Is Psalm 83 & J...
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Is Psalm 83 & Jeremiah 49:35 fulfillment right around the corner?

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Just wondering what are your thoughts with the recent rocket attack?  Is this a ploy to thwart the “Deal of the Century from being revealed?  And/or is this also leading to fulfillment of Psalm 83 and Jeremiah 49:35?

Here are a few headliners ...

  • Abbas’ deputy: We will thwart ‘Deal of the Century’
  • Kushner rejects calls to delay release of Mideast peace plan
  • US deploying carrier and bomber task force in response to ‘troubling’ Iran actions
  • US sends aircraft carrier to Middle East, warns Iran of ‘unrelenting force’
  • USS Lincoln strike group deployed to send Iran ‘clear and unmistakable’ message, Bolton says


Sooo the US navy is being brought into the region and we have this statement in the Times of Israel article below ...

Palestinian Islamic Jihad said it will disrupt the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest, due to take place in Tel Aviv May 14-18, and released a video threatening the Dimona nuclear facility, Ben Gurion Airport and other sensitive sites in Israel.”


Times of

Hamas said seeking ceasefire; Palestinian Islamic Jihad warns of all-out war

Amid continuous rocket fire, and reprisal Israeli strikes, officials in Jerusalem say the Gaza rulers have conveyed message to Jerusalem via Egyptian mediators

By TOI Staff
5 May 2019, 7:39 pm

Senior Israeli officials on Sunday said the Hamas terror group has asked for a ceasefire to end a weekend of sharply spiraling violence during which Palestinians fired over 600 rockets and mortars at southern Israel, prompting retaliatory airstrikes from Israel against hundreds of targets in Gaza, according to Israeli television reports.

Three Israelis were killed Sunday by the attacks from Gaza. Over a dozen Palestinians were reportedly killed in Israeli raids, most of them terror group members, including a senior commander in Hamas.

According to media reports, senior Israeli officials said Hamas sent a message via Egyptian mediators that it was seeking to end the heavy fighting. The Israeli sources were not identified in the reports and Hamas did not confirm it was seeking a cessation of hostilities.

The Israel Defense Forces said the vast majority of the projectiles fired from Gaza were launched by Hamas, which rules Gaza, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second most powerful terror group in the Strip. A smaller number of rockets were fired by other groups in Gaza.

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he ordered the military to continue “massive strikes” against Hamas, which Israel holds responsible for all attacks coming from Gaza.

The PIJ terror group on Sunday said that it was preparing to intensify its attacks and threatened the increased violence could lead to an all-out war between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

The resistance is about to go to a higher level in facing the aggression; a level that could lead to a war,” PIJ spokesperson Mosab Al Braim told the Hamas-affiliated al-Risalah newspaper.

Braim warned that the escalation will “hurt the enemy just like it is hurting our people.”

In the rocket attacks on southern Israel on Sunday, an Israeli man was fatally wounded when an anti-tank guided missile slammed into his car as he was driving along the Route 34 highway near the community of Kibbutz Erez, just north of the Gaza border. Hamas claimed responsibility for that attack.

Another Israeli man — Moshe Agadi, 58 — was killed early Sunday when a rocket hit his home in the southern city of Ashkelon, and another 22-year-old Israeli man died of injuries after a rocket blasted into a factory in the city.

From Saturday, some 600 rockets and mortar shells were fired from Gaza at Israel, with about two-thirds of the projectiles striking empty fields, according to the IDF. Over 150 projectiles that were heading toward populated areas were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, the army said. Some of longer-range rockets were also fired toward central Israel.

Israel responded by hitting over 260 Gaza targets including those of Hamas, PIJ, and other terror groups. As of Sunday afternoon, at least 14 Palestinians — most of them members of terror groups — were killed in Israeli airstrikes, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry. In addition, at least 80 people were said to have been injured to varying degrees.

One of the Israeli strikes targeted the car of Hamed Hamdan al-Khodari, who was said to be a Hamas field commander connected to the terror group’s leader Yahya Sinwar.

According to the IDF, al-Khodari owned a number of money exchanges in the Gaza Strip and used them to bring large amounts of Iranian cash into the coastal enclave for Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terror groups.

It was hours after the strike on al-Khodari that Hamas indicated it wanted a ceasefire, the senior Israeli sources claimed. The army also targeted dozens of sites connected to terrorist organizations throughout the Strip, including the homes of many terrorist leaders that the military said were used as weapons caches.

In light of the ongoing violence, the Israeli military on Sunday sent an additional tank brigade to the Gaza border and prepared for fighting in the coming days.

The PIJ has said it will disrupt the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest, due to take place in Tel Aviv May 14-18, and released a video threatening the Dimona nuclear facility, Ben Gurion Airport and other sensitive sites in Israel.

The exchange of fire followed several weeks of relative calm between Israel and Gaza amid an unofficial armistice, which appeared to be breaking down as terrorists in the Strip stepped up their violent activities along the border in the days preceding the outbreak of fighting. Gaza terror groups said their actions were retaliation for Israel not abiding by the ceasefire agreement by halting the transfer of Qatari money into Gaza — a charge Jerusalem denied, blaming the delay on Qatar and the United Nations.

Efforts by the United Nations and Egypt to broker a ceasefire between Israel and terror groups in the Strip yielded no concrete results as of Sunday afternoon, as neither side appeared interested in returning to the conditions laid out before the outbreak of violence.

On Sunday afternoon, Israel’s security cabinet held a meeting about the fighting in Gaza and later instructed the military to intensify its attacks in the Strip.


