Is the Trump Peace ...
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Is the Trump Peace Plan What the AC Will Ultimately Confirm?

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"Trump’s peace plan does have one advantage. It is extraordinarily generous to the Palestinians. Their rejection of it will make their true intentions more obvious than ever. Perhaps that in itself will compel the U.S. and the West to go the whole way in discarding the soothing fantasies on which the “peace process” is based."

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Trump is no fool and this may be in part of his endgame. It will highlight the contemptuous nature of Obama and the Dem's plans and all who side with the Palestinians. It's hard to argue in favor of those who are so filled with hatred and are willing to sacrifice their children's future to continue in that hatred. It will be amusing to read the rebuttals of the loony Left in coming days.

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Only difference I see is a stronger backing of the U.S for Israel . ~ ~ ., without a doubt USA wouldn't hesitate to obliterate in a nano second any evil attempt by the Palestinians doing a strike on Israel ~

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At a time in perhaps the not too distant future, the antichrist will initiate a peace deal with Israel that will appear much better to the nation than the Deal of the Century.

“make a strong covenant” suggests the ac will take an existing peace plan and make it better, perhaps more favorable for Israel.

Could be Trump for now  is making it 'easier' for the ac  to improve, and 'complete' the 'deal of the century'  Israel  thrilled to know the ac will 'allow' the Jews to build their temple ~


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I think your right on Donna!  This initiative is certainly a foundation.  But in the mean time, Trump is definitely being a strong ally for Israel!  It's good that someone other than Israel can accept and highlight the special bond between Israel and God!




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I  thought this was a good take on Trump’s Peace Plan by Jonathan Brentner.  What caught my eye was the 4 year window for the Palestinians to get on board and accept it.  What are your thoughts to this?  Does this put everything on hold and were we given a clue the G/M war and  AC rising to power happens in 4 more years to confirm and make stronger?  How is that timeline going to fit in with the 2nd Coming on a certain Jewish Feast day because some are saying the rapture timeline fits in either this summer or in 2021.  Or perhaps there is a loooong gap period between rapture and G/M war and the AC confirming the covenant deal which then sets in motion the tribulation? :feedback
The Significance of President Trump’s Peace Plan
By Jonathan Brentner

Today, January 28, 2020, President Trump announced his long anticipated deal of the century, his plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. I believe this initiative, even if it never gets to the place of full implementation, is quite significant in terms of biblical prophecy.

On a human level (not considering biblical promises to Israel), I believe the plan is by far the best one ever offered to Israel and the Palestinians. It meets Israel’s security needs while at the same time offering the other side huge economic incentives. It is truly a “win-win” as Trump described it.

The deal includes other nations as contributors to the economic development of the Palestinians and Jordan will ensure Muslim access to the temple mount. The gulf countries of Oman, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates were at the White House for the announcement indicating their support for it.

From a prophetic standpoint, it’s highly significant because of so many signs pointing to the approach of the tribulation. If not for the abundance of indicators regarding the nearness of the coming New World Order and the appearance of the antichrist, Trump’s plan would not be so noteworthy in terms of what lies ahead.

Daniel’s description of the antichrist’s covenant with Israel adds to the intrigue surrounding the Deal of the Century.

Daniel’s description of the antichrist’s covenant with Israel 
At a time in perhaps the not too distant future, the antichrist will initiate a peace deal with Israel that will appear much better to the nation than the Deal of the Century.

The prophet Daniel tells us that the coming antichrist will “make a strong covenant with many for one week . . .” (Dan. 9:27). We know this treaty includes Israel from the verses context, but the word “many” suggests it includes other entities, likely additional nations.

The Hebrew for “make a strong covenant” suggests the antichrist will take an existing peace plan and make it better, perhaps more favorable to the nation of Israel. Nothing demands that this previous covenant be successful or fully implemented; the text only indicates that the antichrist improves the terms of a previous covenant.

I believe that one of the favorable aspects of this future deal will be the allowing of Israel to build its third temple. President Trump would not have gotten far placing this in his plan, but this would certainly make the antichrist’s plan one that Israel could not refuse.

The relevance of Trump’s Plan to prophecy
Please know that Trump is not the antichrist nor is his plan the one spoken of in Daniel 9. We are definitely not yet at that place in the timeline of biblical prophecy. The New World Order does not exist yet and President Trump is wholeheartedly opposed to globalism it represents.

However, this does not mean that the Deal of the Century is not relevant to biblical prophecy.

