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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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Patricia N.
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Amir's weekly e-mail newsletter (snippets):

As I write this to you today, please understand that my emotions, along with those of all my fellow Israelis, are still raw. For those of you in America, think of how you felt five days after 9/11. So, while I will seek to communicate matter-of-factly, you will hopefully understand when there is steel in my words. I recognize that there are those in Gaza who do not agree with what was done by their leaders and fellow countrymen. I am sorry for what you must endure because of their evil actions. But, once again, this is war. You are not victims of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). You are victims of your own leadership.

The Current Situation:
Israel is fighting a three-front war. In the northeast, mortar shells have been fired across the border from Syria. The IDF is closely watching activity from that region, because it is a hotbed of activity by Iranian-supported proxy militias. Russia also continues to have a strong presence there, although it is decreasing as they siphon off troops from Syria to fight in Ukraine.

The second front is Lebanon in the north. Hezbollah is sending commando raids into Israel, while firing rockets over the border. Leaders from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as from Iranian proxy militias like Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, are in Lebanon orchestrating the terrorist actions. Hezbollah leadership is being very vocal against both Israel and the United States. I expect this front to explode soon due to the pressure being put on it by the IRGC.

The primary front is in Gaza to the south. This is where the attack against Israel originated, and this is where Hamas has its stronghold. Gaza looks like a warzone because that is exactly what it is. The IDF is on a mission to destroy Israel’s southern enemies – the terrorist organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad. To find them, they must root them out. That is why you are seeing building after building coming down in Gaza. This is not a police operation. We will not risk our people going door to door to find criminals. This is war, which means destroying the weapons, resources, safehouses, and personnel of your enemy. Those who understand war recognize the need for leveling buildings and cutting services like electricity and water. Those who don’t, cry out, “Unfair! Overkill!” If any of those naysayers actually looked at the pictures of decapitated babies and of families who were burned alive, I wonder whether they would have the same reaction.

In Israel, more than 400,000 reservists have been called to service. We are strong, and we are united as a nation.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has created a special emergency wartime government consisting of himself, former Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, current Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, former IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizencot, and Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer. This unity government’s sole purpose is the successful prosecution of the war until peace and safety are once again achieved.

The United States:
It is in the difficult times that one learns who are true friends and who are enemies. The one nation that has shown itself above all others to be a friend of Israel is the United States. For all the areas in which I strongly disagree with this administration, it has stepped up strongly to support our efforts to protect ourselves. I must give credit where credit is due. What is taking place now is not politics; it is war. And the US is our closest wartime friend.

On Tuesday, the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea as a deterrent against any other nations, i.e., Lebanon, from getting involved in the war.

For all the United Nations votes that go against Israel because of perceived slights against the Palestinians, the support from Europe has been surprisingly strong. Maybe for the first time, many are seeing in the radical element in Gaza what we have been dealing with for decades. The number of landmarks and governmental buildings that were either lit up with Israel’s blue and white or flew an Israeli flag was quite moving. Words of support and encouragement poured in from governmental leaders throughout the continent. Just yesterday, the Bundestag in Germany – of all places – stood for a minute of silence for Israel’s victims. Amazing!
The governments of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany have joined the United States in a coalition committed to coming against any third country that looks to enter the war with Hamas.

The Middle East:
Jordan has allowed the United States to deploy the 101st Airborne Division on its bases in support of Israel. The United Arab Emirates strongly condemned the attack against Israel, and warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against joining in the war. After an initial issue with Egypt over an attempt to export supplies into Gaza, there has been calm between Israel and its southern neighbor.

Israel’s Global Enemies:
The nation responsible for the attack from the north is Iran. They recruited the proxy militias. They funded them, trained them, positioned them, and now they have deployed them. Make no mistake, the religious tyrants in Tehran have escalated this conflict to the level for which they will pay a very heavy price.