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Wars and rumors of wars!

Certainly no one single or small confederation coming against Israel can withstand the pinpoint accuracy of the Israeli military!

Perhaps these small skirmishes will only make the Peace Plan somewhat more attractive.  But this Peace Plan must be introduced for it to be "ratified" at some point in time!

Indeed there are troubling days ahead for the world and Israel in particular.  These entrenchments only more vividly highlight who are God's enemies!  Certainly, all will be without excuse when the Lord rains down His judgments!

Sad to think that so many can find themselves in open opposition to God and towards the apple of His eye!  I would think that any sane person would shudder to be identified as an enemy of God Almighty!

Yet, the world is emboldened by their own conceits and spiritual deceptions!

Seems to me that if I were to enter into a war, I would want to chose to the winning side?!  Let alone when it would decide my eternal destination!


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Yeah ... just looking at the timing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) threats ... in 2 more days its Israel’s birthday - May 8th - May 9th and then Israel’s National Independence Day is next week ... May 15th.  Certainly high watch time for the church to stay extra alert.

Kind of pondering now if the scenario unfolds this way ... the Palestinian  Islamic Jihad will successfully blow up the Dimona nuclear facility and then IDF and the US Navy will have no other choice but to retaliate back on Iran’s nuclear plant.  Then the world cries out for “peace”and the peace deal unveiling in June gets accepted?  Then soon afterwards ... that triggers the G/M war and destruction of Damascus?

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Jesus, please protect the innocent in the Middle East, protect the children, the elderly, widows, disabled people. Please comfort and take care of everybody who is scared and needs help.  Thank you

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One dirty bomb, a small nuclear device the size of a briefcase is all it would take. Years ago Russia admitted there was missing plutonium. All it would take is a very small amount. I pray this does not happen , but its all it would take to start all out war. The world is at a tipping point. We know how the story will go once the spark is lit.

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The US are bringing in the B-52 Bombers to help and protect Israel ...  I personally feel they want to eliminate any threats before they unveil the peace  deal next month ... :popcorn


Get Ready, Iran: B-52 Bombers Are Headed to the Middle East 
What happens now? 

The National Interest
May 8, 2019
by WarIsBoring

Here come the bombers.

Four US B-52 bombers have been deployed to the Middle East in response to threats of a possible attack by Iran against local American troops in the region, according to U.S. officials.

The bombers, which made up the bulk of the aerial nuclear response fleet during the Cold War and have been serving ever since were deployed from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on Tuesday.

In addition to the bombers, the U.S. deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, which will be heading into the US Central Command region in case immediate strikes are needed.

According to CBS News, White House national security adviser John Bolton insisted that while the US isn’t looking for a war, it is more than willing to finish one.

“The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime, but we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or regular Iranian forces,” he said.

It is unknown what kind of payload the bombers were carrying.


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Psalm 83 fulfillment?  Still pondering if the church will be here to see this or will we be called home immediately following ...


War will erupt this summer,’ says Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader

"We will continue until all our objectives are met," Ziad Nakhala tells Beirut-based Al Mayadeen TV station. "What happened in the most recent escalation was a preparation for the next major battle. From now on, the rocket fire will focus primarily on Tel Aviv and other large cities."

Israel Hayom
by Daniel Siryoti

Palestinian Islamic Jihad was “about to launch rockets at Tel Aviv when the cease-fire [with Israel] stopped it from happening,” the terrorist group’s leader, Ziad Nakhala, told the Beirut-based Al Mayadeen TV station on Tuesday.

Nakhala, who was in Egypt when the latest round of violence between Israel and Gaza-based armed factions erupted last Friday, outlined in the interview how events unfolded and also issued threats against Israel.

“We used sniper fire in response to [IDF] soldiers’ shooting at our innocent demonstrating civilians,” he said, adding that “we will continue until all our objectives are met. What happened in the most recent escalation was a preparation for the next major battle. From now on, the rocket fire will focus primarily on Tel Aviv and other large cities.”

Nakhala, who currently resides in Beirut, continued: “The test will be during the march of return demonstrations on Fridays, on Nakba Day and on the one-year anniversary of the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to holy Jerusalem. If there are casualties among our people, it is our right to respond and that’s what we will do. We will intercept the enemy’s soldiers on the border and launch long-range rockets beyond Tel Aviv. We are not afraid of the Zionist enemy. We defeated the occupation army in every round of escalation and we will do it again.”

The terrorist leader claimed that “Israel attacked civilian buildings and that forced us to respond strongly. There was no prior plan for it. We still insist that Gaza is under siege and demonstrators are coming under live fire during the march of return protests. The siege must be lifted from Gaza. We are handling it. In the meantime, Israel is making promises to Egypt and isn’t keeping them.”


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It blew my mind to read the Hamas statement that they were using this last skirmish as a test run for larger war activities this summer... as if they did not know Israel could literally blow them off the map! Oy!

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Jeremiah 48:31 Therefore will I howl for Moab, and I will cry out for all Moab; mine heart shall mourn for the men of Kirheres.

32 O vine of Sibmah, I will weep for thee with the weeping of Jazer: thy plants are gone over the sea, they reach even to the sea of Jazer: the spoiler is fallen upon thy summer fruits and upon thy vintage.

My belief is "the spoiler" shall consist of Iserali's army and possibly US and few more countries united effort in this military campaign.  And Jeremiah 48 shall be fulfilled in summer because of "thy summer fruits and upon thy vintage".

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