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Hi Bill.  When I first joined this forum I used to like to talk about all the possibilities too.  One reason being that I was trying to understand all the different views that I was hearing on other forums.  One of them you mentioned is the 30 or 33AD date, and some others say 32AD. But soon I learned that folks here like to focus on the soonest possibility. If there is a sooner possibility, it kind of dampers people's hopes to speculate further out.

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We are anxious to go!  Too much evil going on down here and too many people with health problems.

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Starts @ 1:23

Israel postpones operation in Gaza due to
rain, while the RAFAH border crossing re opened for U.S.

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Hi Blue. sorry didn't mean to dampen any hopes thats for sure. I meant 30 thru 33, some say 29 too. I'd give my right arm, that would be so super awesome this year everyone.

We had some family come in from out of state that I explained the rapture to around 15 yrs ago. He's in the Air Force doesn't believe in God and this time told me his boss says all the going on with Israel is supposed to happen, it's in the Bible, then he brought up the rapture.

Everything flowed off my tongue so natural, we were talking all prophecy & I was quoting scriptures tying things together and he was seeing it. He was surprised after I told him that a lot of prophecy students think the rapture will happen this year.

I told him, as his 3 young kids sat on the couch, & wife listening in as she talked w/ my wife, that you do not want to be here for the tribulation, believe me! Told him so much, especially the midpoint about the locust.

You can definitely say the Spirit came over me as my dad used to say. You know when you try to witness to someone and their hostile or just dull of hearing? It wasn't like that, totally receptive.

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Hi Yohanan, I found that graph after I Googled Deagel De-Population from one of Geri's post and it was interesting it had 2025 as a target. I'm holding onto 2023 too.

I noticed the lines between the paragraphs. The other day I was experimenting with the Text column when I was drafting a comment. I finally read all of the comments in my email, phew.

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Maybe he'll be the last gentile on board and this ship can set sail?  (to use Jack Kelley's analogy)

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I’m trying to narrow down the true date of the crucifixion.  30, 32, 33 etc.

This is the best I’ve seen so far that doesn’t say Jesus died on Friday cause we know that can’t be right.

The Messiah died on a Roman cross in Jerusalem on Nisan 14 @ 3:00 pm on Wednesday April 3, in 30 AD  3 days and 3 nights exactly 72 hours later on the Sabbath @ 3:00 pm Saturday, April 6 in 30 AD Yeshua the Messiah rose from the dead - the Lord of the Sabbath, rose from the dead on Nisan 17.

So is there a way to find out if any eclipse or earthquake happened on Wednesday, April 3, 30 AD?  The darkness came at noon and lasted 3 hours until 3:00 pm … the average eclipse doesn’t last that long so this was all an unusual supernatural event … I’m thinking they just want to keep the account hushed up?

If you lean the crucifixion is in 32 or 33 AD - are the dates for those years 3 days and 3 nights  and can you find an eclipse that lasted 3 hours  and earthquake that was during that time period?

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2023 Rapture Pattern In God's Hebrew Alphabet?

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That's wonderful Bill!!!!! Smile Hopefully him and his family can get baptized!!! Smile

Patricia N.
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Maybe the weather was very rainy and delayed Israel's invasion so that more Gaza civilians would have time to evacuate.  But, Hamas is blocking roads and doing all they can to keep their human shields in place.

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