Russian President Vladimir Putin blames Israel for the conflict. Relations between Moscow and Jerusalem have soured over gas and the ongoing conflict with Syria. Some of the techniques used in the Gazan terrorist invasion smacked of Russian involvement, and it would not be surprising to hear that they were involved in training the attackers.

Radical Left:
. . . . thousands of people in cities around the world took to the streets in support of Hamas. Seriously. There are times I am just flabbergasted not just by evil, but the joyful support by the radical left of evil’s heinous actions.

What’s Next?
Phase 1 – Cleanse Israel of Terrorists:
This is easier said than done. Even up to today, terrorists are being found hiding out in the south. The bigger concern, though, is up north.

Phase 2 – Destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad:
You can add Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, the Taliban in Afghanistan, ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and any other terrorist group that joins in this attack on Israel. We’ve played around with terrorism too long.

Phase 3 – Go After Nations who Helped:
Ayatollah Khamenei, you cannot hide behind your proxy militias anymore. Everyone knows that it is you supplying them with weapons, training, and funds.  That also goes for you, Vladimir. . . .

Pray for Israel. Pray for our leaders, particularly those of the emergency government. Pray for our military. Hundreds of thousands have left their jobs and their homes to temporarily step back into uniform. Pray for the families of the dead. Pray for the recovery of the wounded. Pray for those who are hostages or who were hostages. So many have been brutalized in the most violent of ways. Most of all, pray that God will somehow be glorified in all of this. He is good. He is God. We trust His ways.

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That is something, isn't it.

2023-10-13 09_43_20-Chart - ES 12-23

By 2025.

None of us can know for certain, we can use our best calculations but it's still a mystery. If we go this year, I will gladly look over at you and give you a nod & a smile because you nailed it.

On the other hand, IF we are still here this time next year, approaching the holidays in 2024 and into 2025, what then? Will 2025 be the year? I'm quite sure I couldn't persuade you that it wouldn't be.

If I then say, no I think it's yet another year or two. You may ask me if I'm a mid trib person. I think it comes down to when did Jesus go to the cross, AD30 or 33.

ps. if I don't hit every comment w/ a like just means I didn't have time. I tag a few here & there. :good:


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I'm still holding to 2023 as long as there are pages on the calendar. With that said, if we manager to make 2024 I do not think we will be here for the election. I haven't been right yet in my prognostications but neither has anyone else, so who knows.

That is an interesting graphic. There are a few ways to easily achieve it. One, and my favorite is the rapture! That could still happen today and fit the graph. Another could be the loss of everyone who took the vaxx, or at least the full compliment of vaxx and boosters. There is also the possibility of an invasion o the US mainland. We left billions of dollars worth of war equipment for our enemies to build an army with in Afghanistan, we have sent an unknown amount of out state of the art missiles and ammo to Ukraine. Our national oil reserves have been drained. How do we go to war with an invading army when we have so little left to defend ourselves with?

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Starts @ 1:59

The U.S. just gave Israel “The Green Light:
hit any target, anywhere, on any front, any geography”


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Starts @ 2:14

“The only way to solve this fight is for a two state solution” - Putin and Erdogan

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18:39 minute clip

Making Sense of All the Death in Israel from War & Overall!

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Someone posted



WATCH: Elite Israeli Commandos
Rescue 250 Hostages, Kill 60
Terrorists While Recapturing Base

By Daily Wire News
Oct 13, 2023 The Israel Defense Forces released video showing an elite commando unit recapturing one of their military posts that was overrun by Palestinian terrorists from Hamas last weekend. Footage showed members of the Flotilla 13 raiding the Sufa base near the Gaza border, which comes after thousands of Hamas terrorists murdered at least 1,300 Israelis and injured 3,000+ more in the attacks. More than two dozen Americans were killed and over a dozen were still missing.

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This happened a few days ago. I thought it was recent when I first read it. Got excited.

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Starts @ 1:49

U.S. goes to war:  USAF ordered to bomb Hezbollah and Iran Militias, ground invasion, tonight.

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