First, the antichrist will make his covenant with “the many” as noted earlier. Trump’s plan involves the support of several surrounding Arab nations and the United States, as well. Some of them were at the announcement this morning.

Second, this morning President Trump stressed the detailed nature of his plan for peace in the Middle East in its 81 pages. This makes it all the more inviting for the antichrist to incorporate into his future plan. Much of the hard work is already done.

Third, both the President and Netanyahu used the words “peace” and “security” frequently in their speeches today. I lost count after I heard the word “peace” 14 times. This also points to the lateness of the hour in which we live. In 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Paul described the beginning of the day of the Lord in this way, “While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

Fourth, given the fact that nations are aligning exactly as Ezekiel 38-39 said they would previous to the Gog-Magog War, it could happen in the not so distant future. If the New World Order springs to life from the ensuing chaos after this battle, the antichrist would be able to offer the temple as part of the deal given the devastating defeat God deals to radical Islam during this short war.

What does the plan mean for us?
The key for us is that we live in the last days of human history as we know it with the tribulation seemingly just around the corner, which makes Jesus’ return for us even closer. Apart from the vast number of indicators pointing to the closeness of what we see in Revelation 6-16, President Trump’s plan would likely be much less significant in terms of Bible prophecy than it appears to be.

It’s important to remember that Jesus will come for His church before the antichrist initiates his covenant with Israel. I say this because in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10 the apostle tells us the rapture will happen before the unveiling of the antichrist’s identity. We must be in heaven with Jesus before the antichrist initiates his treaty with Israel.

Personally, there are a couple things about President Trump’s deal that concern me. I think it forces Israel to give up too much land. On the other hand, this morning Prime Minister Netanyahu seemed ecstatic over the deal and expressed his full support of it, which must mean it fulfilled all his security requirements for Israel.

Secondly, even though the deal gives the Palestinians a remote part of Jerusalem where only Arabs live, that concerns me as well.

For now, the deal gives Israel control of the entire area in regards to security and the Palestinians must meet many demanding requirements in the next four years before they achieve statehood and possess a piece of the Land God gave to Israel.

Much can and will happen before that time. The rapture or the Gog-Magog War or both could dramatically change the Middle East and make Trump’s plan irrelevant apart from its incorporation into the covenant that the antichrist will make with Israel.


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P.S.  Here are my thoughts ... I’m trying to stay “Penny Positive” Smile
because Donald and Bibi both used the words “peace” and “security” at least 14 times in their speech! :whistle:     :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

1 Thessalonians 5:3 “While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”


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The words "peace and safety" have been used abundantly since the Clinton administration so just because those words are being tossed around now doesn't mean anything will necessarily happen in regards to the Rapture. With that said, NOTHING has to happen between now and the Rapture for it to take place. It could still happen at any moment.

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This we know . .  there is the waxing and waning of the birth pangs leading up to the Tribulation period.

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~   speaking of Israel, and her 'protection' by America ~ ~ THIS is why so far America remains blessed by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob . .  ~  " And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse." . . Genesis 12:3

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Ok ... I’m not trying to be a Rambling Rose here ... but I strongly feel we can really narrow down “when” the rapture day “could” occur if we stay very alert and watchful ... we will know its “even at the door”.   So I think the big question is ... how many of you believe there is a gap period between the rapture and the start of the tribulation?  If not, then shouldn’t we be watchful of every newspaper article on Israel’s enemies and their threats of when they plan on attacking and this will perhaps be the gauge of when everything unfolds in quick sequence without stop? :unsure:

According to the link Donna posted from Amy VG  it looks like there is no “gap” period of time ...  its a smooth transition from rapture to bam Ezekiel war.  Just wondering, are you all on the same page as this view ... with no gap time at all?


Per Amy

“Until the rapture occurs, the push for peace talks will continue. While it is possible that the world will try to force the "two-state" solution, and perhaps even make a peace treaty, Ezekiel 36 tells us that Israel will never again lose the "ancient heights." Therefore God will intervene to prevent the Jews from losing the land, or be forced to move from all their settlements in the West Bank. The rapture of the Church would certainly fit the bill of "sudden destruction," when the world is saying "peace and safety," preventing the "two-state" solution from going forward.

After the "sudden destruction" and the lifting of the restraining work of the Holy Spirit via the rapture of the Church, evil will become unrestrained (2 Thessalonians 2:7). Israel's number one ally, the U.S., and any lesser allies will certainly be crippled in the aftermath of the "sudden destruction" of the rapture. Israel's Muslim neighbors could take this as being a sign from their god, Allah, and seize the opportunity to attack Israel.”

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