Russian Forces Move Closer To The Mountains Of Israel: It is a very busy news week in the world’s most chaotic and volatile region—the Middle East. First and foremost, various media outlets in the region, in particular, Syrian State media run by Bashar al-Assad and also Israel’s Channel 11 broadcaster, report that Russian forces are moving closer to the Israel-Syria border. Russian forces have been in Syria since September 2015. They entered the Syrian Civil War basically to save Bashar al-Assad’s hide. Assad eventually prevailed in that Civil War and the Russian incursion into Syria was the game changer. Well, guess what? Surprise, surprise, Russian forces have not left nearly nine years later. They are still in Syria and are the most powerful force in that country where a number of regional actors have a footprint—the Iranian regime and Hezbollah foremost among them. Turkey is in Syria as well, and in the past, ISIS and Al-Qaeda were also in the region. Syria has been, as one friend of mine in Israel called it, a Potpourri of rogue regimes and terror groups all stationed in one place—at Israel’s doorstep. Now, reports that Russia is stationing forces closer along Israel’s border are a cause for great concern. There are geopolitical ramifications and prophetic ramifications as well. Could it be that the Iranian and Assad regimes are essentially calling in backup? I’m not saying Russia is going to militarily get engaged against Israel in this particular situation. However, are Russian Forces trying to send a message to Israel and act as a deterrent? If Russian forces are in the line of fire when Israel strikes Iran or Hezbollah assets in Syria, things can spiral out of control. It is a tinderbox there right now. Let’s look at the big picture. What does this mean prophetically? I believe a day is coming when Russia, as well as Iran, will lead what the prophet Ezekiel calls a latter-day confederation against Israel. It’s called The War of Gog and Magog in the Book of Ezekiel 38 and 39. The prophetic chess pieces are moving. One of those chess pieces involves the Russian forces moving closer to the mountains of Israel, where the Gog Magog Invasion will take place. https://harbingersdaily.com/russian-forces-move-closer-to-the-mountains-of-israel/ After the first phone call held with U.S. President Joe Biden in over a month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attempted to highlight common beliefs and downplay disagreements with the United States, while reiterating his insistence on an IDF ground operation into the town of Rafah. Netanyahu said, addressing the growing public rift. “We see no way to eliminate Hamas militarily without destroying these remaining battalions.” According to statements by Netanyahu and Israel Defense Forces, four of the six remaining intact Hamas battalions are located in Rafah, which is located in southern Gaza, near the border with Egypt. The Israeli premier explained his rationale for the IDF's large-scale incursion into the city, arguing that eliminating Hamas is a necessary condition to win the war. “We cannot go around it; neither can we say, ‘We will destroy 80% of Hamas and leave 20%,’ because from that 20%, they will reorganize and take over the Strip again and – of course – constitute a new threat to Israel.” Netanyahu emphasized his strong rejection of international pressure for a ceasefire. “We are – of course – under growing international pressure, which we are rejecting in order to achieve the goals of the war,” he said. Israel’s construction sector is expected to welcome thousands of Indian workers in the coming weeks in an effort by the Israeli government to address the labor shortage amid the ongoing war between the terrorist organization Hamas and Israel. The Israeli construction sector relies mostly on Palestinians from Judea and Samaria, internationally known as the West Bank. However, due to heightened security threats due to a growing number of terrorist attacks against Israelis emanating from the West Bank, Jerusalem has decided to find an international solution to its labor shortage. The influx of Indian workers to Israel is also a function of strong and growing diplomatic and economic relations between India and Israel. https://allisrael.com/israel-to-welcome-more-indian-workers-amid-burgeoning-indian-israeli-ties Amir Tsarfati: Trudeau government will stop sending arms to Israel, Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says - Toronto Star. Since the time of Moses, only nine red heifers have been sacrificed. Now, a “massive altar” for the tenth red heifer sacrifice has been built in Israel, and there is a tremendous amount of speculation that it could happen soon. In September 2022, five red heifers were flown from the state of Texas to the land of