the attack is 'done' and that the United States will not back any follow-up counterattack operations against Iran: US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran, US media report, citing senior administration officials. Amir Tsarfati: NBC report: Biden told Netanyahu during their conversation tonight that "since the Iranian attack caused minimal damage to human life and property - Israel should see it as a victory and not respond." I wonder if the US would see successful interceptions over the White House as something to "make do with" and even a "victory". It's crazy that we are expected to accept that. Reports in the US media - Israel will respond but it is not clear to what extent, the US does not intend to take part in an attack against Iran and is content with assisting in defense. My fear is that the Biden administration will leak the timing and targets to the Iranians. We better inform him only minutes before impact! Amir Tsarfati: I only read half of this https://allisrael.com/war-clouds-forming-israeli-war-cabinet-preparing-to-order-retaliatory-strike-on-iran-expected-to-make-final-decision-tuesday?utm_source=convertkit&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=WAR CLOUDS FORMING%3A Israeli War Cabinet preparing to order retaliatory strike on Iran — expected to make final decision Tuesday - 13632052 Amir Tsarfati: [starts at the 7 minute mark] Amir Tsarfati: Residents in western Iran are experiencing internet and GPS disruptions in recent hours. Amir Tsarfati: A report in the Washington Post: Psalm 20: so Iran finally struck Israel directly, but Ezekiel 38 is Russia, Iran & Turkey fighting over the Golan heights. can anybody tell how this could possible play out?'Not Looking For A Significant Escalation' - Israel Threatens Imminent Response To Iranian Attack, Then Walks It Back:
Iran told the US earlier today that if it supports Israel's counterattack, expect its military bases in the Middle East to be attacked with missiles and suicide drones.
IDF Spokesman: Iran carried out an attack yesterday during which 350 launches of various types were carried out - this is 60 tons of explosive material that could cause tremendous damage in any region of the country. Dozens of fighter jets, alongside the Israeli defense systems, in cooperation with the regional coalition led by the USA, Great Britain, France and other countries in the region, intercepted 99% of the threats.
.....Breaking News: Iran's Attack and Israel's Response:
Breaking News - Iran & Israel:
Netanyahu declines phone calls from several foreign leaders to avoid pressure on Israel not to strike Iran.
Germany and the Netherlands announce the closure of their embassies in Iran following the attack on Israel.
The US Air Force has raised maximum alert at all bases in the Middle East.
https://t.me/s/beholdisraelchannel <
"Russia has committed to providing Iran with fighter jets and air defense technology that can help Tehran strengthen its defenses against any air attack by Israel or the United States."
This is according to American intelligence sources.
The story with Iran (Persia in the Bible) is far from being over.
Even if today Israel destroyed ALL their nuclear sites the Bible is clear about Persia joining Russia in the coming Ezekiel 38 war.
So either we hit them hard and they’ll wait for Russia to lead the way for them to pay us back or we will see more exchange of punches in the coming weeks.
What I am trying to say is simple: There is no scenario where we hit them and it’s over for good.
Know your Bible and find peace in God’s full control!
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
https://t.me/s/beholdisraelchannel <