Israel. Since that time, one of them has been disqualified, but the other four continue to be candidates for a red heifer sacrifice. As I discussed last week, there was “a practice run of the purification ceremony” in 2023. But an official ceremony must be conducted before the heifers get too old to be used for such a sacrifice. So will a red heifer be sacrificed in Israel in 2024? According to CBS News, a “massive altar” has already been constructed. In the video that I have embedded below, you can see footage of this altar starting at the two minute mark… [at link] I was absolutely floored when I first saw that. A red heifer sacrifice would need to happen on the Mount of Olives, and the land where the sacrifice would take place is owned by Rabbi Yitshak Mamo… According to those working on the project, the ceremony of the red heifer needs to be performed on the Mount of Olives, and in a place that would have looked directly into where the Temple stood. The land directly east of the Temple Mount, purchased 12 years ago, meets both of those standards. Rabbi Yitshak Mamo owns that land on the Mount of Olives. Mamo is with Uvne Yerusalim, a group that preserves Israel’s history and works to educate future generations. Concerning the specifics of the land, he told CBN News, “It had to be exactly at the front of the place that the priest that made this ceremony can see the Holy of the Holy Place.” But the clock is ticking. If the heifers get too old, they will no longer qualify. During a recent public appearance, Mamo explained that “we are very close to the third year of these cows”… Recently, there has been a lot of buzz that we could actually see a red heifer sacrifice very soon. Last month, All Israel News reported that the Temple Institute wants to conduct a sacrifice “before Passover 2024”… This year, the Jewish people will celebrate Passover on April 22nd. That is about a month away. They’re going to do this, Passover weekend. So Easter weekend. I'm wondering if the above shown altar may not be the right one as Mondo says in this video. I have seen reports that this red heifer will be killed on March 29 or 30th, but Mondo says there was a window of time they wanted to do it between Passover and Shavout. Now Israel's government says they don't want it to happen Passover. It might happen in private, but another video I saw of Mondo said they wanted to broadcast it to 8 million people. They need to get it done while these cows are qualified. -Fair Use- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a planned visit to Washington by a high-level delegation to protest Monday’s U.N. Security Council decision calling for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. The resolution passed 14-0 on Monday after the U.S. decided not to use its veto power and instead abstained. The U.S. has previously vetoed three resolutions demanding a cease-fire. Red Heifer facts according to Red Heifer Project corrections on CBS Report by Temple Institute Amir Tsarfati: Hamas Information Bureau: The only explanation for not wanting us to enter Rafah is that the current U.S. administration is on the side of Hamas! So sad, I never thought I would see this day, yet it is here. We will be going home soon. Perhaps today............. Netanyahu after Biden phone call: ‘No way to eliminate Hamas without Rafah incursion’:
Israel to welcome more Indian workers amid burgeoning Indian-Israeli ties:
Astonishing words we never thought we’d hear from Gazans,
‘May God protect you, Netanyahu’
‘May God protect the Jewish people’
‘May God bless you and strengthen you against your enemies.’
These clearly heard words spoken by Palestinians themselves, after an Israeli airstrike on Hamas storage facility revealed to them that Hamas was hoarding aid intended for the people of Gaza.
Something we knew for months!!!
Most people who call themselves Christians don’t know the book of Revelation’s description of the seven year tribulation. If they knew, they wouldn’t be playing around as if “we have time” or “we will be here to experience it."
Just as in the days of Noah, the people had no clue about the nearness and magnitude of the coming judgment of God.
.....A “Massive Altar” For The Red Heifer Sacrifice Has Been Constructed In Israel:
Netanyahu Cancels Diplomats’ Visit to Washington in Protest over U.N. Cease-fire Vote:
18 Palestinians have been killed in the last few hours because of the aid drops from the air.
12 died by drowning when they tried to rescue aid from the sea and another 6 were killed as a result of being crushed by the crowd when they tried to reach the aid that was parachuted.
Mike Pompeo@mikepompeo:
You are either on the side of Hamas or the side of Israel.
And Hamas was thrilled to see the Biden Administration refuse to stand up for Israel.